Zimmerman sues NBC


Well-Known Member
He also "admitted" he was leaving, too.
no, he never said that. the call ended with him telling dispatch to have police call him for his location, meaning that he was going to go looking for martin again, something which he admitted to in the interrogations with serino.

"you can start a confrontation" As in ask a question?
under florida law, zimm was stalking martin. this is by his own admissions.

You just want to convict Zimmerman based on your belief that he was a racist, largely attributable to NBC's inaccurate, unethical, and possibly illegal "reporting".
or you can attribute it to the fact that he would make fun of arab-looking people at work, or the racist things on his myspace page, or the testimony of his neighbors. no need to invoke NBC to label zimm as someone with more than just a few race issues.

it's no wonder why you're so quick to defend him though.


Well-Known Member
So you're just going to lie? There are no facts? So it never happened? "zimmerman admits on a 911 call that he's following...." He also "admitted" he was leaving, too. You're being mighty selective in your quotes. You a former NBC employee? ....... "you can start a confrontation" As in ask a question?.......... "shoot somebody when that person confronts you back." As in assault and batter? Let's be honest, you don't care what actions Trayvon Martin took that may have contributed to his demise. You just want to convict Zimmerman based on your belief that he was a racist, largely attributable to NBC's inaccurate, unethical, and possibly illegal "reporting".
being a smart ass teenager is not illegal. i'm 100% sure martin was kicking the crap out of zimmerman, what remains murky is why that was. it seems martin was walking home peacefully and the self appointed sheriff went after him, started harassing him, and then things got physical.

completely avoidable if the rent-a-cop would've just called the police and waited for trained law enforcement to handle the non-situation that was....


Well-Known Member
no, he never said that. the call ended with him telling dispatch to have police call him for his location, meaning that he was going to go looking for martin again, something which he admitted to in the interrogations with serino.

under florida law, zimm was stalking martin. this is by his own admissions.

or you can attribute it to the fact that he would make fun of arab-looking people at work, or the racist things on his myspace page, or the testimony of his neighbors. no need to invoke NBC to label zimm as someone with more than just a few race issues.

it's no wonder why you're so quick to defend him though.
Please post the definition of stalking from the Florida law that calls following someone you suspect of committing a crime stalking.

Zimmerman wasn't white. You remember that, right?


Well-Known Member
Please post the definition of stalking from the Florida law that calls following someone you suspect of committing a crime stalking.

Zimmerman wasn't white. You remember that, right?
zimmerman wasn't white? was his dad fake white or something? :dunce:

i'm not going to look up florida statutes for you, clawfoot. use your gnarly clawfeet and google it yourself.


Well-Known Member
no, he never said that. the call ended with him telling dispatch to have police call him for his location, meaning that he was going to go looking for martin again, something which he admitted to in the interrogations with serino. under florida law, zimm was stalking martin. this is by his own admissions. or you can attribute it to the fact that he would make fun of arab-looking people at work, or the racist things on his myspace page, or the testimony of his neighbors. no need to invoke NBC to label zimm as someone with more than just a few race issues. it's no wonder why you're so quick to defend him though.
"him telling dispatch to have police call him for his location, meaning" " to have police call him for his location"...... " under florida law" as if your qualified to interpret Florida law........ "zimm was stalking martin. this is by his own admissions." Zimmerman never said he was stalking anyone, so you're statement is a flat out lie. You can't provide any credible examples of Zimmerman being a racist, but you keep insisting he, and any one who disagrees with you, is. As you are known to falsify sources, your pretty much given know credence hear. Even you're ideological friends no your a liar. Left you a few homophones, can you find them?


Well-Known Member
being a smart ass teenager is not illegal. i'm 100% sure martin was kicking the crap out of zimmerman, what remains murky is why that was. it seems martin was walking home peacefully and the self appointed sheriff went after him, started harassing him, and then things got physical. completely avoidable if the rent-a-cop would've just called the police and waited for trained law enforcement to handle the non-situation that was....
Which is what he did. Next!


Well-Known Member
"him telling dispatch to have police call him for his location, meaning" " to have police call him for his location"...... " under florida law" as if your qualified to interpret Florida law........ "zimm was stalking martin. this is by his own admissions." Zimmerman never said he was stalking anyone, so you're statement is a flat out lie. You can't provide any credible examples of Zimmerman being a racist, but you keep insisting he, and any one who disagrees with you, is. As you are known to falsify sources, your pretty much given know credence hear. Even you're ideological friends no your a liar. Left you a few homophones, can you find them?
zimm did say he followed and looked for martin on multiple occasions, which fits the definition of stalking, stormfront red.


