The repetitiveness off and on cycle will *NOT* make your equipment last longer, that's for sure. Anyone who knows anything about electronics can tell you this.
could you explain what you mean by this statement?
The repetitiveness off and on cycle will *NOT* make your equipment last longer, that's for sure. Anyone who knows anything about electronics can tell you this.
Growth processes are considerably slowed during the dark. This is because the plant only has a limited amount of energy stored from the light. if it uses all of that energy before the lights come back on then it would most likely die. Obvioulsy it would take the light not coming on for several days to kill a plant. In an experiment i once did, where i grew a plant in the dark, the plant lasted approximately 2 weeks. It was an established plant too, bushy and around 18" high.
the plant will utilise the sugars during the day also. the dark reactions are a misnomer in that they don't only happen during the night. they were simply called the dark reactions because they can happen independently of photosynthesis, even though they need the energy derived from photosynthesis to occur in the first place. but they are going on all the time, day and night. if there is no night then the plant will make energy and utilise it more efficiently.
here is where things get confusing... talking about stretch. Lots of people here, myself included as i have lots of experience growing seedlings and clones straight to 12/12 with no veg', have found that plants with 12 hours of light do not stretch hardly at all. Until they actually start flowering. for example, i place seedlings straight to 12/12 but they don't flower right away... it can take them 4 weeks to start flowering even under 12/12. during those 4 weeks the plants do not stretch... then when they hit flower they begin to stretch. no change in light schedue... the plants simply decide that now is the time to stretch. so stretch has to be completely genetic. In complete darkness there is no light to reach to.
That isn't true about pre-flowers. Under 24/0 i've had pre-flowers in as little as 3 weeks veg'. Plants will pre-flower whilst still in veg... and they do faster on 24/0. Flowering is genetic. a large plant also doesn't need a large root ball... plants can and do shut down entire sections of the root system at a time and still grow to full potential. the roots will grow anyway...
those aren't reputable sources.
also this next one is an amazing forum. Lot of farmers post there, real farmers that make money from crops. It's their livelihood, and listening to bullshit could mean they don't get fed for a year.
I'm in no way to start a pissing match as thats the last thing I want to do, but.... if none of the canna-bibles, and the ed rosenthals or nico escondido's werent reputable or at least somewhat valid, how is it that a very large portion of us have cannabis on a daily basis, very high grade cannabis at that. We all follow some of their methods daily, maybe the science that comes from them is negligible but the results speak for themselves. As well as I hear ya on the thing about farmers and all that, but farmers for the most part grow vegetables, cannabis is a flower, no? And a long night flower at that?
I have no idea how we got here not talking a whole lot about the 12-1 method even though I was part of the spiral away from it, but seeing you definitely have some more experience than I do as well as are more familiar with biological/agricultural resources, why not do some digging into the 12-1 method for us? Seeing its the method of commercial flower growers etc... I cant read books with big words, LOL....I mostly look for books with pictures and arrows etc....
I don't know much about electronics but I turn my TV on and off all the time and it has been going for 10yrs. Nobody has ever told me not to turn my TV on and off because it wont last as long. 5 hrs of electricity + ballast and light being on VS turning ballast on and off one extra time a day. Not saying it will make your equipment last longer, but not saying it wont either. Until doing a study on it I would definitely *NOT* say that it wouldn't.The repetitiveness off and on cycle will *NOT* make your equipment last longer, that's for sure. Anyone who knows anything about electronics can tell you this.
I don't know much about electronics but I turn my TV on and off all the time and it has been going for 10yrs. Nobody has ever told me not to turn my TV on and off because it wont last as long. 5 hrs of electricity + ballast and light being on VS turning ballast on and off one extra time a day. Not saying it will make your equipment last longer, but not saying it wont either. Until doing a study on it I would definitely *NOT* say that it wouldn't.
I just wanted to report here that putting my current ladies under 11/13 without having done the 12-1 method of veg has induced flowers faster than the last time I did with clones from these plants under 12/12
flowering like crazy does not sound good... if they'd normally take 4 weeks and are now flowering in just 5 days... surely you should be questioning by now, as i have for a while now, whether the hour in the middle of 12/12 is actually enough to prevent flowering.
also... all of the people in this thread that have claimed they've either read or seen commercial greenhouses running this method... could you please provide links to these professional growers? it's no good just reading it in an article and then repeating it. I'd like to chat with these people myself. so if they really exist, please share the info.
if 12-1 was causing flowering, wouldn't all my plants in veg, especially the ones that are same strain, roughly the same maturity be flowering any day now too? they're not.
my guess is that 12-1 acts as a sort of hormonal primer.
hormones just don't appear out of thin air once you've made the switch. it's not like for 11 hours and 59 minutes (or for 6 hours) the plant just sits there and creates hormones at the last minute. it's also not the case that it just sits there doing nothing hormonally until 3 or 4 weeks in and then just decides, ok, time to start producing flowering hormone from scratch today. it's a process with multiple steps and multiple precursor molecules, all of which (like everything else a plant does) takes time. it probably takes 3-4 weeks for all those subprocesses to fully ramp up to produce a sufficient quantity of bioactive gibberellin when going from something like 24/0 to 12/12.
unfortunately, there isn't a lot of info on the rate of production of the lower-level non-bioactive forms of GA under different lighting situations for our favorite plant. ideally, there would be a study that shows you how long it takes for each step to ramp up. those biochemical processes aren't going to happen overnight.
my guess is that during 12-1 veg, it's gradually switching over those low-level processes to flowering mode and synthesizing biochemical subcomponents. when you throw them into 12+hrs of dark, the "assembly line" in the hormone factor is already up and running. bam! super-fast flowering.
going to experiment with different 12-X regimes throughout the winter. why interrupt the cycle at the midpoint? if my "priming" theory is correct, then it would make sense to push the dark period as close to 12 hours as you can get without allowing the final synthesis of bioactive hormones to take place. so if 14/10 is enough to prevent flowering, then why not split the 12 hours dark to 10 hours dark, one hour light (i've actually been using only 30 minutes), then 1 hour of dark again? that would allow plants in veg to synthesize more of the intermediary components compared to only 5.5 hours of dark.
