The Truth About Ron Paul - Part 2


Well-Known Member
I actually think Obama will win a second term, people don't like change. Ron Paul probably WOULD win if everyone voted their conscience, but like I said, people don't like change, they will resist it without even knowing why. How else do you explain the second term of Bush jr?


Well-Known Member
I actually think Obama will win a second term, people don't like change. Ron Paul probably WOULD win if everyone voted their conscience, but like I said, people don't like change, they will resist it without even knowing why. How else do you explain the second term of Bush jr?
i was finishing up college at the time of his re-election. this was about the time facebook was getting big, so i still get to see a few of the righties i argued with make posts about how horrible obama's wars in libya and iraq are, and how he is spending all this fucking money, and how the debt ceiling is the end of the world, and so on and so forth.

it makes my day when i remind them who they adamantly defended in 2004 during our heated call center debates.

that goes doubly so when they use the old line about liberals being lazy, unmotivated welfare bums, and i get to remind them who out-earned them on donations 4 to 1 during those days and was pulling $25-$30 an hour on good nights while they never broke $15.

never gets old.


The Ruiner

Well-Known Member

Perry doesn't stand a can the GOP knowingly nominate a candidate that was just years ago talking about secession from the Union? It's a poor choice. Furthermore, as I have said elsewhere, Romney has been coronated for this since about 2009. His connections are just WAY better than Perry's.

Also, another thought came to me today...

Do you know how you can usually go to a candidates site and find information about their advisors and whatnot...well, I went to find out more about Ron Paul's campaign advisors and found that he has two. Just two guys...neither of them seem to even have any stellar credentials.


Well-Known Member

Perry doesn't stand a can the GOP knowingly nominate a candidate that was just years ago talking about secession from the Union? It's a poor choice. Furthermore, as I have said elsewhere, Romney has been coronated for this since about 2009. His connections are just WAY better than Perry's.

Also, another thought came to me today...

I'll agree with you on Perry being the wrong choice for Repubes wanting to win 2012 but Perry would surely loose to Obama and Romney would be like a 45- 55 spread against Obama, the only way to win is to gain the independents and only ROn Paul is truly doing that despite the other candidates taking ques from his lines. Who is the only candidates talking about bringing our troops home ?

Okay point made.

Do you know how you can usually go to a candidates site and find information about their advisors and whatnot...well, I went to find out more about Ron Paul's campaign advisors and found that he has two. Just two guys...neither of them seem to even have any stellar credentials.
Hey bud, freedom doesn't have credentials, so it's irrelevant right?

In this world you weigh "credentials" with a grain of salt.

The Ruiner

Well-Known Member
I'll agree with you on Perry being the wrong choice for Repubes wanting to win 2012 but Perry would surely loose to Obama and Romney would be like a 45- 55 spread against Obama, the only way to win is to gain the independents and only ROn Paul is truly doing that despite the other candidates taking ques from his lines. Who is the only candidates talking about bringing our troops home ?

Okay point made.

Hey bud, freedom doesn't have credentials, so it's irrelevant right?

In this world you weigh "credentials" with a grain of salt.
What kind of non-sequitur talk is that? "freedom doesn't have credentials?" Of course it does...How do you figure that we can have people that don't know shit about shit running the country at a time like this? I weigh credentials, as would anyone seeking to make an INFORMED decision about who leads this country. Personally, I believe the president to be rather powerless in the decisions he/she will be forced to make, circumstance is what it is. But to say that we don't need qualified (credentialed) leaders is basically admitting that Ron Paul & his "team" are UNQUALIFIED for the office he seeks.


Well-Known Member
Obama has the lowest approval rating out of any president at this point, the dude is not getting elected, even black community has low approval for him, his job is done with.
-- George W. Bush, 86 percent
-- Bill Clinton, 52 percent
-- George H.W. Bush, 71 percent
-- Ronald Reagan, 49 percent
-- Jimmy Carter, 57 percent
-- Gerald Ford, 52 percent
-- Richard Nixon, 59 percent
-- Lyndon Johnson, 74 percent
-- John Kennedy, 77 percent
-- Dwight Eisenhower, 69 percent
-- Harry Truman, 49 percent
-- Barack H Obama, 38 percent
Obama is out!


The Ruiner

Well-Known Member
Take your BS to stormfront or something...

Berate me for calling you out on your racist picture...grow up and take responsibility for your actions.


Well-Known Member
want to bet on that?

I dont bet but if i did i would bet you and win. You liberals need to quit being so liberal with your arrogance and not bet when the chips are stacked against you.
Fox News Pulls Poll Showing Ron Paul Debate Victory, Claims Mitt Romney Won

Poll showed Paul trouncing Romney by 11,000 votes

Friday, September 23, 2011
The establishment media’s relentless campaign to denigrate Congressman Ron Paul’s presidential campaign has manifested itself once again, after a poll showing Paul had won last night’s Orlando debate was pulled by Fox News who later published an article claiming Mitt Romney had instead claimed the victory.
When we took a screenshot of the poll at around 5am CST this morning, the result showed Paul easily beating his nearest rival Romney by 11,000 clear votes, with Paul at almost 40% and Romney trailing at just under 23%.
After our screenshot of the poll was posted on the ever-popular Drudge Report website, Fox News pulled the page that had previously housed the poll entirely. But the network went further, subsequently publishing an article by National Review editor and Fox News contributor Rich Lowry opining that Mitt Romney had in fact won the debate, thereby completely ignoring their own website poll, which restricts users to one vote per IP address.
Indeed, Lowry didn’t even mention Ron Paul once in his 13 paragraph piece, despite giving praise to Rick Santorum, Newt Gingrich, and Herman Cain – all of whom performed miserably in Fox News’ own post-debate poll. Ron Paul got nearly double the amount of votes in the poll than all three of them put together, but Lowry completely omitted Paul’s name from his report.
As we have previously documented, Fox News, even more so than the likes of MSNBC and CNN, have constantly undermined Paul’s campaign with dirty tricks, including playing the wrong audio of a crowd booing Paul at this year’s CPAC event.
See the results of the original poll before Fox News pulled it below.