Sunday at around 3 am eastern. I will be releasing my first movie, its a movie about Ron Paul, its 1 hour and 20 minutes, for the most part its a compilation of youtube clips from this year into one movie, it tells a story, and trys to appeal to everyone so nothing to crazy.
It relates Ron Paul to JFK, MLK, and Gandhi the other champions of civil liberties in this century. It also trys to make comparisons to the other candidates. I hope you guys will enjoy it and provide some feedback.
Its still pretty rough around the edges, mildly stated. I could really use some help on this project. I am pretty much running out time because I need to start burning this on to discs to hand out.
I am thinking of calling it Ron Paul Chasin' dem crazy baldheads out of town (a song in the movie) - Kusinich, Ron Paul, and Sanders are interrogating Ben Bernanke, greenspan, and that other bald guy and it breaks into...Bob Marley's - chase those crazy baldheads out of town - Featuring other baldheads such as herman cain and obama
Into the Mind of A Paulbot