Lace and Frills <3


Well-Known Member
There is no camel-toe, that is not my room and why to you seem to give me more trouble when I'm NOT posting my underwear?

I thought I made my peace with you Fdd. Not like I'm going to try all hard and get a DSLR and a studio just to post a quick snapshot. My 28 megapixel photos are in my album.

Urca, the weather sure is deceiving. It was only cold when it was windy, but when it wasn't it turned out to be nearly 70 degrees.


Well-Known Member
i can see your "mound". :shock:

whoever's room that was, they need to clean it.

i said i liked you for your mind. i don't know what "making peace" means to you.


Jakabok Botch

Well-Known Member
i could pick up some really good pointers from this thread. ;)

i need to buy some sexy clothes and start posting pics of myself. the seadoo is parked for the winter so i don't have much else to feed my ego.

i'm thinking a full body spandex suit, maybe.
there ya go.... make a FDD calendar :wink:


Well-Known Member
LMAO Why... Why was that man wearing a thong? X3 Nice initiative on the Tron suit at least.

April, as I asked before, do you have a woollies collection? Something tells me you'd make a great snow bunny.