Tired of people say MG is not for Cannabis. I'm going to shut all of you up.


Well-Known Member
I will Get an organic MG, Low fert MG, Highest fert MG, and maybe some other ball thrown in there


Well-Known Member
My birthday is the 26th so I am going to set aside $100 bucks and splurge on a bunch of different seeds
man 100 bucks aint much when your buying single seeds like me. i spend around 100 bucks on every seed order and get 8-10 seeds


Well-Known Member
depending on how big your room is get 1 or a couple exhale grow bags. they work great. theres a guy on here using one thats almost a year old and its still putting out 1400ppm of co2. i used them in a grow tent in my room once and it didnt hurt me lol. and they have got to be the cheapest and longest lasting form of co2 you can buy.
i actully looked at thoughs i just figured that it woildnt put out allot bacuse its just a little bag, my grow area is pretty big its about the size of 2 avrage bed rooms. when i looked i think they were like 29$ i forgot what they called them i think they were caled exhale co2 cultivators. i figured it would take a bunch to enrich my room


Well-Known Member
lol they make the seeds the same way as all the other companeys i have used them for 2 years now and i havent had any unstable genetics r u shure it isnt because they are cheaper then any other seed site? now ams is a shitty seed company it used to take me more than a month to get my seeds and one time i had a order of 30 seeds not one of them germinated i have goten narvinas packeages in 5 days one time usaly take 1 week though. u should give them another try man they have real costmer reviews on there web site there is a few bad ones but the majority of them are good reviews and if you get a bunch of hermies they will send you more seeds i saw it happen to one guy who said he hermied his.
got some of their freebies they sent me planted out in the woods here right now, we'll see how they come out. i grew their white widow and my friend is growing their white widow now as well with no issues but a bunch of his freebies hermied and the one really really bad. ended up pollenating itself and a few other plants near it pretty bad.


Well-Known Member
i actully looked at thoughs i just figured that it woildnt put out allot bacuse its just a little bag, my grow area is pretty big its about the size of 2 avrage bed rooms. when i looked i think they were like 29$ i forgot what they called them i think they were caled exhale co2 cultivators. i figured it would take a bunch to enrich my room
lol well average bedroom differs between where you live i guess. this guy was using his in a 4x4 foot room i believe and at 1400 ppm its pretty much optimal from my understanding. i have one set up in a 5x8 foot room now but no way to measure co2 ppm


Well-Known Member
damn where they fem seeds? i only buy reg seeds but i know fem seeds tend to hermie because its bacaly in there genetics when they make the seeds.


Well-Known Member
lol well average bedroom differs between where you live i guess. this guy was using his in a 4x4 foot room i believe and at 1400 ppm its pretty much optimal from my understanding. i have one set up in a 5x8 foot room now but no way to measure co2 ppm
my room is around 24ftx16ft avrege room in my house is 8x12


Well-Known Member
hey sticky I want to go fem seeds but for 5 it cost more than 10 unfemmed soo....If I go unfem how many fems do you think I would get from

Oh and these are nirvana prices


Well-Known Member
damn where they fem seeds? i only buy reg seeds but i know fem seeds tend to hermie because its bacaly in there genetics when they make the seeds.
ya i usually get fem seeds. i grow in perpetual grow cycle using the 12/12 from a seed method. i like to pop 1 plant out of the cycle every week so if i got a male or something like that it would throw my cycle off and would have an empty week with nothing to do :p


Well-Known Member
my room is around 24ftx16ft avrege room in my house is 8x12
thats a big ass grow room lol. that 8x12 is more or less what im growing in between my flower and veg rooms. you might need a good amount of those bags but you could always try it. a little co2 is better than none i guess. or get a meter and just keep adding more bags till your levels are where you want them then you'll know how many it takes. all those bags would still be cheaper than co2 tanks on all year round.


Well-Known Member
i got a 5x8 flower and a 5x8 veg. right now its more like a 12/12 from seed room and a clone/mother room


Well-Known Member
yea its just 2 bed rooms that i made into 1 bacily wasnt to hard then i put a fake wall up over the 1 and the 2nd one has only half a room with a fake wall


Well-Known Member
hey sticky I want to go fem seeds but for 5 it cost more than 10 unfemmed soo....If I go unfem how many fems do you think I would get from

Oh and these are nirvana prices
i always have a high male to female ratio the web site says ite a 50/50 ratio but i usally get 6 or so sometimes i only get 4 but that is on a rare ocassion


Well-Known Member
It baffles me that some of the vets around here say miracle grow is the worst thing in the world for your plant....You are supposed to help new growers and help them with what they have. Not tell them to go buy a freakin 2 cubic foot block of soiless medium for $45 when all they can afford is $15 bag of MG
Did it ever occur to you that when you run the "guantlet" that is posting for the first few times there's ALWAYS an 'EXPERT'with several years knowledge who is no more than a old troll? Find yourself a cpl good people here you can bounce questions off of. For example, I am no expert but if i can help i will, then if i cant ill help ya find someone that can. has worked quite well for me in the past. obviously some here are part of the problem not the solution.5N85F55M83k83G73N1c8f0b74cbf8f653199d.jpg