America's "gun problem"


Ursus marijanus
By "federally speaking" I mean by the legislation set forth by the Federal Government. If someone was to break into your house, and you wait for him to get into your house and you open fire on him, or in the direction of him, because you feel that you have the right to defend yourself with a gun from all enemies ....let me know how that works out eh :)

Shooting someone, regardless of the "reasons why" a violent act of assult....Irregardless of the conditions and circumstances. Whether they choose to or not to prosecute you is a whooolllee different story.

They will charge him with felony burglary (state level) and they will charge you with felony(attempted if ya miss) violent assault(federal level) with a deadly weapon.

Federal law is very much different than state law. The fed's could even hand the case down to the state level and let them do what they will with it.

Finding laws and legislation is a occupation m8. It takes a long time, and much money to research, and comprehend state and federal law. I wish it was as easy as " show me". It should be, but sadly that is not the world we live in. I recommend you call a lawyer, or pay me, and maybe I can help you :)
It isn't assault when it is defense. One of the nastiest attacks against the right to keep&bear is to reclassify defense as a violent crime. Those are the things that could incrementally move otherwise sober-minded cooperative citizens toward revolt. And that is where I will point out that "federally speaking" in this instance is just plain wrong. We should all write our congresscritters, especially the Boxers and Feinsteins who are promoting an agenda thoroughly opposing the expressed right of the citizen to take up and use arms in defense of self and property, and say No. cn


Active Member
A guy in Florida was getting something from a convenient store, a robber came in presented a weapon and threatened the clerk. Customer walked up behind the robber put his gun to his head and pulled the trigger, INNOCENT.


Well-Known Member
I have been asking for actual living examples of the people that your guns protect you from .
Well, these people are still alive, if that's what you mean. Really guns are not "bad" the entire world is about guns. And if you think it is not......

Well, the freedom to think that in our circle of life, is brought to us by guns. The big returns from search terms are about gun violence?

I used, "incidents of gun saving homeowner." FWITW, I haven't vetted any of these stories. But we all hear them go by. They are not part of Agenda. That is written off as glorifying the gun culture.

So, you can wonder who is on the sick and violent side, if you can't figure it out. But, we call them the bad guys.

I'm sure you will see this a gun nut blog, to dismiss it, but it links to news video in some cases.

Do more research yourself?

The simple truth that can't be shouted down, guns don't kill people, guns save lives. Guns protect. It is so far beyond the "gun violence" rate, this "gun protection" rate. But, I guarantee, when you pull the trigger to Save, that becomes a violence statistic.

Guns I can think of a lot of reasons to ignore the stats.

It is Agenda.
I think you may be mistaken by Law if you feel that someone is threatening your life or someone elses you have the right to protect yourself with deadly force. I have my CCW license and this is exactly how you are trained in the course, you always have the right to defend your life.

I agree, you always have the "right" but there are consequences to those rights was my draw. You just can't go around killing or shooting people when you feel your in grave danger. Thats a sure shot way to lose your "right" to bear arms.

Its not common for the Fed's to actual prosecute the person. But it remains very much so on the books for reserved purposes. It's there, and any federal lawyer should be able to tell you so.

CC Dobbs

Well-Known Member
Afghanis never win nor will they win our military forces are the best in the world, have some pride. We loose 1 to their 100 so please explain how that is a loss for us, THE ONLY REASON THEY ARE STILL THERE IS BECAUSE WE ALLOW IT!!!!
They want their country and presumably we are there because we want their country too. Whoever ends up with country wins. What the fuck does pride have to do with it.

sgt john

Well-Known Member
A guy in Florida was getting something from a convenient store, a robber came in presented a weapon and threatened the clerk. Customer walked up behind the robber put his gun to his head and pulled the trigger, INNOCENT.
Sounds like murder to me, did he give the person a chance to give up, or drop the weapon?
I don't want to be at the store buying a soda and have a nut case thinking i'm robing the store and then put a gun to my head..