14/10 might be pushing it. maybe i'll start with mimicking 16/8 with 8 hours dark, 30min light, then 3.5hrs dark again. and again, it's not about saving a few bucks: it's also about slowing down veg and, potentially, hastening the transition to flowering, it appears!
besides, 24/0 just doesn't make sense from a scientific point of view. while photosynthesis is happening, very little cellular respiration is happening. without cellular respiration, the plant wouldn't have any energy to do anything. it's the equivalent of saying that because you've been harvesting apples all day, you're not going to be hungry when dinnertime comes. that makes no sense. you have to eat the apples. likewise, the plant has to metabolize the glucose it's synthesized all day in order to grow foliage, leaves, produce hormones, whatever. 12-1 gives the plants more "downtime" from photosynthesis to actually get stuff done (lots of stuff you don't see).
you may be able to grow a bunch of leaves quickly under 24/0, but if you have to sit around and wait several weeks for flowering to start, are you really gaining anything over 12/1 if 12/1 can get you flowering WEEKS faster than 24/0 and, therefore, HARVESTED weeks before something vegged under 24/0? what you lose in yield (if any) you'll make up for with potentially SEVERAL extra harvests per year! i can't say i'm absolutely sure: i haven't done it long enough. that's why i'm hoping more people try this rather than sit back like a stubborn mule stuck on 24/0. let's find out...
in an indoor grow the biggest limitation or me any ways is plant hight,
at the end of the flowering people put there plants into 36 hours of darkness to induce more thc ?
also energy saved is minimal?
3 600 watt light saving 5 hours each per day isnt a minimal saving over the veg stage, least i dont think it is,
first, i stand corrected: cellular respiration does, in fact, still take place during photosynthesis. don't know what i was thinking!
No problem, i double checked the info after i posted it and it is correct that bushmaster is at least suspected of containing carcinogen(s). If you want to keep plants squat, then taking seedlings straight to 12/12 will do the job.thanks for the bit on bushmaster. no wonder the guy at the hydro shop was pushing it on me: trying to ponzi that shit off onto me!
there are two kinds of florigen: anthesins, and gibberellins. see [/B][/B]
there wasn't much online regarding anthesin synthesis pathways. there is a significant amount of literature on gibberellin synthesis pathways. i think using the more general term florigen isn't helpful, as the effect of light on the synthesis of anthesins and gibberellins differs. futhermore, florigens are not destroyed by light. light doesn't "destroy" any hormones, it simply prevents the full synthesis pathway from completing or at least that is my understanding. if not, every time you do turn the lights on during the light cycle, you're back to flowering day 1. obviously, that's not the case.BIOACTIVE GA1 and GA20 (i.e., actual flower-inducing florigens) are unable to synthesize during photosynthesis. non-bioactive gibberellins that are precursors to bioactive forms (which ARE also florigens, just not the "final" bioactive ones that actually induce flower growth) are still formed in dark periods of less than 12 hours. turning on the light doesn't "destroy" them. this is a pretty important distinction. this is the basis of my hormonal "priming" theory under 12-1.
regarding THC and UVB, my understanding is that THC absorbs UVB. it acts as a sunblock. it's not created by UVB. i have little to no UVB in my flowering (only what the HPS may give off, if any), yet i get THC. so what's this about trichs requiring UVB for THC formation? where's this coming from?
also, you misread what i was saying about going to 16/8. i intent to try 8 hours of continuous dark before interrupting the dark cycle during 12-1. it's still a variation of 12-1. plan to switch to 12 light, 8 dark, 30min light again, then 3:30 dark again. under 12-1, people split the 12 hours dark into two 5:30 dark periods. i want to give "standard" 12-1 a few more weeks to get a sense of how it does before trying a variation. again, the rational is that (hopefully) plants can get further along the gibberellin (florigen, if you insist) synthesis pathway in 8 hours than in 6 hours. i'm still sticking with 12 hours of light, as the rate of growth i get with 12h light seems to be almost perfect for my pipeline.
regarding 24/0 schedule and the belief that "more light = more growth," sure, that's true, but you do have to take into account diminishing returns. photosynthesis becomes less efficient with every additional watt of light you throw at it as well as every additional hour of light you throw at it. a lot of professional growers will say that anything beyond 16hrs light isn't worth it. in other words, you get less out of those hours 17-24 than you do out of 9-16 and you get less out of 9-16 than you get out of the first 8 hours. it's an asymptotic curve, not a linear one. it'll plateau off after a certain point (around 16hrs).
as far as stretching goes, yes, insufficient light will cause plants to stretch, but i think we're talking about 2 different things here. i though we were talking about "the stretch" that occurs after throwing plants into flowering. the maui wowie, for instance, stretched like crazy even under 2x 600w HPS in a 4x4' area somewhere between 12-18" from the light. i don't think you can blame it on not enough light. we're not talking about some rinky dink thing stuffed in the corner 4ft away from a 23w CFL.
regarding hastened flowering, i'm not talking about preflowers or a few pistils here and there. sure, you'll get preflowers if you veg long enough. who doesn't? i'm talking like 50+ pistils at each site in less than a week. i've never heard of or seen anything like that before, at least not in my grows. the proof is in the pudding. the following 3 photos are from the same flowering section, same lamp, same feed, same strain (white widow).