Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member
i just see no point in getting upset with someone so stupid you wanna talk harsh? you called me fat last night lol that was harsh . you called it blue-fucking-berry coffee first not me
we view humor differently. when i called you fat, it was clearly obvious i was not serious, in fact i followed up a few comments later stating that very fact. you however took the opportunity to belittle my "random jibber jabber", discounting my rant altogether, essentially saying, "grow up and deal with it", it was your tone that i thought was harsh. if you don't see a difference, then i don't know what to tell ya, maybe improve your interpersonal skills?

i'm not trying to be a jerk, its just how i see it.


Staff member
we view humor differently. when i called you fat, it was clearly obvious i was not serious, in fact i followed up a few comments later stating that very fact. you however took the opportunity to belittle my "random jibber jabber", discounting my rant altogether, essentially saying, "grow up and deal with it", it was your tone that i thought was harsh. if you don't see a difference, then i don't know what to tell ya, maybe improve your interpersonal skills?

i'm not trying to be a jerk, its just how i see it.
i think youre taking me the wrong way i didnt mean blue fucking berry in a rude or mean tone i said it because you did, in regards to the coffee comment I didnt mean it in a "grow up and deal with it matter" i simply ment that there are bigger fish to fry then coffee , im not belittling your jibber jabber I was only conversing with you


Well-Known Member
i think youre taking me the wrong way i didnt mean blue fucking berry in a rude or mean tone i said it because you did, in regards to the coffee comment I didnt mean it in a "grow up and deal with it matter" i simply ment that there are bigger fish to fry then coffee , im not belittling your jibber jabber I was only conversing with you
oh. well then. ok. usually you don't converse with me unless its to tell me to behave. so that's why i assumed you were doing that this instance. im cool if you're cool.


New Member
Gonna suck tomorrow, just got off work and gotta be in tomorrow in at 10am. =/

Prolly only gonna get like 4-5 hours of sleep tonight.

Blue Wizard

Well-Known Member
Gonna suck tomorrow, just got off work and gotta be in tomorrow in at 10am. =/

Prolly only gonna get like 4-5 hours of sleep tonight.
I remember our first inventory week at the grocery store, the manager was supposed to prepare a few months in advance but waited till the week before inventory. There were a few days when I got out at 2am and had to go back at 5am, I usually went home and took a shower, ate breakfast, and watched TV till it was time to go back.

We had a party at work when that bitch got shitcanned by the district manager lol.

Blue Wizard

Well-Known Member
Fuck that mess, did you at least get time and a half pay?
Yeah, made over $1k when I normally would get around $300. She tried to change the books to make it look like we only worked 40 hrs though, which is why she got shitcanned. You clock in for the day on the cash register and it prints how many hours you work, we all had our tickets.

I've still got that ticket somewhere, it shows I worked like 114 hours or something like that.


New Member
Damn, that's a shit ton of hours. Think the most I've worked was 80ish, when I was working 2 jobs and everyday. Shit was rough but the 700+ bucks made it feel worth it, couldn't imagine working 114 hours tho.

I really wouldn't bitch if I had some weed, asked a few people but one guy had to go out of town and another couldn't get a hold of anyone, really hope someone comes thru tomorrow, been soooooool fucking long since I've even smelled bud.


Well-Known Member
I had a few of those. I use to work at a restaurant when I was 15 or so washing dishes and the manager and cooks would always sneak me beers. I'd stay til like 3am cleaning the bar and drinking and playing pinball with them all. I thought I was so cool. Until I realized I had to open in 5 hours lol. Good times in retrospect I guess though.

Blue Wizard

Well-Known Member
I had a few of those. I use to work at a restaurant when I was 15 or so washing dishes and the manager and cooks would always sneak me beers. I'd stay til like 3am cleaning the bar and drinking and playing pinball with them all. I thought I was so cool. Until I realized I had to open in 5 hours lol. Good times in retrospect I guess though.
^ That would have been a good time, manually counting thousands and thousands of individual items by hand for 20+ hours without so much as a coffee break... not so much.


Well-Known Member
Lol yes I can see how that would be very uncool.

We actually had a room in the basement of the restaurant that was only allowed to be used to do drugs. Lol.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
Took my husband out to a Mongolian Buffet last night for Valentines day. I kept bringing him crab all night. He hasn't had crab in like 3 years. He was happy.

$44 dollars with tip. Sheeeew!


Staff member
i know im double posting but omfgggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg im so happy and overally excited