Okk... So I bought this tri-meter, calibrated it, ppm, ph, and temp all calibrated less than 24 hrs ago, and before that was calibrated like once every two weeks because I am paranoid about this kind of bulllllSHIT happening.. it has been working fine. Or so I thought.....
Just so we are all on the same page, I am talking about the nutradip trimeter.
I use 4.0 and 7.1 pH solution and 1000ppm NaCl solution for calibration.
So I mixed my nutes today to 300ppm. Mostly all filtered water. 3gal-1 ratio of tap and RO filtered. I get to my BP unit, (and this happened yesterday too) put the lid on with all my plants, turn on my meter again (I mix nutes in the bathroom, and grow in the closet) and the thing reads 1100 and 900 and all in between. WHAT THE FUUUUKKK! I checked the pH with drops to make sure AT LEAST that is correct, and it is. So no pH problems, no temp problems, just PPM all over the fucking place with my trimeter.
I tried turning off all other electricity in the room, as that can affect its reading. It still is all over the place. I put it in the NaCl, it reads a little over 1000, from the nutes that were still on the meter when I pulled it out of my BP unit - I'm sure, so it isn't the probe.
I touched the probe to the side of my plastic container.. it jumps up about 400 ppm and still sporadically jumping. I touch the little metal prongs on the meter with my finger, it goes up to like 4,000.. I put it back in the NaCl.. 1100.. WTF.
If I don't figure this out soon I will take outside and BEAT THE SHIT OUT OF IT. I will make sure to post pictures if I do.