MidEast Balcony/Indoor combo track


Well-Known Member
wow man,you should be proud for your plant and for yourself,the tricky part for the first grow is patience and you are playing very nice the game..
Hey lospsi, you are very kind! I'm just reading everything I possibly can, the plant is doing the rest. If I could get anything looking even a little bit like what you have in your picture that would be a dream. Not knowing what to expect, and the patience is very hard. But learning everything from the posters here has helped the most.


Well-Known Member
Day 15 - Feed Update

Not much change in my plant, seems to have stopped stretching. I watered today with 4 liters of water at 4ml of sensi grow A (1/4 dose), and 8 ml of sensi grow B (1/2 dose), and 1/2 teaspoon of Epsom salt for MG. I didn't decide on bloom nutes yet, but I wanted less N and more P+K because there was a bit too much green in my leaves and not enough of the other stuff.


Well-Known Member
I choose not to freak - Day 16

My plant has grown another .5 inch. It's also about to shed a few fan leaves. The last 3 days or so about 4 large leaves are yellowing and will soon drop. Could be a deficiency, could be natural, who bloody knows. But I'm not letting it get to me.

IMG_1273.jpg | IMG_1267.jpg | IMG_1270.jpg | IMG_1271.jpg

The foliage in those areas are dense, and there are shoots underneath them & around them with buds that are not able to get good access to light. It's possible the plant is shedding the leaves for a reason, in order to allow those shoots with buds to flower well, or maybe not. Areas much lower such as the 2 pom poms are flowering nicely and they are much farther from the light, but nothing is blocking or smothering them. So time will tell if I should have freaked out :)

Even though my tips are burned I think that's more because of heat, in case there's some sort of leaf disaster brewing I will break with my rhythm and give nutrients on next watering again either tomorrow or Sat. Albeit at a very low 1/4 dose and watch. My plant is still putting out little branches and shoots, what a sweetheart!


Well-Known Member
Have you been checking your pH? If you have the meter I would check the pH of your run off. Epsom salt does not act like a pH buffer like dolomite lime does. I wouldn't do anything drastic just yet, but probably good just to check your starting pH and your run off pH to be sure you do not have a problem.


Well-Known Member
Hiya hbbum, I checked the nutrient water going in, around 6.5. But I haven't checked runoff. Maybe I'll ph test some of the soil tomorrow but I really don't want to start making any big changes like you said. This plant has shed lower stuff before, a lot of it and I really messed around too much in veg trying to prevent that, it didn't help much :)


Well-Known Member
yeah, just check the pH of the run off water next time. If it is way off, you may have a problem. It could also be that you just are not getting enough light on the bottom stuff (thats fine) I just lost a bunch of the stuff on the bottom that was not getting enough light as well.


Well-Known Member
I might be high (I am) but I always think your plant looks like a man standing on his head, the two legs sticking up and those little pom poms. And of course, and man standing on his head should have a pot on his head.



Well-Known Member
haha, I haven't smoked in a few months now but if that's what you see I'm A-OK with that. For all the sci fi buffs out there, it could be a green Andorian, definitely a weird look though.

My soil PH is in the range, 6.5-7.0. This may seem a bit higher, but I was trying to get it that way because I was lacking MG, which is why I also added Epsom salts past week or so.


Well-Known Member
Day 19 - Can a brother get a fatty over here.

So I lost 2 fan leaves as projected last update, but underneath were stalks like this. Full of nitrogen and a little curled because they need light and are underdeveloped. I'll take it in trade, because that should grow and be a nice nug before all is said and done.


I want King Colas, like Uncle Ben!

You've seen them, they're fat, and thick, and as long as your arm. Granted mine are thin, and tiny, but the spacing on my upper stalks is what I imagine king colas *might* look like when they are young and only 19 days old. (Haha, can't a guy imagine a little!?)

My two upper stalks have buds all along them that are starting to grow, thicken a little and inch together. So every morning I pray these will become in the end one massive super bud per stalk - King Colas!! But I can't complain, there are bud sites everywhere all along my plant, though still small. So whatever will be, will be..

IMG_1284.jpg | IMG_1297.jpg | IMG_1301.jpg


Well-Known Member
Man, all things considered (temps and all) they are looking good. You should get a couple nice size colas as long as the heat doesn't make them too airy.


take away some to your huge fan leaves which are yellowing ...as they will consume energy from plant for recovering.. rather than concentrating energy to the buds..and how much time did that plant take from seedling to this level....i mean how many months???


