Be cheaper and easier to buy a gen set and really silence it a propane fuelled one will give off hardly any smell, if it is deep in the woods your going to get a hernia carrying all those batteries every day to charge them and also you stand more chance of someone seeing you if you have to make multiple trips carrying batteries even if it is a short distance to your vehicle if they don't report you they may well steal your crop. Best of luck with your project.
Find a place to grow with electricity. This is obviously your first time so don't make it more complicated than it has to be. A generator in the middle of the woods is way more sketchy than a 600w HPS in your closet.
Who's digging this hole, you? Good luck with that, and where is this generator going in the grow room? What about the fumes?
So your going to walk a digger deep into the woods sounds like a good idea..... Sweet I'll just follow two track marks and keep an ear out for a generator! Where abouts are you growing hahaha
you might wanna think your plan out a bit better!