gun law reform... please!


Well-Known Member
Actually, the punishments for posession of firearms while in the posession of "narcotics" are far more severe than either alone. Technicaly, the posession of a firearm in the comission of any crime - including intent to distribute, distribution, intent to manufacture or manufacture will bring you a longer manditory sentence and this is even if you have never before been convicted of any crime. Ownership of firearms while having a medical card is still an ongoing debate.
What does this have to do with what you quoted?


Well-Known Member
Jesus H christ on a Popsicle stick. A few fat asses with poor self control eat too much fast food and you think the government should take over those people's lives? Really?

Holy fucking shit
A few? I believe we are talking about close to 1 in 4 are obese and many of those morbidly so. The problem has gotten so bad that the pentagon is fearful for our national security if things progress. I don't blame the eaters any more, I blame the supliers of these new "drugs" - salt, fat and sugar


Active Member
Any one like the idea that it requires no psychological evaluation or experience to become a cop? imo most cops have some degree of psychological deficiency, yet we give them a gun and authority without even checking until they shoot someone.

who knows, maybe better cops is the answer to preventing violent crimes, we can't really blame gun control laws with out exploring the other possibilities.


Well-Known Member
A few? I believe we are talking about close to 1 in 4 are obese and many of those morbidly so. The problem has gotten so bad that the pentagon is fearful for our national security if things progress. I don't blame the eaters any more, I blame the supliers of these new "drugs" - salt, fat and sugar

Have all been around in abundance( salt, fat and sugar) for many years.
Obesity started to rise with the induction of HIGH FRUCTOSE CORN SYRUP in everything.


Well-Known Member
Have all been around in abundance( salt, fat and sugar) for many years.
Obesity started to rise with the induction of HIGH FRUCTOSE CORN SYRUP in everything.

That is a part of the whole. The whole being very powerful corporations using advanced marketing, knowlege of food triggers and advertising that has us as a nation eat far more of those things that make us fat then we ordinarily would.

Banning HFC is only a portion of the solution.


Well-Known Member
Doc said that a pot smoker in posession of a weapon was no more illegal than either thing separately.
If you get caught illegally possessing a drug and back at home you have 100 guns. Guess what happens. Nothing.

For you to get in trouble for possessing a gun, the gun itself has to be present at the scene of the crime. Lets say bob down the block owns a bunch of guns, assault rifles, grenades, RPG's , riot shotguns and 10 handguns. On the other side of town Bob also illegally grows marijuana. Bob's grow gets busted and Bob wasn't carrying a gun when he was busted either. Guess how much extra trouble Bob is in? If you guessed NONE, you are correct.

Dirty Harry

Well-Known Member
Umm no, it doesn't work like that. The STORE that you bought your firearm from keeps the record of the sale for 3 years, then burns/shreds them. The government is NEVER in the loop.

Registration of firearms would be in opposition to the 2nd amendment.

Even if they come, tell em you sold them all at the gun show. You don't need to keep a record of who you sold to at a gun show.
Partially true. I was a licensed gun dealer, a home business before I started having kids and got out of it because I had too many guns and kids in the house. During that time I had a few routine ATF compliance checks. Part of the check was they took copies of my sales and purchase records that I was required by law to keep. So the government got their copies and the checks always seemed to be before the time I could destroy the records. When I turned in my dealers license, I was required to send in ALL original sales paperwork within a very short period of time.
There are very few instances that a legal firearms dealer would need to contact the ATF, multiple fire arms purchased within a 30 day period was one of them, but during their routine compliance checks, they were getting all the information the wanted. If you don't comply with their demands, you loose your license and failure to comply is a criminal act.


Well-Known Member
A few? I believe we are talking about close to 1 in 4 are obese and many of those morbidly so. The problem has gotten so bad that the pentagon is fearful for our national security if things progress. I don't blame the eaters any more, I blame the supliers of these new "drugs" - salt, fat and sugar
people have a responsibility to look after their own personal well being.


Well-Known Member
they suffer the consequences of their decisions.


