Israel's cost to the American people estimated to be a staggering $2 trillion


Active Member
Are you kidding me? You blame the entirety of radical Islam on Israeli relations? That's a very narrow thought process. Do you really think, let's say we the us cut all ties tomorrow, you think radicals are just gonna put down the guns and spread love? You really do not understand Islam at all huh? The goal of radical island is to make the world convert or die, all this Israel talk is just a rather poor veil.
Hahaha your view of Islam is so twisted let me drop abit of knowledge on you. Could you show me some quotes from the Qu'ran where it states to kill all non-believers? Also this small minority of Muslims talking less then 0.1% of the 1.5 Billion Muslims get this belief of kill non-believers are from the Wahabi sect. This Wahabi sect appeared in mid to late 1800's and was only a hand full of people. But after WW1 the British paid these tiny bunch of Muslims who were not even 0.01% of the Muslim populations thousands of £'s (Equavilent of Millions in todays currency) every month and armed them to take control of what is today Saudi Arabia. Btw the leader of the people the British funded is the Saudi Royal family. The Saudi royal family have spread this version of Islam using oil money. So basically radical Islam was created by Britain and is supported/protected by US government. Why do you think most of the alleged 9/11 hijackers were from Saudi Arabia, also the exported fighters in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Also what were the reason for 9/11 OBL apparently said it himself so have numerous other suicide bombers/fighters that its because of Israels treatment of Palestinians, occupation of Muslims land including Saudi Arabia (just because Saudi gov says its ok does'nt mean the people agree) and overthrowing/propping up of leaders. This is also what Michael Scheuer has said numerous times and hes from the CIA and hunted OBL for numerous years so I think he knows what hes talking about.

Link related to how occupation=suicide terrorism.

Also its cool hope your kids are doing well!


Well-Known Member
Thanks those little assholes were fine the next day, me and the wife have been sick for like a week now. But as to your earlier post, now all personal feelings aside, we know for a fact the PLA and hezbohlla and hamas all want the desruction and death of all of Israel. That is not some minuscule percentage right? And do you really belive for one second that obl pulled off this grand attack in the name of some group of people he really has no solid ties with? Also I have never read that book you speak of, but I have spoken to many a Muslim on both sides of the issue. Also let me ask you a question, how many times was Jerusalem mentioned in the afore mentioned book? This is a war of holy lands you really can not say its not, the only problem is one side has no actual ties to the land.


Active Member
Thanks those little assholes were fine the next day, me and the wife have been sick for like a week now. But as to your earlier post, now all personal feelings aside, we know for a fact the PLA and hezbohlla and hamas all want the desruction and death of all of Israel. That is not some minuscule percentage right? And do you really belive for one second that obl pulled off this grand attack in the name of some group of people he really has no solid ties with? Also I have never read that book you speak of, but I have spoken to many a Muslim on both sides of the issue. Also let me ask you a question, how many times was Jerusalem mentioned in the afore mentioned book? This is a war of holy lands you really can not say its not, the only problem is one side has no actual ties to the land.
Hope you and your wife get well soon bro! The Hamas leader said it himself he is not at war with Jews but if someone steals his land even his brother he will fight for it and that he would love to live in peace with Jews like they once used to. And I don't see whats wrong with Hezbollah, Israel was occupying them and they fought back. Alot of non-Muslims support Hezbollah even Dr Finkelstein and British MP George Galloway. I don't know the goals or the ideology of PLA but the name to me says it all 'Palestine Liberation Army'. If any of them support suicide bombing thats up to them, I don't support it EVER but then again I've not lived life under oppression and occupation neither have you. And its not a war of holy lands its a war against occupation and theft. But your completely correct that one side does not actually have ties to the land and that is of course Israel since nearly all Israeli's are from all over the world and Palestinians have been living there for god knows how many generations.


Well-Known Member
I really doubt you and I will ever see eye to eye on this one. I agree Israel is not perfect but such is life. You forget that the Palestinian leaders are the ones sending the orders for these attacks. But its all good. Thanks for your well wishes I really hope we are getting better, I hope you and yours miss this one its been hell.


