Nutrient Issue?? PLEASE HELP


Active Member
I know when the leaves color begin to fade, it can be a nitrogen issue..

I've noticed a few leaves on one of my younger babies turning yellow/lime green and was wondering, is it nitrogen? Plant is only 2.5 weeks from sprout, but its a full healthy plant.

A few others, I noticed brown circles on the lower fan leaves. Im assuming its nute burn due to the MG soil im using

The soil is 0.15 - 0.05 - 0.10.


Im honestly not to worried about it, its only two leaves... If its not enough, I can fix it.. if i find out what it needs more of
If its too much, nothing I can do but try to go another day without watering lol


Can any one think of what it is? id appreciate the opinions.


Well-Known Member
That actually looks like you have something munching on her.
Pics 2 especially above your hand looks like something took a chunk of leaf.
Also, your plant is so short and compact, make sure you're not splashing on the leaves when you water, just mentioning it, doesn't look like you are, but bad habit to get into.:wink:


Active Member
That actually looks like you have something munching on her.
Pics 2 especially above your hand looks like something took a chunk of leaf.
Also, your plant is so short and compact, make sure you're not splashing on the leaves when you water, just mentioning it, doesn't look like you are, but bad habit to get into.:wink:
Yea, that chip part was my fault. I was moving them around doing some LST, and the leaf was out of the pot and it got smashed between wall and pot. No bugs.

Its actually, 7 inches long, Its just LST'd alot lol. I pulled it to the side of the pot, then it grew a bit, then i pulled that part down. Starting my spiral :D lol.

I know the last two I could easily say its nute burn.
But the first two where they are yellowing, you guys would say thats more likely a burn than deficiency?
But you guys would say that the yellowing is more likely a burn? I thought burn looked more like dead browning than yellowing?

And yea when I water I do splash the leaves a little bit sometimes, not to careful when I water... Guess i can fix that lol.


Well-Known Member
My first plant in MG, I was worried about the little fertilizer balls, and after watering and stirring up the soil a little, I would always pull out a few of them with hand or tweezers, but plants after that, I got lazy and quit, but even sprout mine in the moisture control, which according to numbers is even stronger than what you have.


Active Member
So maybe I just give them to much water when I do water? And or water too often? How large are your pots, and how much water do you give??


Well-Known Member
So maybe I just give them to much water when I do water? And or water too often? How large are your pots, and how much water do you give??
When mine were small, I just went from the cup to about a 1 gal. pot, and was giving about a liter (if I remember right) every other day for over a month, then it dropped down to every 4 days, and the amount most likely increased.(The time part I have written down)


Active Member
When mine were small, I just went from the cup to about a 1 gal. pot, and was giving about a liter (if I remember right) every other day for over a month, then it dropped down to every 4 days, and the amount most likely increased.(The time part I have written down)
If thats the case, then how can they be burn!!!! i only water 3-4 days, 2-3 cups of water...

This shit juss aint workinn llol


Well-Known Member
IDK man, you got me.
Are you gonna do the sand thing? Or decide to wait and get some perlite or straight plain soil?


New Member
Yeah I'm thinking its burn....the rusty spots indicate hot soil....hard to say tho...this is what I was talking about the other day when discussing mg soil...these are the issues I had sometimes which I haven't had since switching soils....I wouldn't feed em anytime soon...maybe hit em w some Epsom salt


Active Member
Yeah I'm thinking its burn....the rusty spots indicate hot soil....hard to say tho...this is what I was talking about the other day when discussing mg soil...these are the issues I had sometimes which I haven't had since switching soils....I wouldn't feed em anytime soon...maybe hit em w some Epsom salt
Yea, the brown spots I figured was burn. Could also have been from me splashing water on them yesterday for their watering on mistake.

What exactly does the epsom salt do?

And No Bak, not using it, im going to wait.


New Member
Lots of stuff....I had some issues last grow plants were looking a little unhappy...flushed n hit em w some Epsom and bam... 3 days later explosive growth and back to a very healthy state....I use it regularly now...bout once every two weeks tbsp to a gallon.... I'm not good w the science of things but I know its good for the over all health of the plant...


New Member
If all else fails and those sick leaves are bothering u just cut em off....that's what I do...ha....just kidding man....ull b OK they're not always gonna look perfect...wait til late.flowering and all ur leaves start turning yellow n dying.....ull b like wtf!?!?...but its all good....


Active Member
I'm not all that worried, just every one talks about "reading" your plant, was seeing if I could get any good suggestions as to what this is, for future references,or if it worsens.

I'll look into the epsom salt later, bout to start my morning routine lol.


New Member
I'm not all that worried, just every one talks about "reading" your plant, was seeing if I could get any good suggestions as to what this is, for future references,or if it worsens.

I'll look into the epsom salt later, bout to start my morning routine lol.
Ur morning routine?...ha...I've been at work already for 7 hours...5 more hours to go....must b nice...ha


New Member
Yeah u should b able to read ur plants...and ur reading correctly something isn't right....its hard to pin point every little flaw tho....that's why I suggested won't hurt and can only help....its not a nutrient that's gonna add to the problem


Active Member
Ur morning routine?...ha...I've been at work already for 7 hours...5 more hours to go....must b nice...ha

Well, think about location? where are you? east coast? where its 2:00 pm? How you know Im not in cali, where its 9 am? lol ;)

And yea, im going to guess its a nute burn, its starting to look a bit browner today on those two tips :'(


New Member
Well, think about location? where are you? east coast? where its 2:00 pm? How you know Im not in cali, where its 9 am? lol ;)

And yea, im going to guess its a nute burn, its starting to look a bit browner today on those two tips :'(
Like I said...must b nice...if I was in Cali I wouldn't have to work...I could grow for a living...ha


Well-Known Member
Lots of stuff....I had some issues last grow plants were looking a little unhappy...flushed n hit em w some Epsom and bam... 3 days later explosive growth and back to a very healthy state....I use it regularly now...bout once every two weeks tbsp to a gallon.... I'm not good w the science of things but I know its good for the over all health of the plant...
Wow, something new everyday..Let me get this straight a tblspn of epsom salts in a gal of water will help MG nute burn or nute burn in general? (given once every 2 weeks)


Active Member
Im on the east coast any ways lol. I start my new job in week and a half, CANT WAIT! lol, then im goin all out on my grow room lol