Well-Known Member
go and buy the huge hundred gram SOUR glass extractor its the shit or you can make some uni bomber shit like turbocivics inventive but looks like a bomb ha
i asked about "over blasting" because someone mentioned. i have no issues making the stuff. in fact, i think everyone should try my method once against their own method and let me know if you notice a difference. id bet a 7g bud you will. but that may be just my opinion, but im running tests. so ill let you know my results.
phelps see few thinks in your method that can be condensed and more efficient
blast into a pyrex dish that is already sitting in boiling water so the butane evaporates immediately and quickly. what works well for me is the rectangle pyrex dish sitting in aluminum turkey cooking tray filled with the boiling water. grind your bud or trim up first instead of doing multiple runs with same product get it all the first time. instead of purging with the paper and double boiling. fill the aluminum dish with boiling water and put the pyrex with the oil in it for the second purge let it bubble for ten fifteen minutes pop bubbles, then gather oil into blob on middle of dish take off the heat and put it in the freezer for ten minutes for rapid cooling , then back into boiling water bath for third and final purge let the oil heat a little then begin to whip and spread over heat and the oil will go from an amber color to gold keep whippin and spreading and it will solidify before your very eyes
Sorry, I might of read it wrong but that sounds like you would bet a 7 gram nug that your method is better than any of ours. And I am asking what makes it so much better?