The Ecstasy of Conn of the Hundred Battles
RIA MS 23 N 10
Art shall drink it after forty nights, a mighty hero, until he shall die at Mucruime. Mac Con of the race of Lugaid Loígde, who shall play for a day and a week against Fergus Dubdétach, until they shall die at Bri, through seeking a battle which he shall deliver towards Crinnae. Corbmac shall drink it up; an ancient drink; a pleasant warrior; he shall die at Scoilicc; he shall be a glorious man over her; he shall wash her. Coirpre shall drink it, a fitting contestant with righteousness of rule. Firachri shall demand it; the great deceits of Meath shall advance to the distant sea, till Broadfaced Dáire shall distribute it for a plenteous month. Fécho, unwitting man of fire, from whom they shall be assessed in regard to tax, shall demand it. Muiredach Tírech shall be thirty-yeared. Glorious Crimthann shall bind her with a bond, broad fierce shape beneath foot, till Níall shall be extolled; (...) battles of boundaries, till fierce Loígaire shall be grieved by the coming of the Adzeheads, crossbeams of houses, bent trees, they used to carry blossoms, a rampart, a fort. An excellent champion, Coirpre, shall drink it. Feirce Lugaid of noble great drinking shall be approached: ordeal of battle. A glorious man upon him, theson of Ercéne. Óengarb shall take it with fame of fierce spear. Aíd, glorious champion, shall take it, Aíd Olláin who shall smite a smiting. Diarmait's justice shall be on her: Diarmati, by whom forts shall be ruled with glorious (...), shall demand it, till towards Irthine (?) (...) Féachno (...) over her. Noble Suibne shall be better. Domnall shall be a glorious Óengus. Bláthmac shall approach it, [and] Diarmait, the other's grandson. He who shall celebrate the celebration, rule of exemptions, rule of guilts, rule of slayers, is the two-hundred-yeared Éilimm who was: Snow fo Wine [Snechta Fína, i.e. Fínṡnechta aliter Fínnachta] who shall pour shall drink it: rule from Níall to Níall; the descendant of Níall is everyone's Níall: hostages are pledged; fire approchaes thee; through him bracken shall be red and rough; perhaps in the third month over a year he shall die by teh sea: great the gloom and loss to the world's generations. A sixty-year king, after hosts it is his; he shall die by blood; fierce battle shall injure them, loss, death. Flann of Assal shall be over her, a glorious heir: he shall powerfully bind her with a handful of hostages. Furbaide shall approach it, better thane very man over her, a king good in regard to judgement, good in regard to splendour, glorious ruler upon whom shall be a heavy (...) smiting as a result fo which there shall be death at Brī. The rule of Cailech, strongly shall it be known over her. Glúnṡalach shall be over her; a race who sides are very red, he shall bind them with hostages; he shall seize Ross; he shall rule Munster, good battle, first (...) of Irthine (?), glorious ruler over Tara. A kin-slaying man, prone to unjust judgements, shall approach it; he shall drink it to the pit of the world; encircling Saxons, he shall drive them from Corc; he is the king of Munster of great lordships in Tara.
prophesied to come in glory, and fight in 100 battles, winning 99, and upon the last, his death.
Might Hero, Noble King, Conn of the Hundred Battles
Just in treaty with his foes, Noble in stewardship of his people, Conn of the Hundred Battles was ever judicious where engaged in conflict, for 99 battles prophesied he would win, and the Hundredth would find his doom.
Prophesy named him Conn of the Hundred Battles
And his wife never let him forget it.
the bitch always got her way.