You men are Sissies


Well-Known Member

you sure about that? if a man acted like that he would be laughed right the fuck out of the studio...


Well-Known Member
Uhhhh, I'd say the pain is def. unique, more like an 11 - and both times I was too late in getting to the hospital for any drugs.

The pain of contractions was almost too tolerable at first, until they were every 3 minutes.....then I felt that all my insides were being sucked out of me every 3 minutes for about 4 hours straight.

The relief of it being over was one of the best feelings EVER!


Well-Known Member

you sure about that? if a man acted like that he would be laughed right the fuck out of the studio...
Well look how thin she is....must be some bone vibration goin on there!

I think women deal with pain they have no control over better! Like accidents and child birth.