Israel calls Polish ban on ritual slaughter (shechita) ‘totally unacceptable’.


Active Member
Really am I? In that case it seems to me that you are very confused! Oh and learn to spell "You're".
Picking at my grammar when you got nothing to say... Shit that is bucks thing stop trying so hard to fit in. scrub.

Look at all your spam posts in the politics section incompetence 101.

Ive never seen anyone agree with you. Hell, I would go as far to say even the people that hate me here would back me in saying your a fucking idiot.


Active Member
...that jews have always lived in the land we now call israel,'s OK for you to live on land stolen by force and genocide, but it's not Ok for the jews to live on land acquired by a resolution after WWII.
You say one thing and then another make up your mind boy. jews started killing muslims there in the early 1900s before Hitler. Hitler was just one of the reasons they cried about and used as a ploy to create an illegal state with out having to worry about other Western / European nations attacking them.

When the jews returned to israel they did a call out to other jews to come to the land and kill the arabs in the name of a jewish state.

Just think if England called home all its English and said you know what lets kill all the non-British living there You would be the first one to scream RACISM , GENOCIDE . but its ok for the jews?

The still have programs to bring jews from around the globe back to israel. They deport non jews on a massive scale yet they are the same people lobbying the US and Europe to keep there illegals. Every jewish citizen in israel has to go into the army. For people of peace they sure love war.

They cried about what they claim Hitler did to them. Yet Jewish have killed far more .

[SIZE=+1]At least twenty million Russian citizens were murdered in the Soviet holocaust, and many more than that were imprisoned and/or tortured in some way. Many of the people who were murdered or oppressed were politically conservative or moderate Russians who simply opposed Soviet communism. But some of the people who were killed by the Soviets were political leftists who, for certain reasons, opposed the Soviet government, or, were seen as a political threat to the government.[/SIZE] [SIZE=+1]Most of the murders committed during the Soviet holocaust were committed by people who were racially/ethnically Jewish [in fact, Jews, via their political activism, built the Soviet Union]. Granted, Soviet leader Joseph Stalin was not a Jew, and his predecessor Vladimir Lenin was only part-Jewish [however both were married to Jews]. But most of the top people who served in the Soviet government under both Stalin and Lenin were Jewish, and their names are well-known to many historians - for example Leon Trotsky, Lazar Kaganovich, Lev Kamenev, Genrikh Yagoda, Nikolai Yezhov [2].[/SIZE] [SIZE=+1]The Soviet holocaust is rarely mentioned in the West today. And when it is mentioned, it isn't referred to as a holocaust. The reason for that is because public mention of that holocaust - and calling it a holocaust - would cause the Nazi-committed holocaust to be significantly overshadowed. Such overshadowing would have major political, racial and financial consequences, not just for the Jews but for other people as well.[/SIZE]

Buck don't you claim your married to a jew as well? It's no surprise your pro-Israel , a leftist who thinks might is right and turns his head to genocide .


Active Member
this isn't about me, i'm not asking israel to return any land.

well, you're living on land that was stolen through far more brutal means. you gonna put your money where your mouth is and give it back?
Ive seen you use the same bullshit on 4 people now so why don't you practice what you preach.

I would say why don't you give your land back to the Indians since your such a an anti-racist you should do the right thing, but your wife owns the land not you. Your just her bitch.

So many you should be begging her to give the land you are sitting on back to their rightful owners and when your done with that go down to your local soup kitchen and give out soup to all those non-white people you claim to love yet for some reason moved away from.
Picking at my grammar when you got nothing to say... Shit that is bucks thing stop trying so hard to fit in. scrub.

Look at all your spam posts in the politics section incompetence 101.

Ive never seen anyone agree with you. Hell, I would go as far to say even the people that hate me here would back me in saying your a fucking idiot.

Yes that is exactly it, I was picking at your grammar because there was nothing to reply to, as your comment was so stupid that simply correcting your grammar was a much better way of wasting my time even validating your existence.
And yet again you've misspelled the same word.

No one agree's with me here? well that isn't true at all. Many people here agree with me, except that, there is no doubt that they do not care to participate in a forum full of cave dwelling Neanderthal buffoons who mock and insult you without sparing even a single thought to contemplate anything beyond their own nose, if your opinion differentiates from theirs.

There is simply not much room here for most people to carry out PROPER sophisticated conversation, as most of the Native English speakers here are quick to destroy, diminish, &or degrade the quality of any real topic of discussion.
Either that, or any real topic of discussion isn't very interesting for them, clearly because people like YOU aren't smart enough to know what's important.


Well-Known Member
Yes that is exactly it, I was picking at your grammar because there was nothing to reply to, as your comment was so stupid that simply correcting your grammar was a much better way of wasting my time even validating your existence.
And yet again you've misspelled the same word.

No one agree's with me here? well that isn't true at all. Many people here agree with me, except that, there is no doubt that they do not care to participate in a forum full of cave dwelling Neanderthal buffoons who mock and insult you without sparing even a single thought to contemplate anything beyond their own nose, if your opinion differentiates from theirs.

