I'm still picking up components for the grow. I had some personals to take care of. Ended up selling my seeds to my mentor. Got exact cash back for all troubles so it's ok. I decided to go with drchronic, with three fem. strains 2 mostly Indica, 1 sat.. Pure Power Plant (PPP), Dutch Passion#1, and Afghan Kush (WOS-fem.). The reported flowering period will 6-6.5 weeks, 7-8 weeks, 9-10 weeks. Gonna use another pre-paid cc. I've also decided to just keep the closet for the flowering, and move the mother clones off to the b-room.
I readjusted my plans. Schemes if you will.
I'll veg 6 plants. Two of each plant. Two of the strains, the Indies I believe are rated to veg for flower within 3 weeks, the third, 4 weeks. As of right now, if I just veg all for the 4, I think maybe, hopefully, I'll be able to lift 6 clones from 6.5wk enders. This way I can flower them under the 400whps in slots #1 and #2. I know that I'll be able pull atleast 3 from each of the other two strains. This way, I could put the 7-8wk ender in slot #3, and the 9-10wk in slot #4. Slots 3 and 4 are the cfl or T5 area. I think I may be leaning toward two 150watt cfl for the bottom two slots. One for each of the two lower plant slots. I'm doing this on VV's suggestion. It's either the two 150's(blooms), or two of these with 1 pack of the blooms, to mix blue/red -
High Tech Garden Supply
The longest any dwc/plant group will stay in slot #3 or #4 is for 1-4 weeks maximum. This way, all groups will have "thier time in the sun", under the hps. I am anticipating a mini moveable scr0g for the PPP. Basically, it'll be a .25"-.55" thick inverted mini table, that the dwc will rest upon. This way, I can just slide it around, by it's own base board/table top, just inverted.
Man I'm just stoned. Been thinking and writing too much. I should be working on my screenplay.
Don't laugh.
Later I'll be going to homedepot with my cuz to pick up components. He's the backer, and "face man" on this op. He does the smiling/spending/selling. I do the thinking, and planning.
"I love it when a plan comes together"