That's nice, now can you explain why 30 years ago the obesity figures were wildely lower? Did everyone just have some sort of group failure to "look after their own personal well being"? Or is there a new dynamic at work here now where perhaps those people are no longer able to do what you and others fantisize they "should"


Ursus marijanus
That's nice, now can you explain why 30 years ago the obesity figures were wildely lower? Did everyone just have some sort of group failure to "look after their own personal well being"? Or is there a new dynamic at work here now where perhaps those people are no longer able to do what you and others fantisize they "should"
Canndo, I recommend the book Good Calories Bad Calories (Gary Taubes) to you. It opened my eyes about some common dietary myths being propagated by folks who should know better. cn


Well-Known Member
That's nice, now can you explain why 30 years ago the obesity figures were wildely lower? Did everyone just have some sort of group failure to "look after their own personal well being"? Or is there a new dynamic at work here now where perhaps those people are no longer able to do what you and others fantisize they "should"
it doesn't matter. people have choices. if i think they choose poorly, who am i to tell them what to do? that would be implying that i was all knowing and that my own judgements and perceptions are better than theirs. projecting your beliefs and ideals on to someone else is a holyier than thou position and it is untenable. who is to say who is right or what a particular person's motivation should or shouldn't be?


Well-Known Member
Canndo, I recommend the book Good Calories Bad Calories (Gary Taubes) to you. It opened my eyes about some common dietary myths being propagated by folks who should know better. cn

Sorry Canna - I figure calories is calories - burn more than you take in, you get fat, burn less, you get skinny. I don't know how long that book has been out but calories were still calories 40 years ago. Something is going on. Some say it is the advent of the new electronic sedentary American. But a recent study illuminates that excercise or lack thereof has little to do with being fat or skinny - it is the intake of calories that makes the difference.

That being the case, if we are fater as a people now:

1. We have lost our willpower
2. We no longer care about ourselves
3. We are being induced to eat more

Those are about all the explainations there are.

I would be willing to read anyone's thesis that we as a people have somehow given up our self limits voluntarily, limits that have been inherent in us as humans for 50,000 years.


Ursus marijanus
Sorry Canna - I figure calories is calories - burn more than you take in, you get fat, burn less, you get skinny. I don't know how long that book has been out but calories were still calories 40 years ago. Something is going on. Some say it is the advent of the new electronic sedentary American. But a recent study illuminates that excercise or lack thereof has little to do with being fat or skinny - it is the intake of calories that makes the difference.

That being the case, if we are fater as a people now:

1. We have lost our willpower
2. We no longer care about ourselves
3. We are being induced to eat more

Those are about all the explanations there are.

I would be willing to read anyone's thesis that we as a people have somehow given up our self limits voluntarily, limits that have been inherent in us as humans for 50,000 years.
The book specifically addresses the calorie-count fallacy. What sets it apart from the usual sensationalist tripe with a title like that is that it is a meta-analysis of the medical literature. cn


Well-Known Member
it doesn't matter. people have choices. if i think they choose poorly, who am i to tell them what to do? that would be implying that i was all knowing and that my own judgements and perceptions are better than theirs. projecting your beliefs and ideals on to someone else is a holyier than thou position and it is untenable. who is to say who is right or what a particular person's motivation should or shouldn't be?
this notion that all opinions are equal has no basis in fact. It is intirely possible that your judgements are better than theirs. It is possible that I am more equiped to tell someone who to eat than they are themselves. I don't care what one's motivations are and i don't care what an individual's responsibilites toward himself are.

Americans are still under the very mistaken impression that individuals are not a part of the whole. It does matter. my contention is that people don't have "choices" as they once did. You pretend that big business has no effect upon the attitude and behavior of the American Public. Big business wants you to believe this even as they spend billions subverting your "choice".


Well-Known Member
this notion that all opinions are equal has no basis in fact. It is intirely possible that your judgements are better than theirs. It is possible that I am more equiped to tell someone who to eat than they are themselves. I don't care what one's motivations are and i don't care what an individual's responsibilites toward himself are.

Americans are still under the very mistaken impression that individuals are not a part of the whole. It does matter. my contention is that people don't have "choices" as they once did. You pretend that big business has no effect upon the attitude and behavior of the American Public. Big business wants you to believe this even as they spend billions subverting your "choice".
boo, communism.