America's "gun problem"

I am not in favor of increasing arms to citizens. I am not in favor of decreasing them either. I think regardless of what they do, it will have no effect. There will still be mass tragedies. There will still be mad men. There will always be someone that wishes harm unto others.

I think Gun Control is about fixing the symptoms ( feel good laws) and not the problem.
You mean did he give the person a chance to shoot him? No.
Liar! he did the minute he pulled that weapon out! In fact, he gave the chance to not only shoot the gun owner, but the store clerk also :) Just brandishing that weapon craeted the option for himself to be killed, and possible others....Smart Gun owner...

See, just having a gun makes most feel obligated to stop tragedy. Sadly, most of the time it just rolls into another tragedy.


In my eyes, if you feel entitled to use a weapon to protect yourself, you should just shot yourself.


Active Member
Personal property, like a car, a phone or a bike, I wouldn't use deadly force..
Only if some one was being harmed or could be harmed, and I guess pointing a gun to my head is basically saying I will shoot you if you don't do as I say..
Its probably a good thing I don't have a CCW, or even a
If you want a weapon you may want to buy one before the government takes your selection away.


Well-Known Member
"it isn't assult when its defense"....tell that to George Zimmerman. He was just defending his turf eh??? Canna m8, the use of deadly force, under any circumstances outside of those whom are permitted to use deadly force, is a federal offense. Its not a commonly prosecuted offense, but its still a federal offense. Its a grey area smole. Other than that I completely agree with your post :) Its extremely hard to prove in a court that you knew your life was in grave danger...even harder to get someone to agree with you especially if they weren't there at the scene. More often than not, if you are involved in a act that you resorted to using deadly firearm force to protect yourself, you can forget about keeping those rights :) Thats not a message the Government will allow to be spread. Sure its okay to blast Johnny-O if he sneeks in at night for a TV, or TV Dinner for that matter. Mind you though, that some states, have state level laws that directly conflict with federal law. IE....Florida's stand your ground law. Federally its illegal, but nobody is making a stank about it. Same deal can be said about the states that just "legalized" cannabis on a state level.
Zimmerman was defending his life, not "turf". Your statement indicates you are one of those who are willing to lie to further your agenda. There is no Federal law against killing anyone other than assassination, only states prosecute murder. The legal use of deadly force does not cause you to lose your rights. I can understand ignorance, but dishonesty is inexcusable.


Active Member
Liar! he did the minute he pulled that weapon out! In fact, he gave the chance to not only shoot the gun owner, but the store clerk also :) Just brandishing that weapon craeted the option for himself to be killed, and possible others....Smart Gun owner...

See, just having a gun makes most feel obligated to stop tragedy. Sadly, most of the time it just rolls into another tragedy.

The fact is there was a chance both of them would have been shot whether the shooter had a weapon or not. By drawing his weapon he potentially saved two lives by not drawing the guy may have shot them both. You may be the type of person who leaves things like that to chance but I am not, He did the right thing in my opinion.
Zimmerman was defending his life, not "turf". Your statement indicates you are one of those who are willing to lie to further your agenda. There is no Federal law against killing anyone other than assassination, only states prosecute murder. The legal use of deadly force does not cause you to lose your rights. I can understand ignorance, but dishonesty is inexcusable.
There is no federal law against killing anyone other than assassination, only states prosecute murder..........Based on that statement, there is nothing I can say to you, sorry.

Obviously you don't know what Murder is so : Zone in on FEDERAL HOMICIDE STATUES

If your looking for federal Homicide statistics...FBI is your man.

Of course the "legal" use of deadly force wouldn't cause you to lose your rights....IT "LEGAL"

I have an agenda????? to me!


Well-Known Member
In my opinion that is Homicide. That also encourages others to pull a Zimmerman. Leave the policing to those who get paid and trained to do so. For whatever reason, most ppl with a gun feel empowered when it fact its a liability and a responsibility that in my opinion the average citizen doesn't have the capacity to fully comprehend.
Once again a remark about Zimmerman that disregards the truth. "Leave the policing to those who get paid and trained to do so." Sorry, I prefer to explain why I shot an intruder to having the police try to guess from the evidence left scattered around the bodies of my family.
The fact is there was a chance both of them would have been shot whether the shooter had a weapon or not. By drawing his weapon he potentially saved two lives by not drawing the guy may have shot them both. You may be the type of person who leaves things like that to chance but I am not, He did the right thing in my opinion.

Respectable m8! But its blood on your hands not mine! I've sadly had a job that at time needed me to take the life of another human being. Its not over because he hit the ground! Taking a life is something that never leaves your mind nor your soul. Idk, to each there own m8!


Well-Known Member
Zimmerman was defending his life, not "turf". Your statement indicates you are one of those who are willing to lie to further your agenda. There is no Federal law against killing anyone other than assassination, only states prosecute murder. The legal use of deadly force does not cause you to lose your rights. I can understand ignorance, but dishonesty is inexcusable.
Zimmerman is one of those Ass Wipes that endangers the 2nd amendment
along with his supporters
Once again a remark about Zimmerman that disregards the truth. "Leave the policing to those who get paid and trained to do so." Sorry, I prefer to explain why I shot an intruder to having the police try to guess from the evidence left scattered around the bodies of my family.
So wouldn't this guy :

And he is just one of 1k's this has happened to sadly. If someone breaks into your house, and you kill them...Have fun in Prison. 9 times out of 10 that is what happens. The Government doesn't want the public to act like that for whatever reasons. I don't agree with it at all, but its a fact of life. You can't shoot someone that burglarizes your home. Unless you live in FL. Then you can shoot all god damn day...shoot till you can't shoot no more and you won't go to prison :)

Ever heard a 911 dispatcher screaming at grandpa to shoot Johnny-O who just broke in????? Talk about aiding some homicide!


