Fan Leafs. Blockers of Light Or Energy Producers???

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Well-Known Member
Why would u? Its like Removing our fat cells. If the plant doesnt have enough to eat it uses it from the leaves, Hence the yellowing during the end of flowering

Alexander Supertramp

Well-Known Member
here is pic after first cut. View attachment 2513025. here they are after second cut three weeks laterView attachment 2513030View attachment 2513031View attachment 2513033View attachment 2513034 sexy bitches right???? and here are the ladies 2day... starting with the strawberry coughs,View attachment 2513037View attachment 2513038View attachment 2513039View attachment 2513040View attachment 2513041 and finally the sour kush View attachment 2513042View attachment 2513043View attachment 2513044 so here they are. I am no means (as you can see by the pictures) a master grower, this my hobby and i had a blast on my experiment, ... and yes uncle ben i am using a cannabis specific nutrient probably why my leaves are turning and i had so many issues late in flower.. so next experiment will be an organic grow, peace
You have taken defoliation to the next level. I must be missing something because I see no sexy bitches in the pictures. I see crack whores and meth addicts. But if you think they are sexy good for you and 'heres your sign'....


Well-Known Member
I agree with Supertramp, those pics remind me of the 20dollar hoes at Hollywood Blvd..
But I'm glad you had a good time with your defoliation experiment :)


Well-Known Member
I agree with Supertramp, those pics remind me of the 20dollar hoes at Hollywood Blvd..
But I'm glad you had a good time with your defoliation experiment :)
had?? still HAVING a great time... had some root rot isssues, fixed those, the ladies are coming along swimmingly.


Active Member
UB, i don't know for 6 inches under 600w HPS but the meter can read up to 20,000 and that is way more... good little tool to have around... my plants are now safe. keeping the canopy between 6k to 2.5k...

Bud Brewer

Well-Known Member
This is training branches to come out by defoliation in veg to produce 54 inch plants with 4 oz colas plus multiple one oz tops just count the strings.
The pictures are of the front half the back half is very substantial but shorter with more frost the big ones in front of the light keep growing.
The interior bud just below the heavy tops has no bud I could still clone from the interior tops with no bud and have no reveg.
Just look at the right of the drywall square in the first pic and see buds that look to be three weeks old because they didn't get direct light.
look at the bottom there are plenty of nice buds lower on the plant that stretched to find light and grew but the ones higher up that didn't receive direct light are nothing.SAM_7841.jpg

Bud Brewer

Well-Known Member
As you can see I didn't defoliate enough before flower and thru flower I could have done many thing to improve this yield.

It's like riding a bike you never forget but it still takes a bit to get back to winter nights with lights on are mountain bikes over root, rock, ice on the river bank looking down fifty feet to the river one hell of a ride.

So if you all think you know everything you don't, anybody from the bum on the street to the biggest CEO can teach you something valuable.

Just because is goes against what you BELIEVE it can actually work defoliation is just another training/pruning without acually pruning a branch.

It works I now have to do a second harvest and maybe a third but that is the bonus of long veg = long flower I got lot's of undeveloped tops that will explode after I crop and bring the lights back up to 14 hours where I started flowering.

Kite High

Well-Known Member

Sorry bout the caps but too lazy to retype

Bud Brewer

Well-Known Member
I have already said I'm doing that the clones have been in cups for a couple of days.
Did you notice in the third pic in the middle under the big leaf that branch has no bud at all because it didn't get light but the very bottom has a few big tops that are in the light four inches back and I could clone with no bud.

Bud Brewer

Well-Known Member
I look forward to the results

and hell clone with the bud and get outstanding branching
I get outstanding branching from defoliation monster cropping is a pain lower clone rates because of tight bud molding or if you can get it to survive 30 days or more to start growing the multiple branches that defoliation would do weeks before.

I could cut the branch in the middle of the last picture you can see it has no bud if I cut that and it would root and start growing fast.

Take another clone from the same area but in light with bud the one in the shade with no bud would have a better chance to root and grow faster but if the monster crops take off we could have a real race I think I will take two of each for the fun of it I'll start that with the test.

I might be rusty with cloning but I lost 17 clones the first time I tried cloning this plant they lived for three weeks but never rooted.

Then a month later I took a bunch more and lost half but have three slow ones and six exact good ones for the test.

Kite High

Well-Known Member
awesome...sounds very interesting...a great watch...if you do a thread on this please post a link so I can follow

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
UB, i don't know for 6 inches under 600w HPS but the meter can read up to 20,000 and that is way more... good little tool to have around... my plants are now safe. keeping the canopy between 6k to 2.5k...
Interesting, eh? If memory serves me correct, lumination is over 10,000 f.c. from 6" of a 600W HPS. Sun = 10K f.c., clear summer day at noon.
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