Well-Known Member
Man, all things considered (temps and all) they are looking good. You should get a couple nice size colas as long as the heat doesn't make them too airy.
Coming from a guy with one of the nicer looking plants on the forum I take that as a nice compliment, thanks for all your help so far. She's not the prettiest gal around, but she gives good loving! :) Yes, airy due to heat and also strain. I saw an episode of strain hunters in Africa where they are looking at Sativa Malawis which my plant looks and behaves very similar to in some ways.

The buds on those strains were super tiny and super airy, almost to the point of looking pitiful. I'm not a bud snob looking for pure genetics and airy stuff or 'sativa purebred' bragging rights lol, I'm hoping there's enough indica in my seed to beef her up some. My leaves do look a bit denser than those African Sativas I saw, and my plant though tall is for sure much shorter. I'm hoping that means there's plenty of hybrid mix in there.


Well-Known Member
take away some to your huge fan leaves which are yellowing ...as they will consume energy from plant for recovering.. rather than concentrating energy to the buds..and how much time did that plant take from seedling to this level....i mean how many months???
Hi snkt, thanks for commenting. I give the yellowing leaves a small yank when they are about 50% gone, so I've got no problem pulling if need be! My plant has been through some serious trauma due to heat where I live and also because it is my 1st time growing anything. So there has been a lot of damaged leaves, yellowing and plenty of burning along the way. So I need to be a little careful about just going at anything that looks ugly and cutting it, or there won't be anything left ;) But now that the stretch is over I definitely will take into consideration prioritizing bud growth!

Appreciate you looking in. My seed went into the pot on the 25th of May, so the plant will soon be 3 months old. Just over 60 days in the sun, and now flowering 20 days indoors w/ 600 HPS. So still some ways to go in flowering.

past times

Well-Known Member
Hi snkt, thanks for commenting. I give the yellowing leaves a small yank when they are about 50% gone, so I've got no problem pulling if need be! My plant has been through some serious trauma due to heat where I live and also because it is my 1st time growing anything. So there has been a lot of damaged leaves, yellowing and plenty of burning along the way. So I need to be a little careful about just going at anything that looks ugly and cutting it, or there won't be anything left ;) But now that the stretch is over I definitely will take into consideration prioritizing bud growth!

Appreciate you looking in. My seed went into the pot on the 25th of May, so the plant will soon be 3 months old. Just over 60 days in the sun, and now flowering 20 days indoors w/ 600 HPS. So still some ways to go in flowering.
That is the best way to do it anyway. If a light tug doesn't take it off then leave it. It is not taking up energy to rejuvenate, but a food source to the rest of the plant. Picture it as back up energy for main production (Which is the buds). Never listen to snkt


Well-Known Member
I really hope the clones from flower I took root, 11 days and they look like they went through a prize fight with Muhammad Ali. I need them to root because I am going out of my mind with grow boredom.

My observations so far, flowering under a light is mind numbingly boring compared to vegging with the sun! There's nothing to do, everything happens so slowly, and there's little growth. The stretch was nice but it was hardly the 2 - 3x size explosion I have read about. Maybe if you veg for 3 weeks you triple your size? But I'm thinking not with a nice mature plant that vegged for weeks and weeks and the stretch was over quick.

Growing in the sun there was adjusting to do, pruning, maybe some topping to look forward to. Finding a nice water schedule, transplanting plants! moving plants, taking a cut for clone fun, maybe adding some surplus light for a few hours. This flowering under a light is for automatons. Everything is on timers, water every 3 days and wait.. Wait... WAIT. Yeesh.


Well-Known Member
Just wait til you get a couple weeks from harvest, it seems to slooooow dowwwwwn.. Don't get tempted to harvest early :D


Well-Known Member
Just wait til you get a couple weeks from harvest, it seems to slooooow dowwwwwn.. Don't get tempted to harvest early :D
haha, some of my pistils are already brownish from heat and growing under dense leaves. I'd say chances of me mistakenly harvesting early are 120% ;)


Active Member
I really enjoyed reading and seeing your progress :) you are doing a good job for 1st time grow... :P אשמח לייעץ במה שאוכל
Hope you will get some good buds, there is nothing like smoking your own bud for the 1st time ;)


Well-Known Member
I really enjoyed reading and seeing your progress :) you are doing a good job for 1st time grow... :P אשמח לייעץ במה שאוכל
Fellow tribe member, super awesome! Heh, any and all advice always welcome :D Appreciate the kind words and inspiration a lot.