Zimmerman sues NBC


Well-Known Member

Here are a couple of photos. Try Google: "photos of Zimmerman's injuries "

"EMT Kevin O'Rourke testified during Zimmerman's bond hearing this morning that "45 percent" of Zimmerman's head had blood on it and that the lacerations on Zimmerman's head "would probably need stitches.""

ABC News Exclusive: Zimmerman Medical Report Shows Broken Nose, Lacerations After Trayvon Martin Shooting"


"An autopsy of Trayvon Martin, the black unarmed teenager who was fatally shot by a Florida neighborhood watch volunteer, shows that his body had injuries to the knuckles, while a medical report on the shooter, George Zimmerman, shows that he suffered a broken nose, two black eyes, and cuts on the back of his head, according to a Florida TV news channel and ABC News."

Nobody in the internet age can plead ignorance except those who want to be ignorant.
those are doctored photos, idiot.


Ursus marijanus
Maybe so. We will never know. Even if Z was discourteous, is that reasonable justification for a potentially life threatening beating?
It depends on the nature of the discourtesy. If it was in line with "these assholes always get away", I am not confident that Z didn't deliberately provoke a deadly situation. We don't know, since the only one who saw it (Z) has been caught in more than one lie. I don't trust anything Z said. cn

desert dude

Well-Known Member
It depends on the nature of the discourtesy. If it was in line with "these assholes always get away", I am not confident that Z didn't deliberately provoke a deadly situation. We don't know, since the only one who saw it (Z) has been caught in more than one lie. I don't trust anything Z said. cn
So, if somebody calls you an asshole you think you have a right to beat him to death?


Well-Known Member
What corner? Don't pretend Martin had no choice except to attack. All Zimmerman did was ask him a quesstion. Martin wasn't "defending" himself, he was attacking. And there were witnesses to at least some of the fight. And the physical evidence collaborates Zimmerman's statements. To demand crucifixion to satisfy your notion of "Social Justice" is just plain wrong. That you believe attempted murder is justified in this situation clearly disqualifies you to judge anybody.
again, no one knows who attacked who. yet somehow you assume martin must have attacked zimm, even though we know HE RAN AWAY on multiple occasions.

your bigotry is affecting your assumptions, stormfront red.


Well-Known Member
a couple of things get in the way of your uber-racist "smear the dead black kid" campaign:

*no one knows who started the fight, you fucking bigot.

*the picture you posted is false, it is not even trayvon. but i suppose all black people look alike to you, eh bigot?

*the tattoo was a rosary and hands praying dedicated to his nana, you dipshit

*the twitter thing has no relevance on anything and it wasn't even his, idiot.

*martin was going out to the store to get candy for his little cousin, you idiot.

*martin had every right to be out there, the burden is not on the black person to go home, you fucking racist shit.
Hey, this is a fun game. My turn:

*Trayvon posted that he was going to go beat some Jew/Mexican ass right before he left to get blunts. He probably couldn't tell the difference between Mexicans and Peruvians.
*Trayvon raped 8 white women on his way through the neighborhood. He didn't have much stamina, that is why it was only 40 minutes.
*Trayvon was also known as Al Jawa Michealoha - a known terrorist of the butt rape brotherhood with ties to Al Qaukers.
*UncleBuck would back cannibals eating children if Obama was OK with it.

Wait... that last one is true.

desert dude

Well-Known Member
You are entirely ignoring one of my main points: eyewitness testimony is remarkably unreliable. I am not arguing against the sincerity of the witnesses but their correctness. Any witness who adjusts his story cannot have been sure, and that places the entire testimony into reasonable doubt category imo. I don't see this case being decided on witness accounts; the attorneys will shred'em. cn
And you are completely ignoring the fact that this witness tells a tale that completely jibes with the physical evidence and the report of the police officer who responded that night.


Well-Known Member
How would you, as a juror, interpret Zimmerman's injuries and Martin's only injuries, his skinned up knuckles?
he did not have skinned up knuckles, you lying sack of shit.

he had the slightest bit of a scratch on one single knuckle, which does not correspond to zimm's ridiculous version of events.

desert dude

Well-Known Member
again, no one knows who attacked who. yet somehow you assume martin must have attacked zimm, even though we know HE RAN AWAY on multiple occasions.

your bigotry is affecting your assumptions, stormfront red.
Physical evidence is indisputable.

Zimm was battered, Martin was not, unless you are alleging that Zimm assaulted Martin by bashing his face and against Martin's knuckles.


Well-Known Member
Is it ok for 17 year old 'kids' to walk around like ghetto thugs in the rain at night smoking weed and jumping spanish people who are watching out for the neighborhood?
no one knows that martin jumped anyone.

based on the fact that martin RAN AWAY and zimm pursued, it is most likely that the opposite happened.

you racist bag of shit.


Well-Known Member
Not being on the jury, I don't have access to the rest of the evidence. If you wish to argue that Z shot T in self-degfense, then it supports that T punched Z in the same spirit. Not conclusive. Remember the Trayvan thread? There was no "ample evidence" then. If any has come to light since then, a link please. Afaik nobody but Z saw the critical confrontation. You seem too happy to jump to the conclusion that I am gunning for Z in this matter. Convince me, but you need to use better "evidence". So far I have been convinced that Z and T did indeed tussle. cn
"then it supports that T punched Z in the same spirit." No, it doesn't. Asking a question in no way is "in the same spirit" as beating someone to the ground, mounting him, and then continuing to beat him. Continuing to attack a man after he is down proves an intent to do serious bodily harm at least, if not to kill. The Trayvon thread had plenty of evidence, you just choose to ignore it or pretend it doesn't exist. You sacrifice your honesty for your ideology.


Well-Known Member
again, no one knows who attacked who. yet somehow you assume martin must have attacked zimm, even though we know HE RAN AWAY on multiple occasions.

your bigotry is affecting your assumptions, stormfront red.

I made a long post about the timelines involved and showing the housing units and where the attack took place as well as their respective times. It is 100% obvious from reality that Martin backtracked to confront Zimmerman.

Zimmerman followed him once and then lost him. Confrontation over. Martin was home free, he could of went home. Instead, he decided to get Zimmerman. It would be like playing Grand Theft Auto, running from the cops, then when the cops aren't chasing you anymore popping out and shooting them and going HAHAHAHA STOP FOLLOWING ME MOTHERFUCKERS. Funny? Sure. Makes you the aggressor? yes.


Well-Known Member
no one knows that martin jumped anyone.

based on the fact that martin RAN AWAY and zimm pursued, it is most likely that the opposite happened.

you racist bag of shit.
Zimmerman was no longer in pursuit of him when the attack happened. This means you are full of shit and that Martin is a violent felon who got a bullet for reward. Maybe if his parents didn't let him run around in the middle of the night high while he was kicked out of school for drugs he wouldn't of been the sort of person who was a d-bag.