Well-Known Member
Was he there or was he not there, when the police arrived?
did he let trained law enforcement handle the non-situation, or did he (mis)handle it himself?

recall what redivider wrote, stormfront red.

completely avoidable if the rent-a-cop would've just called the police and waited for trained law enforcement to handle the non-situation that was....



Well-Known Member
Zimmerman never said he was stalking anyone...
but he did say he repeatedly followed him.

[SIZE=-1]A person who willfully, maliciously, and repeatedly follows, harasses, or cyberstalks another person commits the offense of stalking, a misdemeanor of the first degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082 or s. 775.083.



New Member
Of course he's not gonna say he was, why would he? The operator said stop following him in yet he continued anyway.


Well-Known Member
"non-situation"? The physical evidence demonstrates you are lying again. "avoidable"? You keep bringing that up as if it had some Bering on this or any situation. Nearly anything is "avoidable". That's just misdirection. Hell, Sandra Fluke could avoid the need for her birth control pills if she wasn't fucking around. She should be more like you're wife. Oh, wait. We don't no you're wife isn't fucking around, we only no she isn't fucking YOU.


Well-Known Member
but he did say he repeatedly followed him. [SIZE=-1]A person who willfully, maliciously, and repeatedly follows, harasses, or cyberstalks another person commits the offense of stalking, a misdemeanor of the first degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082 or s. 775.083. [/SIZE]http://www.leg.state.fl.us/statutes/index.cfm?App_mode=Display_Statute&Search_String=&URL=0700-0799/0784/Sections/0784.048.html[SIZE=-1] [/SIZE]
Repeatedly? Really, you expect us to believe he actually said that? You do realize, under you're definition, YOU are a stalker?


Well-Known Member
"non-situation"? The physical evidence demonstrates you are lying again. "avoidable"? You keep bringing that up as if it had some Bering on this or any situation. Nearly anything is "avoidable". That's just misdirection. Hell, Sandra Fluke could avoid the need for her birth control pills if she wasn't fucking around. She should be more like you're wife. Oh, wait. We don't no you're wife isn't fucking around, we only no she isn't fucking YOU.
i'd say a kid walking home with skittles counts as a non-situation.

and we all know your sex life has gone pretty cold. get it? cold? because your wife is dead.


Well-Known Member
Repeatedly? Really, you expect us to believe he actually said that? You do realize, under you're definition, YOU are a stalker?
he said he was following him once on the phone, and told serino in the interrogation that he followed him at a later time as well. get familiar with the facts of the case, stormfront red.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
Of course he's not gonna say he was, why would he? The operator said stop following him in yet he continued anyway.
Huh? Are you serious? The operator has no police powers and can only make suggestions. If the operator said don't touch your son if he was trapped under a huge tree, but you think you can move the tree safely, wouldn't you do it? The operator doesn't know the situation completely and can only make suggestions based on limited information which worked in similar situations the operator was trained to give. Those suggestions are no different than my opinion you should smoke a sativa for anxiety instead of taking Zoloft. Neither would work for excuses in a court of law.


Well-Known Member

You have the IQ of a turnip. If Fox reported BGH were potentially dangerous, Monsanto could sue for libel, because of lack of conclusive evidence. Saying Zimmerman called Martin a coon is slander and libel. That case doesn't count as precedent for libel because there's not a party being slandered, even if you could prove it was 100% a lie. If Fox reported that monkeys came out of your butt every time you farted, that is without a doubt a lie, even if a court ruled it was allowed, it still wouldn't be precedent for allowing slander and immunity from libel. Derp. :dunce:

Learn what precedence is and when it is applied. Does not matter if the case was a libel or slander case, if FOX argued IN ANY TYPE OF CASE that in the media there is no rule against distorting or falsifying the news in the United States and an appeals court agreed with that argument that sets precedence until a higher court rules differently. Quit acting like you have a clue when you don't.


Well-Known Member
"Aliens arrived on earth!"- news

"Let's portray this guy as a racist over and over with chopped up audio"- not news. That would be slander and or libel.

Given his history in court, it'll probably get thrown out, but his case does have merit.


Well-Known Member
No confusion at all. What NBC did was lie. They edited the recording of the conversation and deleted part of it to intentionally make Z out to be a racist. NBC even fired three people over the matter.

This is not spin, this is a straight up lie. The only question is whether NBC's lie caused Z any harm; if so, then this is libel. What would a jury decide in the matter? Who knows given the charged and polarized nature of this whole incident?

A few days later NBC had their "sound experts" identify the "fucking coon" comment, which wasn't there.
Omitting certain parts of anything is not lying at all. Misleading yes, but lying, not even close.