Moderatrix of Journals
I'm just going to stop typing... I was joking about my thread derailment post. Anhow, just got out of a dogfight, a real dogfight, and my hand is pretty mangled so I think I will stop typing fro a while, it hurts. My dog (pit/boxer) and the neighbor dog (rott/lab) were fighting for real, one would have surely died. I had to jump into it and pulll their mouths opoen. I do not recommend this, the neighbor dog bit stright through a finger nail and into the other side of same finger, smashed/punctured my thumb and generally ruined my night. The dpgs will both make it ok, but they're torn up pretty good. sorry about the misspellings, I'm typing w/ bandages on.
/thread derailment complete
wolvie.... omg.... i would come by with a care package and a kiss-it-better... GET BETTER!!!
hand injuries are the worst!