What's happening to my baby? newbie needs help!!!


Well-Known Member
only issue with the cheese is that its still really short, its branching out like mad but remaining short...why is that? ive lifted the lights higher too


Well-Known Member
Nah. Definitely Cheese. Feminized...

Get This, The Other Plant Has Wilted Again!!!! Its Going Between Semi-standing Up And Wilting All The Time!! I Watered It Yesterday, Why Would It Wilt Again, This Plant Is A Tricky Business...


Well-Known Member
Nah. Definitely Cheese. Feminized...

Get This, The Other Plant Has Wilted Again!!!! Its Going Between Semi-standing Up And Wilting All The Time!! I Watered It Yesterday, Why Would It Wilt Again, This Plant Is A Tricky Business...
is the soil dry?, when you watered it did you let it sit for a bit the waterit again because some times when water comes out the bottom it doesn't meen its wattered

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
Both plants look good. You should be happy that your cheese is bushy. Bushy plants are way easier to manage than tall, stringy plants and it usually means they are healthier (and more probability they are females:mrgreen:). Of course, you would need some more plants of the same strain to do a real comparison. Like BCSKing said, all strains grow differently. As far as the wilting, you seem to be watering too much. I don't water as often as you and I have plants three times the size in coco which is a hydro medium. I don't really treat it like hydro, though. Point is, my soil is supposed to dry faster than yours but you are watering more frequently. Pick up the pots every day. Don't water until it feels like you're picking up an empty pot. If it's heavy, there is a lot of water still in there and you are drowning your plant. You can also find a moisture meter at Walmart for $3. And I should have mentioned this earlier - if you get burn again, move the burned plant away from the light, about 30 inches. All in all, looking good. Keep it up.


Active Member
I've got a similar problem with my flowering plants. I just posted a Q about it a moment ago. Anyway, I think its a slight over nute. Your in soil and if it was Foxfarm or any other high quality, nutrient rich soil, you shouldn't be giving anything but ph balanced water to it (I know you don't have a meter yet, but it's best not to start seeds if you don't!). For soil you can just go to Home Depot or a nursery to get one!

Good luck and have fun! They don't really look that bad and if you just give em some good water they'll be fine.


Well-Known Member
thanx guys.. the wilted one i only water when, like you said, the pot feels empty... i even check the bottom to notice any wet soil..it seems to dry quite quickly, so i guess i water it every 2-3 days.. maybe ill try less watering..the problem for me is i never know if the soil is actually DRYYYY especially when its in the big pots... i put gravel at the bottom of the pots for better irrigation which makes it heavier too, so its hard to tell... do you think that moisture meter is worth getting, will it indicate the moisture inside well? so far i've just been sticking a chopstick in there all the way to the bottom, pulling it out and seeing if there's wet soil on it, but im sure im harming some roots on the way in..


Well-Known Member
thanx guys.. the wilted one i only water when, like you said, the pot feels empty... i even check the bottom to notice any wet soil..it seems to dry quite quickly, so i guess i water it every 2-3 days.. maybe ill try less watering..the problem for me is i never know if the soil is actually DRYYYY especially when its in the big pots... i put gravel at the bottom of the pots for better irrigation which makes it heavier too, so its hard to tell... do you think that moisture meter is worth getting, will it indicate the moisture inside well? so far i've just been sticking a chopstick in there all the way to the bottom, pulling it out and seeing if there's wet soil on it, but im sure im harming some roots on the way in..
no I just go by the 1 to 2'' of the top soil is dry it needs water


Well-Known Member

the random plant is back on track!!! its looking as healthy as ever... the cheese is blossoming like mad, but now i noticed a burn on one of its earliest leafs...i dont understand why or how it got there....

here are the pictures!!



Well-Known Member
ps, treatment has been stable adn the same since it started growing..water fully when soil is completely dry, didnt give it any food since that first time when it messed the other baby up....still waiting on my ph meter so just water at th emoment...

lights are 250w high enough above the plant..

mared juwan

Well-Known Member

the random plant is back on track!!! its looking as healthy as ever... the cheese is blossoming like mad, but now i noticed a burn on one of its earliest leafs...i dont understand why or how it got there....

here are the pictures!!
I knew you'd be fine. Way to go! Sometimes I find random spots on my plants too. I'm pretty careful to not get water on the leaves but I usually just chalk it up to that when I see just one isolated spot. Just keep an eye on it and make sure it doesn't get bigger/multiply.


Well-Known Member
wicked. that's what i thought, ill keep you up to do with what's happening... Im scared to start feeding before i can check ph of water... but in reality, all these bullshit nutrients didnt exist before companies caught onto the idea, and i doubt 200 years ago plants NEEDED all this organic shmanic bullshit, so im sure, (as i proved to myself last summer) my plant will still be amazing and tasty without that stuff,

only reason i wanna give it some is to make it grow quicker as im a bit under time pressure.... have to move out in september LOL

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
If the only reason you're worried about feeding is ph, don't worry. With the proper dose, it will barely affect ph - it will go down .2, .3 max. Probably less since you're using organics.

In the wild, roots are not constrained to a pot and fresh nutrients (dead, rotting stuff and poop) are being added continually, so they will need nutes at some point.
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Well-Known Member
What kind of soil are you using? Some soils come with time release ferts that feed them for 3 months... You maybe overfertilizing?? I recently found that out myself...


Well-Known Member
last year i didnt give the baby anything until it was flowering, and even then just fed it 3 times... it came out amazing, natural and tasty... so you think its time to try to feed again?

the unknown plant looks better, but some of the fan leafs are still being affected, not the top top ones, but the middle ones..although, not as badly as the earlier ones..