The Truth About Ron Paul - Part 2

The Ruiner

Well-Known Member
There are still tribes who get by without any of that. A person would be no different. They might go insane, but they could still do so. In the USA it would be very hard due to the government wanting to be in your life and not leaving you alone. People did exist before there were governments in the way we know them. You wouldn't have the greatest life but it isn't like there is no life without society.
You are totally missing the point. And a tribe is not a person. A person attempting 100% self-sufficiency outside of a community setting is essentially doomed. I reiterate, I have lived in IC's, I know what goes into a life like that...It's terribly difficult to manage even 50% self-sufficiency. Unless you yourself have even ATTEMPTED life in this manner, you understand nothing about it. If one wanted to attempt 100% SS, they would live in squalor, and more than likely exceedingly poor mental and physical health.


Well-Known Member
You are totally missing the point. And a tribe is not a person. A person attempting 100% self-sufficiency outside of a community setting is essentially doomed. I reiterate, I have lived in IC's, I know what goes into a life like that...It's terribly difficult to manage even 50% self-sufficiency. Unless you yourself have even ATTEMPTED life in this manner, you understand nothing about it. If one wanted to attempt 100% SS, they would live in squalor, and more than likely exceedingly poor mental and physical health.
I would agree that physical health would be be bad. Squalor was the constant state of like for humans before society. If you consider a family unit to be a tribe and tribe being government/society. Then there is no such think as being self sustained. If you mean could I take my wife and move to the wilderness without anything and live without ever being touched by society again, then I think I could. Would I live to be 100, doubtful. However, I would suggest the mental health would likely be better in this situation. If you dropped me off on a habitable planet naked and unarmed I am pretty sure I would live if it was possible. Would I live in air conditioned happiness - no. Loneliness would be the only issue in that situation. I'm guessing I would end up talking to coconuts like Tom Hanks did. If my wife was there, I am guessing my mental state would be better than it is now in the world we live in given that this world is artificial and not compatible with how we evolved.

The Ruiner

Well-Known Member
I would agree that physical health would be be bad. Squalor was the constant state of like for humans before society. If you consider a family unit to be a tribe and tribe being government/society. Then there is no such think as being self sustained. If you mean could I take my wife and move to the wilderness without anything and live without ever being touched by society again, then I think I could. Would I live to be 100, doubtful. However, I would suggest the mental health would likely be better in this situation. If you dropped me off on a habitable planet naked and unarmed I am pretty sure I would live if it was possible. Would I live in air conditioned happiness - no. Loneliness would be the only issue in that situation. I'm guessing I would end up talking to coconuts like Tom Hanks did. If my wife was there, I am guessing my mental state would be better than it is now in the world we live in given that this world is artificial and not compatible with how we evolved.
Well, give it a shot...let us know how it goes.


Well-Known Member
Just because you don't want to live that way doesn't mean it isn't possible. Unfortunately, you couldn't do it in America due to the government control of every aspect of your life.
i just pooped and a government official let me know i exceeded the 8 minute pooping time allowed under federal statute 113.87 section A, article XII, subsection omega.


Well-Known Member
i just pooped and a government official let me know i exceeded the 8 minute pooping time allowed under federal statute 113.87 section A, article XII, subsection omega.
I bet the government mandated how much water you could use to flush that turd down.


Well-Known Member
I bet the government mandated how much water you could use to flush that turd down.
yes. they also told me that i had failed to use a sufficient number of squares and cited me for it. even though the last wipe was clear as a whistle, it is compulsory to use 4 squares and 8 wipes. rules are rules.

I bet you will be grateful even modest water saving measures were enacted when water becomes a precious commodity
that is already happening in some places.

pretty soon, we will have to find pretty ingenious ways to move water if we want to produce enough food.


King Tut
:finger:Fuck UB he likes to try and make jokes about the unemployed of this country, i will never have respect for that POS.
He makes jokes about the willingly unemployed in my experience. He made fun of me for a long while until he realized that i was not one of the "free-loaders" that he and i both advocate against.

EDIT:*How did the FU smily get there? i simply quoted. Was it there in you're OP?


Well-Known Member
He makes jokes about the willingly unemployed in my experience. He made fun of me for a long while until he realized that i was not one of the "free-loaders" that he and i both advocate against.

EDIT:*How did the FU smily get there? i simply quoted. Was it there in you're OP?
Also likes to lie and make stuff up about me, i cant have any respect for that shit, plain and simple.


Well-Known Member
Also likes to lie and make stuff up about me, i cant have any respect for that shit, plain and simple.
i can't have respect for people that post false numbers, get caught red-handed posting false numbers, and still can't admit that they posted false numbers.

why not be man enough to admit that you posted false numbers?


Well-Known Member
i can't have respect for people that post false numbers, get caught red-handed posting false numbers, and still can't admit that they posted false numbers.

why not be man enough to admit that you posted false numbers?
Obama is gallup polling at the high 30's, WTF are you looking for?
If you are so retarded to figure out that whatever UI i for one collected was and had nothing to do with the federal government, this is your own damn retardation problem, also you like to say i check my mailbox for my check, nope i haven't collected for months already, i find it funny as fuck that someone who thinks they know it all can only try and make shit up and LIE to try and win, thats as low as low can be, but i dont need to lie and make shit up,
You already self destruct, especially with wild fairy tale land fables of your s.u.v. exhaust warming our planet up lol, do me a favor buck, dont vote and take your last breath because you dont fit in with this world.:finger:


Well-Known Member
Obama is gallup polling at the high 30's, WTF are you looking for?
If you are so retarded to figure out that whatever UI i for one collected was and had nothing to do with the federal government, this is your own damn retardation problem, also you like to say i check my mailbox for my check, nope i haven't collected for months already, i find it funny as fuck that someone who thinks they know it all can only try and make shit up and LIE to try and win, thats as low as low can be, but i dont need to lie and make shit up,
You already self destruct, especially with wild fairy tale land fables of your s.u.v. exhaust warming our planet up lol, do me a favor buck, dont vote and take your last breath because you dont fit in with this world.:finger:
now that i am am a mod, i can no longer reply to this with a picture of a vagisil container.

my life sucks. perhaps trimming pounds of weed will cheer me up. :hump:


Well-Known Member
5$ a gram hahah. real baller you are, try to accomplish stuff worth 400 an oz then we can talk what growing pounds truly means.
mine would go for that much if there was the market for it, but i live in portlandia. you will NEVER see an ounce over $200 here.

my brother in AZ wants to move some for me at about that price though.

price does not have any say on quality. you can ask a few other people on this site what they think of my buds, just head on over to the oregon section and start a thread :)


Well-Known Member
mine is so superior that its always the same price and it fly's even when the matket is flooded with the years outdoor crop harvesters, which by the way my neck of the woods most people only pay around 190 an oz mine never goes below 400 an oz except for real close friends who need caregiving. Oh is the demand ever so increasing, if i were in portland so be it, you wont smoke or see my shit everyday its kinda like great value vs organic.