CC Dobbs

Well-Known Member
Only because of the fact the the USSR fell. Economically afghanistan still has not recovered from their Invasion. But what I was meaning is that the Russians killed more Afghani's than they killed Russians. Technically, the Coalition forces are not at war with the Afghani population, rather their radical cousins and brothers :)
Right The USSR is gone, in more ways then one, and the Afghanis are still there. They win.
It isn't assault when it is defense. One of the nastiest attacks against the right to keep&bear is to reclassify defense as a violent crime. Those are the things that could incrementally move otherwise sober-minded cooperative citizens toward revolt. And that is where I will point out that "federally speaking" in this instance is just plain wrong. We should all write our congresscritters, especially the Boxers and Feinsteins who are promoting an agenda thoroughly opposing the expressed right of the citizen to take up and use arms in defense of self and property, and say No. cn
"it isn't assult when its defense"....tell that to George Zimmerman. He was just defending his turf eh???

Canna m8, the use of deadly force, under any circumstances outside of those whom are permitted to use deadly force, is a federal offense. Its not a commonly prosecuted offense, but its still a federal offense. Its a grey area smole. Other than that I completely agree with your post :) Its extremely hard to prove in a court that you knew your life was in grave danger...even harder to get someone to agree with you especially if they weren't there at the scene.

More often than not, if you are involved in a act that you resorted to using deadly firearm force to protect yourself, you can forget about keeping those rights :) Thats not a message the Government will allow to be spread. Sure its okay to blast Johnny-O if he sneeks in at night for a TV, or TV Dinner for that matter.

Mind you though, that some states, have state level laws that directly conflict with federal law. IE....Florida's stand your ground law. Federally its illegal, but nobody is making a stank about it. Same deal can be said about the states that just "legalized" cannabis on a state level.

sgt john

Well-Known Member
Johnny-O likes tv dinners after having a good time the home owners wife and daughters... Just saying..
A guy in Florida was getting something from a convenient store, a robber came in presented a weapon and threatened the clerk. Customer walked up behind the robber put his gun to his head and pulled the trigger, INNOCENT.
In my opinion that is Homicide. That also encourages others to pull a Zimmerman. Leave the policing to those who get paid and trained to do so. For whatever reason, most ppl with a gun feel empowered when it fact its a liability and a responsibility that in my opinion the average citizen doesn't have the capacity to fully comprehend.


Active Member
By "federally speaking" I mean by the legislation set forth by the Federal Government. If someone was to break into your house, and you wait for him to get into your house and you open fire on him, or in the direction of him, because you feel that you have the right to defend yourself with a gun from all enemies ....let me know how that works out eh :)

Shooting someone, regardless of the "reasons why" a violent act of assult....Irregardless of the conditions and circumstances. Whether they choose to or not to prosecute you is a whooolllee different story.

They will charge him with felony burglary (state level) and they will charge you with felony(attempted if ya miss) violent assault(federal level) with a deadly weapon.

Federal law is very much different than state law. The fed's could even hand the case down to the state level and let them do what they will with it.

Finding laws and legislation is a occupation m8. It takes a long time, and much money to research, and comprehend state and federal law. I wish it was as easy as " show me". It should be, but sadly that is not the world we live in. I recommend you call a lawyer, or pay me, and maybe I can help you :)

Ya, cool story bro


Active Member
Sounds like murder to me, did he give the person a chance to give up, or drop the weapon?
I don't want to be at the store buying a soda and have a nut case thinking i'm robing the store and then put a gun to my head..
He sure didn't and Florida has a very relaxed policy on self defense, I will try to find the link for the news clip but he didn't even get arrested. Also another man witnessed a rape and shot the guy and did not get charged either. Seems kind of "wild west" to me as well but I bet other robbers who saw the news covering that will think twice before holding anyone up. I think the fact that both in instances the shooter had a CCW license, not sure if this plays any significant roll in there lack of prossecution.


Ursus marijanus
"it isn't assult when its defense"....tell that to George Zimmerman. He was just defending his turf eh???

Canna m8, the use of deadly force, under any circumstances outside of those whom are permitted to use deadly force, is a federal offense. Its not a commonly prosecuted offense, but its still a federal offense. Its a grey area smole. Other than that I completely agree with your post :) Its extremely hard to prove in a court that you knew your life was in grave danger...even harder to get someone to agree with you especially if they weren't there at the scene.

