20,000 Watt Medical Grow Op Construction

I'm just going to stop typing... I was joking about my thread derailment post. Anhow, just got out of a dogfight, a real dogfight, and my hand is pretty mangled so I think I will stop typing fro a while, it hurts. My dog (pit/boxer) and the neighbor dog (rott/lab) were fighting for real, one would have surely died. I had to jump into it and pulll their mouths opoen. I do not recommend this, the neighbor dog bit stright through a finger nail and into the other side of same finger, smashed/punctured my thumb and generally ruined my night. The dpgs will both make it ok, but they're torn up pretty good. sorry about the misspellings, I'm typing w/ bandages on.

/thread derailment complete

wolvie.... omg.... i would come by with a care package and a kiss-it-better... GET BETTER!!!
hand injuries are the worst!
*organs and violins*
*moment of silence for Urban Garden Magazine*....

thank you jozi for reminding me that i have to go and c&p EVERYTHING USEFUL on there before the evil empire decides to revamp the webpage too .....

more than likely for my first experiment i'm going to start with mushroom compost and vermi-poo for a base....
mr kitty is in the DOGHOUSE right now.... we were talking aboot teas and i was all excited about gathering up brewing apparatus when he says... "you know i have the vermi-t extractor that so-and-so gave me, right?" turns out we've had a tea-brewing fucking UNIT kicking around for MONTHS now. :cuss:

.... and there you go, it's MY turn to derail the thread. :lol:
*organs and violins*
*moment of silence for Urban Garden Magazine*....

thank you jozi for reminding me that i have to go and c&p EVERYTHING USEFUL on there before the evil empire decides to revamp the webpage too .....

more than likely for my first experiment i'm going to start with mushroom compost and vermi-poo for a base....
mr kitty is in the DOGHOUSE right now.... we were talking aboot teas and i was all excited about gathering up brewing apparatus when he says... "you know i have the vermi-t extractor that so-and-so gave me, right?" turns out we've had a tea-brewing fucking UNIT kicking around for MONTHS now. :cuss:

.... and there you go, it's MY turn to derail the thread. :lol:

this will help
Hey CG,

I've been doing a lot of reading lately... Budfactor X is rebranded scorpion juice plus harpin protein.
Scorpion juice is chitin and salicylic acid; harpin protein is a protein that some bacterium makes and ... it all adds up to building up systemic resistance.. So the NPK are there on the bottles, but the ingredients that do the work are obfuscated..
I know you said you don't care about growth regulators, etc, but if you want to mix your own you can save a billion dollars..
wolvie.... omg.... i would come by with a care package and a kiss-it-better... GET BETTER!!!
hand injuries are the worst!

Thanks ms kitty. Dogs will be dogs I suppose. It was a terrible scene, but could've been much worse. Luckily my neighbors are very cool, this is the second time that's happened. I'd be fucking irate if I were them, considering my dog started it.
wolverine, sorry to hear about the dogs. Always sucks when they get into it. Advice, if you can apply it (I know its damn near impossible, 1st hand experience but it does work): grab one by the hind legs and start pulling/running like theres no tomorrow. If you circle back they cant get at you, preventing your own injury. You just need someone to keep the other dog from suddenly having the advantage.

tommyo, thats intense. made my day
Thank you. I've read that as soon as you take a cutting and put it into a growth medium that it is considered a plant that counts toward your limit. It's a little confusing and makes a big difference if a legal problem arises.

As promised, the attached are my experiences with a cloning machine.


1. Fill machine with water.
2. Add KLN according to the directions on the bottle.
3. PH it. I just use a bottle and the color chart. "Piss Yellow" ... good enough.
4. Load with your cuttings. (I overload with 90 cuttings in a machine for 60.)
5. Plug pump in.
6. Forget it.
7. Come back 1 week later.

88 plantable clones out of 89 cuttings.

Very "Set it and Forget it!"

Rinse and Repeat. Oh, I clean the machine well between runs. Don't know if you need to but I do.

David Grimm

PS I tried the rockwool cube system but couldn't get the same results with WAY more work.

PPS Picture 1 are the cuttings going into the machine.
Picture 2 are the cut side of the cuttings just going into the machine.
Picture 3 is 7 days later as the clones are getting planted in your medium.


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As promised, the attached are my experiences with a cloning machine.


1. Fill machine with water.
2. Add KLN according to the directions on the bottle.
3. PH it. I just use a bottle and the color chart. "Piss Yellow" ... good enough.
4. Load with your cuttings. (I overload with 90 cuttings in a machine for 60.)
5. Plug pump in.
6. Forget it.
7. Come back 1 week later.

