Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member
It's even scarier to think they'll still be playing the same songs they are now...please don't let me die to the tune of "You Are My Sunshine..." I wanna die to something like....Shut Up and Drive by Rihanna...
I love Rihanna but I'm thinking I might want to go out with a little Trooper..."We're Here for a good time, not a long time.."[video=youtube;3qFIaI1M5kU]http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=3qFIaI1M5kU[/video]


Well-Known Member
Shot my first turkey today.......scared the shit out of everyone in the frozen food aisle.

Whats the difference between a dead chick and a hooker?..........bout 50 bucks.

Happy birthday weed!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
So I was just sitting on my couch watching some TV. And I managed to squeak out a little fart, but it turned out to be one of those windy farts rather than noisy. A five second delay, and the immediate area surrounding me started to smell like hot garbage. And not just normal garbage, but hot city garbage. I gaged. So I got up to move away from the stench, I moved a full 10 feet away. Nope, still smelled like hot garbage. So anyway, I've been eating pretty healthy lately, so Im not sure where this garbage stench is coming from. Seriously, this was a fucking stinker, one of the worst I've ever put down. It was definitely a room clearer. I really wish someone else was here to share this experience with me. I fucking stink. Like hot inner city summertime garbage.

So there's that.


Well-Known Member
So I was just sitting on my couch watching some TV. And I managed to squeak out a little fart, but it turned out to be one of those windy farts rather than noisy. A five second delay, and the immediate area surrounding me started to smell like hot garbage. And not just normal garbage, but hot city garbage. I gaged. So I got up to move away from the stench, I moved a full 10 feet away. Nope, still smelled like hot garbage. So anyway, I've been eating pretty healthy lately, so I'm not sure where this garbage stench is coming from. Seriously, this was a fucking stinker, one of the worst I've ever put down. It was definitely a room clearer. I really wish someone else was here to share this experience with me. I fucking stink. Like hot inner city summertime garbage.

So there's that.

Sort of smelled like dumpster juice??????????


Well-Known Member
^ Sounds like you need a good anal scrub down. lol

Get the hose and the soap.
Perhaps that's what's happening already, if he's eating healthy all of a sudden...maybe there's old stale poo coming out of his colon. Are you having extra fibre lately see4? I bet you are going to get a big tummy ache really soon.


Well-Known Member
So I was just sitting on my couch watching some TV. And I managed to squeak out a little fart, but it turned out to be one of those windy farts rather than noisy. A five second delay, and the immediate area surrounding me started to smell like hot garbage. And not just normal garbage, but hot city garbage. I gaged. So I got up to move away from the stench, I moved a full 10 feet away. Nope, still smelled like hot garbage. So anyway, I've been eating pretty healthy lately, so Im not sure where this garbage stench is coming from. Seriously, this was a fucking stinker, one of the worst I've ever put down. It was definitely a room clearer. I really wish someone else was here to share this experience with me. I fucking stink. Like hot inner city summertime garbage.

So there's that.
Green foods can do that to you, have you been eating a lot of leafy greens or spinach lately?


Well-Known Member
Do you all remember that big guy who ate beans and cabbage and went to bed and suffocated from his own farts? Careful see4, sleep with the window open!