

Active Member
OK, here's one for you US guys. I've recently started describing my finest herbs as 'dank' (thanks WeedNerd), a common practice in America but here in the UK I'm just getting some quizzical looks. Half the people seem to think I'm describing awfully damp, shitty weed. The other half just think I'm making up words again. (I don't get stoned any more, I get bricked, breeze-blocked then bouldered)

Lets face it, the dictionary definition does it no favours.


Adjective: Disagreeably damp, musty, and typically cold.

Does anyone know when or where this started?


Well-Known Member
Dank, the spiciest fresh and fruity pungent marijuana bud that can stink up a 1 meter radius with just a couple of grams


Well-Known Member
So, how long have you been calling it dank then? When's the first you heard the term?
honestly, i herd it on the internet. and I automatically associated it to anytime I score a healthy sack of lime green jack herer or better. Mids? I won't demote my toke.


Well-Known Member
It's funny. About 20 years ago if you had a bag of KGB you were the man. Killer Green Bud. Nobody seemed to care what it was as long as it was KGB.

Sorry this has nothing to do dank. It just brought back a memory.


Well-Known Member
Looking at how the term ha been borrowed and applied to weed, I'm guessing the dampness is in reference to resinous ganja and mustiness equates to the oddly pungent door of good smoke.


Well-Known Member
Looking at how the term ha been borrowed and applied to weed, I'm guessing the dampness is in reference to resinous ganja and mustiness equates to the oddly pungent door of good smoke.


Well-Known Member
Looking at how the term has been borrowed and applied to weed, I'm guessing the dampness is in reference to resinous ganja, and mustiness equates to the oddly pleasant and pungent odor of good smoke.
God damn fucking autocorrect! Dark nuggets aren't always brick weed, too...


Active Member
Looking at how the term ha been borrowed and applied to weed, I'm guessing the dampness is in reference to resinous ganja and mustiness equates to the oddly pungent door of good smoke.
That seems very plausible, yes I think I can connect the dots on that one Kuroi.

Dank :: Indica:: also known as Dank.
Yep, and I can see a little wordplay happening there as well.

See now, isn't etymology fun...


Active Member
I'ma gonna start calling it 'door' now, if it catches on you get full credit.

e.g. That's a powerful door coming from that bud Kuroi.


Active Member
Dank, someone was smoking some good shit and just said, "This shit is dank man!" It sounded cool, so therefore came into popular usage. If you notice, words that become popular, are usually words that were hardly ever used. But I also agree with the stanky, dank, Indica.


Well-Known Member
+First time I heard the term "dank" was when Dave Letterman has a guy doing reports..may have been from Amsterdam. typical stoner guy who used the word "dank in almost every sentance. I think they called him "Hippie Jim" or something, it's been at least 10 years. He sounded just like the dude in the van in the jack In the box commercials


Ursus marijanus
I learned about "dank" on Overgrow 11 years ago.

As for KGB, I've had it explained as "kinder, gentler bud". For those who didn't hear the Presidential campaigns of the 80s, it isn't as funny, pehaps. cn


Well-Known Member
OK, here's one for you US guys. I've recently started describing my finest herbs as 'dank' (thanks WeedNerd), a common practice in America but here in the UK I'm just getting some quizzical looks. Half the people seem to think I'm describing awfully damp, shitty weed. The other half just think I'm making up words again. (I don't get stoned any more, I get bricked, breeze-blocked then bouldered)

Lets face it, the dictionary definition does it no favours.


Adjective: Disagreeably damp, musty, and typically cold.

Does anyone know when or where this started?
Like the 80's.

Dank used to be to describe like...A nasty cave...Or fart

But after they started calling it "skunk" people just started saying stupid stuff...
Which made calling it "dank" (Smelly, nasty, EWWW) "good"...