The Truth About Ron Paul - Part 2


Well-Known Member
the thread about who gives a shit why is this thread so big take this crap some where else please
got a suggestion for where a political thread belongs, other than in the politics section?

perhaps we should move it to the 'threads that are too long for wanabe to consider reading' section, where you can come along and comment that every thread there is too long for you to read.

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
You seem to support the Status Quo, i.e. you will only vote for the candidate most likely to win.
I've voted for plenty of candidates that I know are going to lose. So no, I said nothing remotely like. All I'm saying is that Ron Paul isn't a serious contender, he's just trying to get his issues discussed on a national level. I didn't say you shouldn't vote for him because of that.


Well-Known Member
I've voted for plenty of candidates that I know are going to lose. So no, I said nothing remotely like. All I'm saying is that Ron Paul isn't a serious contender, he's just trying to get his issues discussed on a national level. I didn't say you shouldn't vote for him because of that.
OK, so why the debate over voting for someone who isn't going to win? Why do you keep harping on that fact if it is not an important fact at all? Why do you keep saying "RP doesn't have a chance in hell of winning" if not for any other reason than to try and disuade people from voting for a losing candidate?


Well-Known Member
I thought you were kidding about Michelle Bachmann saying John Wayne, but dam that broad really did confuse John Wayne with Gacy...OMG & WTF


Well-Known Member
This thread has been hi-JAcked by that crazy know nothings and that Homosexual creep who should not be allowed around children. I don't know why any of you rational human even respond to them. Sorry Bud 13 but this thread has been ruined. UB does that to every thread that is started by people he and the RUI/FDD lefty cliche don't like.
I am off to another site. It is all ways the same maroons on here ruining it for everyone. UB will get this shut down soon enough.

Ron Paul 2012
Obama is a Communist and a fucking Maroon


Well-Known Member
This thread has been hi-JAcked by that crazy know nothings and that Homosexual creep who should not be allowed around children. I don't know why any of you rational human even respond to them. Sorry Bud 13 but this thread has been ruined. UB does that to every thread that is started by people he and the RUI/FDD lefty cliche don't like.
I am off to another site. It is all ways the same maroons on here ruining it for everyone. UB will get this shut down soon enough.

Ron Paul 2012
Obama is a Communist and a fucking Maroon
Gotta have thick skin around here.


Well-Known Member
I haven't figured out how to get cancel my account here.
I don't think it is possible (which is wierd) UB can you report me some more or just give FDD a call and have him ban me again per your request?
This time have tell him to perma ban me please.
I can't stand this site.
Crawling with some of the most disgusting examples of human bottom feeders I have ever come a crossed.


Well-Known Member
OK, so why the debate over voting for someone who isn't going to win? Why do you keep harping on that fact if it is not an important fact at all? Why do you keep saying "RP doesn't have a chance in hell of winning" if not for any other reason than to try and disuade people from voting for a losing candidate?
I say it too but just as a fact..I hope everyone goes and vote!!!!!! but Ron Paul will does not stand a snowball chance in hell getting the nod for the 2012 general..Blame that on the Republican party who feels its Mitts turn or Bachmanns to grab, but Ron Paul is completely being ignored...are you not a realist ????


Well-Known Member
I haven't figured out how to get cancel my account here.
I don't think it is possible (which is wierd) UB can you report me some more or just give FDD a call and have him ban me again per your request?
This time have tell him to perma ban me please.
I can't stand this site.
Crawling with some of the most disgusting examples of human bottom feeders I have ever come a crossed.
dude, i laid off you after our first go around.

perhaps you could return the same courtesy.


Well-Known Member
I say it too but just as a fact..I hope everyone goes and vote!!!!!! but Ron Paul will does not stand a snowball chance in hell getting the nod for the 2012 general..Blame that on the Republican party who feels its Mitts turn or Bachmanns to grab, but Ron Paul is completely being ignored...are you not a realist ????
i really wish gary johnson would get the nod, but starting all the threads in the world about him and getting my panties in a bunch when pointed out he has no chance does nothing to make this happen.

i hope you vote for gary johnson in the primary, london.


Well-Known Member
I am not in need of thick skin... I don't care about any of these bums opinions... It's just a waste of time fro budlover13 and the rest of the people here trying to get the word out. They aren't here to argue with Turtle FUcker face and his ilk. There are better places to spend my time. Trust me I am not sensitive just logical.


Well-Known Member
I haven't figured out how to get cancel my account here.
I don't think it is possible (which is wierd) UB can you report me some more or just give FDD a call and have him ban me again per your request?
This time have tell him to perma ban me please.
I can't stand this site.
Crawling with some of the most disgusting examples of human bottom feeders I have ever come a crossed.
dude you log on one forces you to log about just going and sitting in on some some grow advice...gotta have some tough skin to play here guy...


Well-Known Member
dude, i laid off you after our first go around.

perhaps you could return the same courtesy

Courtesy... please have the courtesy to call FDD please.


Well-Known Member
i really wish gary johnson would get the nod, but starting all the threads in the world about him and getting my panties in a bunch when pointed out he has no chance does nothing to make this happen.

i hope you vote for gary johnson in the primary, london.
actually that is my serious vote...Bachmann would be my will be taking it serious though...but OBAMA 2012