okey dokey; so here I have some pictures of the individdy seedlings, still got some yellowing on some of them, not quite sure what thats from.. but other than that they ok I guess. They do not seem to be stretching at all at the moment - maybe they are deciding to grow out their roots before climbing.
The clones look aight.. they have definitely grown some since I put them in there, kind of sad I can't check on their roots like with the Bubbleponics unit, but I am keeping the faith.
Exception: One clone has leaves curling straight up.
#2 One has some darker shit creeping up on one of the leaves, not sure what it is, but the plant is still growing, and is one of the strongest otherwise.
#3 - one just looks like shit, but hasn't died yet -
(close ups on these fuckers)
BP UNIT : Looking fuckin good. All three have shown growth in both the leaf and root sectors.... Gunther has a bunch of bud sites, Emma Watson and Morpheus have like one main cola.. nada other than that.