88 plantable clones out of 89 cuttings.

Very "Set it and Forget it!"

Rinse and Repeat. Oh, I clean the machine well between runs. Don't know if you need to but I do.

David Grimm

PS I tried the rockwool cube system but couldn't get the same results with WAY more work.

PPS Picture 1 are the cuttings going into the machine.
Picture 2 are the cut side of the cuttings just going into the machine.
Picture 3 is 7 days later as the clones are getting planted in your medium.

Nice cloning exp. Very nice rep to you
Wow. I step out for a few days and all hell breaks loose. I'd like to donate some 90 mesh dry sieve to this group so we can just chill...and I have plenty for Wolverine's dog and the neighbor dog. Shit, Wolverine, that's gnarly. I know how fucking scary that shit is. You did the only thing you can do if it's going to the death...jump in and DEAL WITH IT. Hope you heal up ok. I, too, have been bit breaking up a fight and got a gnarly infection. Lots of washing and Neosporum. If it even looks like it's getting the little red ring around it, go to doc and get scrip for Keflex.

Kitty, I have never used a purchased inoculant for teas. A big scoop of steaming hot compost in a nylon does wonders. I sent you a PM regarding the Indoor Gardening Show today. We hooked up with your Buddy Simon at Grotek. Dude has mad growing knowledge. Stand by for the Grotek nutrient challenge. To the group- Grotek is coming out with a line of liquid organic nutes which will be available to public inside a year. I believe Kitty already has some (you little she-devil). This guy Simon, who's the developer of the nutrient, knows his shit. We'll be trying some out in a couple months when he gets it a little better perfected. Keep an eye on this company. He is the first nute rep I've met that cares more about plant health and vigor than just trying to get you to buy a bunch of their shit. With people like him driving the project, great things are bound to happen.

I'll reply to the individual posts in a day or so. Good to be back in the garden. So far the DEA "crackdown" hasn't been much.
From Cali....Doc's rec is for 99 plants and 4lbs
well good luck with your grow, hope the shit doesnt hit the fan for you but do your self a favor and gaurd your location from public record, change the address or something you and all the pot shops in cali are gunna need to hit the under ground i hate to see the prices off that shit.
Wow. I step out for a few days and all hell breaks loose. I'd like to donate some 90 mesh dry sieve to this group so we can just chill...and I have plenty for Wolverine's dog and the neighbor dog. Shit, Wolverine, that's gnarly. I know how fucking scary that shit is. You did the only thing you can do if it's going to the death...jump in and DEAL WITH IT. Hope you heal up ok. I, too, have been bit breaking up a fight and got a gnarly infection. Lots of washing and Neosporum. If it even looks like it's getting the little red ring around it, go to doc and get scrip for Keflex.

Kitty, I have never used a purchased inoculant for teas. A big scoop of steaming hot compost in a nylon does wonders. I sent you a PM regarding the Indoor Gardening Show today. We hooked up with your Buddy Simon at Grotek. Dude has mad growing knowledge. Stand by for the Grotek nutrient challenge. To the group- Grotek is coming out with a line of liquid organic nutes which will be available to public inside a year. I believe Kitty already has some (you little she-devil). This guy Simon, who's the developer of the nutrient, knows his shit. We'll be trying some out in a couple months when he gets it a little better perfected. Keep an eye on this company. He is the first nute rep I've met that cares more about plant health and vigor than just trying to get you to buy a bunch of their shit. With people like him driving the project, great things are bound to happen.

I'll reply to the individual posts in a day or so. Good to be back in the garden. So far the DEA "crackdown" hasn't been much.

i'm glad you got to meet simon, it's rather a privilege knowing him (and his brain); i figure share the wealth, right? since he was in your neck of the woods. i'm loving how that worked out:
"hey do you know anybody else that might be willing to beta-test this line?"
"well i can think of *one* person off the top of my head who's running nute experiments and has a keen interest in organics, but a) i've never met him and b) he's in cali...."
"i'm going to cali soon, hook us up!"
.... and the rest is recent history.

he's an intense fellow, isn't he cg? i always make sure i have a notebook when i meet up with him.
(and yes, i DO already have my grubby paws on the nute line... i was trying to be all enigmatic aboot it in my journal.... way to let the cat out of the bag :lol:)
oh, and thanks for the tidbit about the hot compost, this confirms my suspicions. i'm thinking some "hot" mushroom manure and EM liquid.