Active Member
Respectable m8! But its blood on your hands not mine! I've sadly had a job that at time needed me to take the life of another human being. Its not over because he hit the ground! Taking a life is something that never leaves your mind nor your soul. Idk, to each there own m8!
I have also been required to do so and I understand where your coming from, but saving a life sticks around more so for me.


Ursus marijanus
Zimmerman doesn't matter anyhow the police specifically instructed him not to intervene in any way.
Actually no. The dispatcher didn't have that authority. What (she?) did say was "we don't need you to do that" when Z announced plans to leave his truck. Those are the strongest terms available to someone who knows she cannot direct, only influence. cn
Actually no. The dispatcher didn't have that authority. What (she?) did say was "we don't need you to do that" when Z announced plans to leave his truck. Those are the strongest terms available to someone who knows she cannot direct, only influence. cn
Very true. Now if a Officer said not to, then its a direct order that he ignored and grounds for murder 1. In my eyes he is deserving of murder 1. Don't take the law into your own hands regardless of situation. For sure didn't hear them screaming shoot like a madman :)


Well-Known Member
The fact remains that Zimmerman left his house and confronted unarmed neighbors, that is why he got the sentencing he deserved. If those neighbors came to his door with a weapon he would not be in jail or were on his property making threatening moves. I think the Zimmerman case is a bad example for what people are trying to convey, because he basically made the assault by picking the fight.
Martin wasn't a neighbor. He hasn't even been tried, let alone sentenced. Your claim of Zimmerman "picking the fight" is just plain conjecture. You really have no problem at all lying to push your agenda. When you lie like that, no one but your fellow ideologues can respect you or your opinions. And that's only because they're low-life liars who push the same agenda as you.

desert dude

Well-Known Member
"it isn't assult when its defense"....tell that to George Zimmerman. He was just defending his turf eh???

Canna m8, the use of deadly force, under any circumstances outside of those whom are permitted to use deadly force, is a federal offense. Its not a commonly prosecuted offense, but its still a federal offense. Its a grey area smole. Other than that I completely agree with your post :) Its extremely hard to prove in a court that you knew your life was in grave danger...even harder to get someone to agree with you especially if they weren't there at the scene.

More often than not, if you are involved in a act that you resorted to using deadly firearm force to protect yourself, you can forget about keeping those rights :) Thats not a message the Government will allow to be spread. Sure its okay to blast Johnny-O if he sneeks in at night for a TV, or TV Dinner for that matter.

Mind you though, that some states, have state level laws that directly conflict with federal law. IE....Florida's stand your ground law. Federally its illegal, but nobody is making a stank about it. Same deal can be said about the states that just "legalized" cannabis on a state level.
Path, I have read your repeated assertions about, "murder being a federal offense..., self defense is forbidden under federal law..., etc.". You are completely and utterly wrong. The police power is reserved to the states. There are a few circumstances where federal law applies, but they are limited and very narrow, killing a federal officer and such.

Take the Zimmerman case as an example and assume that Zimmerman murdered dear little Trayvon. The feds cannot prosecute Zimmerman for murder because they have no jurisdiction. That is a Florida matter.

"Because the Congress has limited powers granted in the Constitution, the Federal government does not have a general police power, as the states do. The exceptions are laws regarding Federal property and the military; the Federal government was also granted broad police powers by the Interstate Commerce Act of 1887."

I sincerely hope nobody takes you up on your offer to be paid to ferret out the federal statutes as you clearly don't know what you are talking about.
Jesus red u just call everyone a liar with a agenda m8???? What fekin agenda is anyone pushing here??? Could someone let me in on the low-down about this agenda situation??? Totally oblivious to the feel free to fill me in.


Ursus marijanus
Liar! he did the minute he pulled that weapon out! In fact, he gave the chance to not only shoot the gun owner, but the store clerk also :) Just brandishing that weapon craeted the option for himself to be killed, and possible others....Smart Gun owner...

See, just having a gun makes most feel obligated to stop tragedy. Sadly, most of the time it just rolls into another tragedy.


In my eyes, if you feel entitled to use a weapon to protect yourself, you should just shot yourself.
Do you mean that CCW permits are a bad idea, or concealed carry itself?

If the first, I might agree since it can be defended on Constitutional grounds, but I still see value in a permit system that has "shall issue" as a basic premise if the applicant isn't nuts or on parole.

If the second, i would like to point out that is it not the police's job to protect us, but to solve crimes and catch criminals. I would support such a measure ONLY if the uniformed police were held to an identical standard. There is something irreducibly corrupt about a civil police force that outguns its constituency. I would accept a denial of CCW as a principle only if the police were denied the right as civilians themselves. Do not position the police as preventers of crime, because that has never worked. And since they can't and don't respond in time, denying the right of defense (in a society in which violent crime is common) effectively denies the right of survival. That is a tremendous perversion of the spirit of all law. Jmo. cn