So Doer, you obviously won't want to leave since you will be on the side of the state but can you tell us why all the others will let you guys do this to them?
On the side of the State? No. Being a US citizen, this is my gov't. We created it. We consent to be governed by ourselves. Not the other way. Confused?
We are a group of people that decided to let a govt be created and then we granted it power.
We continue to work with our Constitution and it is a constant debate.
I've been saying, we aren't doing anything to anybody, except mind-fuck the lazy thinkers and provide world peace per capita that has never been seen before.
We are working big plans with our enemy/trading partners. It too big, to be visible, on purpose. But, it's hardly hidden. I see it as a IQ test. Information Quota (trademark cn) <wink>
I think I see. You don't have a Constitution, do you? Or you don't understand it at all. It's OK. There is no way for you to know. No need for you to know. The bold run the show. The rest is whining and Utopian wistfulness.
The leftists are being manipulated by both sides as well as the Religious right. Both sides broadly, are self-reliance w/rule of law. Or Animal Farm multi-layer in-equality. Wait that's what we have now.
Dude, there is no equality in this world. The Marxism you follow, leads to tyranny. Mob rule is tyranny. Warlordism is tyranny. Non-secular governance is tyranny.
Federated secular democracy is only system to hold down the blood in the streets and the long standing vendetta, to say nothing of the arbitrary cruelty of the Dear Leader, who always runs the show. It is the only alternative to Blood Rule. Your theories have been tried. It descends into Blood. We invite your scorn. Cheer for our doom. You serve us well.