Well-Known Member
when i say delusional..people keep telling themselves it is so..then it will be so..he had an uber sense of narcisissm..even to go as far as being argumentative with judge at his hearing trying to convince the court that he and his captives were all one happy family, even though he already plead guilty..in watching him on TV at this hearing, i could see he really believed his shit..
That right there is actually pretty convincing evidence of APD. We have enough trouble without attention brought by shit like this.
Annie, I know, he's most likely not a broken, he's probably an APD, with minimal outside influence. His suicide struck me (instantly, and privately) as a temper tantrum. Took away his toys, sent him to his room...
And, guys/gals wanting him rape/tortured in prison... Here's how it REALLY works. He's of Latin descent, so he'll go to the Latins, and will ask for protection. He'll be sent on a couple "missions." He'll be given a tax, and after that, he'll be protected. He'll also be free to rape cute young guys that come into the prison for pot possession or DUI (for example.) He will be required to do occasional missions, probably violent/sexual in nature, because of what he's in for... But, there won't be a circle of punishment that he'll have to suffer. He'll be raped a couple times, maybe beaten a couple more times, and that'll be it. He's high profile, he's a "star." And, when that star fades, he'll be protected already...