There is simply not much room here for most people to carry out PROPER sophisticated conversation, as most of the Native English speakers here are quick to destroy, diminish, &or degrade the quality of any real topic of discussion.
Either that, or any real topic of discussion isn't very interesting for them, clearly because people like YOU aren't smart enough to know what's important.
I seriously doubt that. And I bet you have even less supporters than RNADetection. And, he has none, apparently.

Is there ANY man or boy, that will speak for the 'lubber, since his Officer will not? (deep scowl)
Was that your sad attempt at showing logic? Every thread you have made here is stupid.
You make Polish people look bad.

Well then, go ahead genius and tell us what's stupid about it, since you're so smart; Shouldn't be hard to do for someone as smart as you! right?
(here ill give you some help, cuzz I know you're actually very dimwitted) Perhaps shotgun, you could point out the fact that my thread lacks any intellectual basis, and that nothing intelligent could be said (by you) about its topic?

I seriously doubt that. And I bet you have even less supporters than RNADetection. And, he has none, apparently.

Is there ANY man or boy, that will speak for the 'lubber, since his Officer will not? (deep scowl)

Pshh who cares what Mr doer thinks. According to Mr doer, he is a yank and yanks don't care about anything. :mrgreen: aw man Im loving this, I'm going to use that for everything you try to fling at me, donter.
What is political in the video you showed? are they dancing for a reason or just because they are at a concert? Discussing people dancing and shit like that would be more suited for tnt but hell I don't own the forum spam away asshat.

Asshat? oh wow that was very clever.

Perhaps you should try to turn the sound on, shotgun, Then, in future when you watch video`s that have sound, you won't make such an ASS HAT of your self?


Active Member
Asshat? oh wow that was very clever.

Perhaps you should try to turn the sound on, shotgun, Then, in future when you watch video`s that have sound, you won't make such an ASS HAT of your self?

I don't care about your spam or retarded videos hell 90% of the time I see your name I don't even bother reading the post. I know its just going to be some circle talking look at me dude I'm stoned jibberish.
I don't care about your spam or retarded videos hell 90% of the time I see your name I don't even bother reading the post. I know its just going to be some circle talking look at me dude I'm stoned jibberish.
Oh fo sho because that's all my posts are ever about! Hey everyone look at me I'm stoned!

[h=1]"Blueberry Yum Yum"[/h][video=youtube;dR9GRK9vrlU][/video]

stoned cockatoo

New Member
Land won in battle is hardly stolen. Someone can always come to take it.
I think that's a pretty stupid thing to say. ok yeah technically it might not be stolen, but taking something that isn't yours by force is any better?

seriously put yourself in this position do you own a house or some land? what if I come over and put my foot up your ass and kicked you the fuck off your own property.. would that be fair?

the only difference is that i'm not flapping my gums at israel for the same.
yeah but you are flapping your gums and Australians for doing it, while you have admitted to be doing the same. If i had to label a map of the thoughts inside your brain id put Israel in huge letters right in the middle
Far out you guys are all so smart. (not)

Do you not understand that we have to share the world?.... seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeriously, any FIVE year old could tell you this.. I mean? REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAALLYYY.

All you guys, bickering about who "stole" what first? It doesn't matter! what is important is "NOW".

Us NORMAL PEOPLE want to live life PEACEFULLY. No killing over stupid land. Just share the fucking land. fucking god.

and the stupid little towel says nobody agree's with me.. Pshh


Well-Known Member
Far out you guys are all so smart. (not)

Do you not understand that we have to share the world?.... seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeriously, any FIVE year old could tell you this.. I mean? REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAALLYYY.

All you guys, bickering about who "stole" what first? It doesn't matter! what is important is "NOW".

Us NORMAL PEOPLE want to live life PEACEFULLY. No killing over stupid land. Just share the fucking land. fucking god.

and the stupid little towel says nobody agree's with me.. Pshh
I wish it was that simple, please take a look
The Protocols of the Learned
Elders of Zion?

lol, sounds interesting, Ill take a serious look at that, Thanks.

btw... life isn't simple, but it doesn't have to deteriorate to utter crap, just because it isn't simple.


Well-Known Member
The Protocols of the Elders of Zion*or*The Protocols of the Meetings of the Learned Elders of Zion*is an*antisemitic hoax*purporting to describe a*Jewish*plan for global domination. It was first published in*Russia*in 1903, translated into multiple languages, and disseminated internationally in the early part of the 20th century.*Henry Ford*funded printing of 500,000 copies that were distributed throughout the US in the 1920s.
Adolf Hitler*and the*Nazis*publicized the text as if it were a valid document, although it had already been exposed as fraudulent. After the Nazi Party came to power in 1933, it ordered the text to be studied in*German*classrooms. The historian*Norman Cohnsuggested that Hitler used the*Protocols*as his primary justification for initiating theHolocaust—his "warrant for genocide".[SUP][1][/SUP]
The*Protocols*purports to document the minutes of a late 19th-century meeting of Jewish leaders discussing their goal of global Jewish*hegemony*by subverting the morals ofGentiles, and by controlling the press and the world's economies. It is still widely available today and even now sometimes presented as a genuine document, whether on the Internet or in print in numerous languages.