Well-Known Member
And you are right I have not been under oppression and thank G-D for it. You see we have a land now, my grandparents did not, that is a blessing. And peace I fear will never come to the Holy land only because as people state Israel is a puppet one must also see how the Palestinians are used in much the same way. Obl had nothing to do with them yet he's ready to attack over them? I think they are both but pawns.


Active Member
Yeahh I don't think we will its cool anyways bro! Take it easy! and get well soon. And OBL sees them as his Muslims brothers regardless of race/nationality. Just as am sure if Jews are being oppressed in any part of the world you would want it to end.


Well-Known Member
I would want to help my kin but never at the expense of innocence. No way that's really not how we do things. I think personally that's what gets me about this subject, bar a few bad apples, most Jews do not condone violence, and most of us want nothing more than peace. It just seems to get lost during all the discussion of Palestinian needs that the other side (israel) is humans too. Who should have a right to security from outside threats. We also raise children in the war zone that IS our homeland.


Well-Known Member
That and we are a defensive group of people, we have seen some rough times and we see some very dark days ahead of us as well.


Active Member
I don't think OBL killed innocent people, just like hes said numerous times and how the US has not provided evidence for. All these wars could have been prevented if the US government just simply provided evidence that OBL was behind either 9/11 or the Sudan bombings. The Taliban said this numerous times and they would have either put him on trial in Afghanistan where the punishment for murdering innocent people is capital punishment or put him on trial in a Muslim country. In-fact they gave more than 2 options. Think 1 Million+ lives, trillions of dollars all saved just by providing evidence. The saying 'innocent until proven guilty' comes to mind. And looking at the innocent killed ratio of Israel/Palestine says more then enough. I know most Jews do not condone violence, I think the majority of any race/religion/nationality just want to live a peaceful life for their friends and family. I've been wanting to learn more about Judaism though since I spent most time looking at Islam and Muslim countries since thats whats usually in the news.


Well-Known Member
As for the innocent in the Israeli Palestinian conflict. I know from first hand expirence that before an action is taken, it is run on the television on the radio and through leaflets dropped when and where its going down, but on more than ten occasions I have seen the area flooded with children in front and militants in back, I have seen them open up behind a line of kids and the bodies drop before an Israeli has even readied his weapon. In that situation one has no choice but to fire back. The thing is if a child or innocent heaven forbid gets hurt then its the evil Israel, but no one talks about hey why was that battleground flooded with children? These are the people I fought against, I never nor did I ever see an idf member knowingly or porpously attack a civilian, and I also saw a few boys shot to shit because they could not shoot past a crowd to lay cover. It is the worst chapter of my life but in hindsight it has shown me things you just can not read about ya know.


Active Member
So your saying before every action Israel contacts/distributes leaflets there. Maybe once in a blue moon thats it. And I lost a lot of respect for you to say that parents purposely let their children go out in places they know is going to be bombed that is bullshit man. You can come better then that. Your saying that the videos like the one below was done purposely by their own parents. 100% bullshit.



Well-Known Member
As for warning I personally went on twelve missions in Gaza, and I know they were warned I heard it. And you are right not every action was leaflet warned but every fight was warned. At least twelve hours notice usually twenty four. I really don't mind if you lost respect for me, you realize watching al-jazerra on this subject is like watching Alex Jones on the fed right?


Well-Known Member
The list goes on for days sir. I can keep posting if you would like. Anyone who would celabrate these things imo loses their innocent status. The only difference is we do NOT have a fucking party when innocents die we mourn.


Active Member
Come on better then that. Israel started the Gaza war of 2008 not Hamas. And 1 of those videos it was an individual am talking about military Hamas vs IDF. I've never said Hamas is perfect but if I have to pick sides I will pick Hamas since Israel is the occupier/oppressor yet god knows how claims to be the victim. Its Israel that is building a wall around what little of Palestine that is left. Making them live in concentration like conditions. That has numerous check points stopping and searching the native people. Don't you find it to be a joke that the native people who have lived there for generations have less rights then a foreigner who has more rights simply because he/she is Jewish??
You may be able to posts for days about Hamas but I can post for weeks about the countless war-crimes/UN resolutions against Israel.

[video=youtube;qMGuYjt6CP8] =1&list=PL153DF46F3A0F8F2F[/video]


