Dirty Pickle............


Pickle Queen
That goes without saying, but the above are housewife trade secrets for things that you might not want chemicals on, they wont work for or may not have them to hand. Bicarbonate of soda, too. Check out the book Trade Secrets and How Clean is You House aswell xxx

Fuck i luv those books !!! always handy tips :)
But i like the smell of bleach and lemon cleaner.

So my uncle decided he wanted to help me out, he did a way better job since i'm vertically challenged ;) and i need to work on my upper body muscle building, ya 3 hours to put in 1 srew, fuck i need a man :( or a burly female friend ;) lol

God bless power tools, seriously i'm just 2 damn small to do some things :( not cool


Ursus marijanus
I'm a huge un-fan of lemon juice (sugar everywhere. Draws vermin) and baking soda (too mild. I reach straight for carbonate and peroxycarbonate. I like chemistry). I do use chemical cleaners with a light hand, but don't feel clean without them. In the States we have a product called Soft Scrub... I swear by it for my very sporadic cleaning jags. cn



Well-Known Member
Fuck i luv those books !!! always handy tips :)
But i like the smell of bleach and lemon cleaner.

So my uncle decided he wanted to help me out, he did a way better job since i'm vertically challenged ;) and i need to work on my upper body muscle building, ya 3 hours to put in 1 srew, fuck i need a man :( or a burly female friend ;) lol

God bless power tools, seriously i'm just 2 damn small to do some things :( not cool
Lol tell me about it, April, I love the mops and dusters with telescopic poles attached.. But sometimes tiptoeing on ladders and holding a cordless drill above your head are... well... 'scary' would be an understatement. You should chill under my bed. I call it The 5ft Club


Pickle Queen
I'm a huge un-fan of lemon juice (sugar everywhere. Draws vermin) and baking soda (too mild. I reach straight for carbonate and peroxycarbonate. I like chemistry). I do use chemical cleaners with a light hand, but don't feel clean without them. In the States we have a product called Soft Scrub... I swear by it for my very sporadic cleaning jags. cn

I've never even seen a commercial for the stuff, which is odd since we usualy see them before the actual target audience does ...;) lol seriously annoying seing all these commercials for new things i wont see for atleast 2 yrs, fuck Canada sometimes dirty monkey balls :(

I like fantastic, all purpose cleaner :) But i tend to wipe down counters and such with warm water afterwards, damn my mother for making me a neat freak :) But alas i have a double rod closet, every lady needs one :) hehehehe


Well-Known Member
May as well get this over with now.
"Attencionia profavor"!!! Thank you!!
I`m afraid I will get hydrophobia of the blowhole if you fucking pigs do not
clean up after yourselves. That is all, Thank you!


Well-Known Member
Ok so i just moved this weekend, i share a home with 3 other young adults aged 21-23. Really great people but they are young and mildly sloppy, exemple the fridge is stinky and sticky, it's very clear they don't tidy simple spills. The female who is pregnant eats only ceaser salad, well half of what she makes, then it sits on the counter until someone tosses it (me) lol I don't mind cleaning small messes since i prefer things super tidy but does anyone think i will offend my new friends if i clean out the fridge and organize the chaotic pantry, it's driving me crazy lmfao

And i tried to hang a curtain rod and closed rods, 3 hours later i had 1 screw in :( bahahaha someone needs a cordless drill ;)
Fuck it just clean it. Just don't throw to much stuff out. If they are normal humans then they will notice its clean and start cleaning small messes they make. Its a psychologicall thing, people like to keep pristine things in their current condition. Not sure why it works but I think subliminally if the only mess on the floor is theirs then they cant hide behind the rest of the mess. If they cant hide then it may be a conflict and humans normally avoid conflicts when they can.


Pickle Queen
Ok so my landlord, one of the guys came home this afternoon, he happens to mention in conversation that the kitchen is kinda untidy and he says " i need to try harder to clean up" i just smilled and said " well please don't take it the wrong way if u find i have cleaned something up" lol he smilled and said he would not, so it seems i'm green flagged to tidy :) lol woohoo, 2 roommates are gone all week so this is a great time to tidy, one project a night, fridge, pantry, bathroom, then floors and vaccum :)


Well-Known Member
Lol I have a free guest room. Come clean my house

Oh an 10 bucks says that guy will take credit for cleaning when you other roommates return .So do you even know these people or did you craigslist that shit.


Pickle Queen
Lol I have a free guest room. Come clean my house

Oh an 10 bucks says that guy will take credit for cleaning when you other roommates return .So do you even know these people or did you craigslist that shit.
ok i'm high and i quoted the wrong person lol
hmm i don't think the commute wil work luv ;)

Come on i'm not crazy, craiglist lol I used kijiji thank u ;)

lol but i spoke and FB checked the people first, then came over to see if they were ok , but i never opened the fridge lol


Well-Known Member
There is no excuses for them, well besides the pregnant girl. I'm 19 and I love keeping my things clean. If they get mad, whatever, they shouldn't get mad at you for being a clean person.


Well-Known Member
Q: What is green and pecks on trees?
A: Woody Wood Pickle!
Q: What do you get when you cross a deer and a pickle?
A: A dilldoe
Q: What do you call the pickle that got run over on the highway?
A: Road dill.
Q: What is green and has two wheels?
A: A motorpickle.
Q: What is baby cucumber's favorite toy?
A: Pickle Me Elmo

and the dirty one...
Carrot, Pickle, & Penis
A carrot, a pickle and a penis were
talking about their awful lives.
The carrot said my life sucks, when i get
big and fat they cut me up and cook me.
The pickle said when I get big and
fat they cover me in vinegar & throw me in a jar.
The penis said, when I
get big and fat they pull a plastic bag over my head, stick me in a dark, damp
room and bang my head against the wall till I throw up and pass out!

good luck with the roommates... stay high


Well-Known Member
I'm a huge un-fan of lemon juice (sugar everywhere. Draws vermin) and baking soda (too mild. I reach straight for carbonate and peroxycarbonate. I like chemistry). I do use chemical cleaners with a light hand, but don't feel clean without them. In the States we have a product called Soft Scrub... I swear by it for my very sporadic cleaning jags. cn

It sucks that they stopped making the original orange version.


Ursus marijanus
OK I'm in this now!
Dja hear about the blonde who was sure Moby Dick was a venereal disease?
She also thought a penal colony was a male nude resort. cn


Well-Known Member
I would just clean the fridge haha, I doubt they can really complain to much about the fridge being clean lol


Well-Known Member
I have been sober far too long.

It is now 4:10 am. I have been cleaning for 10 and a half hours straight, with two toilet breaks.

I think I have a problem...


Active Member
Oh i never planned to toss anything, well things that bite back yes ;) Just clean and organize, i don't like open hams on the top shelf above open lettuce and fruits, fuck me i even told my preggo roomie that i will clean her cats shit box, that is a no no when preggo ;)
you're just like me. i can't stand a filthy fridge. all the bacteria harvesting in there. i hate meats on top or even middle shelves. they always go on bottom.