More often than not, if you are involved in a act that you resorted to using deadly firearm force to protect yourself, you can forget about keeping those rights :) Thats not a message the Government will allow to be spread. Sure its okay to blast Johnny-O if he sneeks in at night for a TV, or TV Dinner for that matter.

Mind you though, that some states, have state level laws that directly conflict with federal law. IE....Florida's stand your ground law. Federally its illegal, but nobody is making a stank about it. Same deal can be said about the states that just "legalized" cannabis on a state level.
Zimmerman was outdoors at night, and he pursued Martin. You might enjoy this forum's long, lloonngg pair of threads about it. I was active in both.

I hear what you're saying about Federal offense, and it scares me. it would just be the sort of hole-card law they'd get and keep fairly quiet. I also see little chance of a Constitutional challenge being raised, even if it is correct. Being right won't do if you don't have sponsorship, and the incorrect law appeals rather deeply to those who have the power. And voluntary reliction of power is not a concept with a very rich history, i am afraid. cn


Active Member
In my opinion that is Homicide. That also encourages others to pull a Zimmerman. Leave the policing to those who get paid and trained to do so. For whatever reason, most ppl with a gun feel empowered when it fact its a liability and a responsibility that in my opinion the average citizen doesn't have the capacity to fully comprehend.
I think the average citizen has just as much capacity as an officer, and I trust my life in my hands no one elses.
Zimmerman was outdoors at night, and he pursued Martin. You might enjoy this forum's long, lloonngg pair of threads about it. I was active in both.

I hear what you're saying about Federal offense, and it scares me. it would just be the sort of hole-card law they'd get and keep fairly quiet. I also see little chance of a Constitutional challenge being raised, even if it is correct. Being right won't do if you don't have sponsorship, and the incorrect law appeals rather deeply to those who have the power. And voluntary reliction of power is not a concept with a very rich history, i am afraid. cn
Still the fact remains that he defended what he considered to be his. His neighborhood, his turf. He even pursued him in his war to stand his own ground and defend himself ;)

I very much agree with you m8!


Ursus marijanus
Still the fact remains that he defended what he considered to be his. His neighborhood, his turf. He even pursued him in his war to stand his own ground and defend himself ;)

I very much agree with you m8!
I got some laffs on the other thread by pointing out that Z "stood his ground" in a brisk forward trajectory.

Imo that Fed/State conflict will need to be ironed out. I don't know how to do that though. Obviously I'd like it to work out in favor of the armed citizen. The opposed idea is predicated on the police having both the capacity and the duty to keep us safe. I find the first ridiculous and the second to be a dangerous abdication. cn


Active Member
Still the fact remains that he defended what he considered to be his. His neighborhood, his turf. He even pursued him in his war to stand his own ground and defend himself ;)

I very much agree with you m8!
The fact remains that Zimmerman left his house and confronted unarmed neighbors, that is why he got the sentencing he deserved. If those neighbors came to his door with a weapon he would not be in jail or were on his property making threatening moves. I think the Zimmerman case is a bad example for what people are trying to convey, because he basically made the assault by picking the fight.

sgt john

Well-Known Member
He sure didn't and Florida has a very relaxed policy on self defense, I will try to find the link for the news clip but he didn't even get arrested. Also another man witnessed a rape and shot the guy and did not get charged either. Seems kind of "wild west" to me as well but I bet other robbers who saw the news covering that will think twice before holding anyone up. I think the fact that both in instances the shooter had a CCW license, not sure if this plays any significant roll in there lack of prossecution.
Personal property, like a car, a phone or a bike, I wouldn't use deadly force..
Only if some one was being harmed or could be harmed, and I guess pointing a gun to my head is basically saying I will shoot you if you don't do as I say..
Its probably a good thing I don't have a CCW, or even a


Well-Known Member
Sounds like murder to me, did he give the person a chance to give up, or drop the weapon? I don't want to be at the store buying a soda and have a nut case thinking i'm robing the store and then put a gun to my head..
You mean did he give the person a chance to shoot him? No.