South Africa's Nelson Mandela dies in Johannesburg


bud bootlegger
imma build this radical terrorist organization, lead it for nearly a decade, and then when i get arrested and thrown in prison imma "move away from it"...

yeah. he was a Glorious Hero.

and Winnie was his Noble Consort and Beloved Lady of the People.
I guess George Washington and Thomas Jefferson were also members of a radical terrorist group than right?
I'm sure if you'd ask the king of England at that time, that's the same label he'd have given to those terrorists..
Just saying..


bud bootlegger
Ali isn't a murdering douchebag, but rather a sporting icon that deserves the admiration and respect he receives. Wesley Cook is a douchebag.
I'm not saying he is not, but come on, why's it OK for Ali to change his name and not mumia? You do realize that tons of immigrants who came into this country changed their names at one point or another right?

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
That doesn't say he is a marxist.

He was a democratic socialist.
and democratic socialist is so far removed from Marxism that it... umm...

ohh shit, it's the same Marxism, just slower and without the violent revolution.

but wait Nelson WAS engaged in VIOLENT PROLETARIAN REVOLUTION with the stated aim of instituting Socialism (no fancy hyphenated re-brandings included) and "Liberating" the proletariat and "The Workers" nationalizing and redistributing the "Means Of Production" on the Maoist Agrarian Vanguard Tip, and setting up the "Dictatorship of the Proletariat" with the claimed end result of Utopian Communism.


ohh snap. thats what you call a Marxist.



Well-Known Member
bignbushy you should just erase or edit your own ignorant ass post.... have some class fool... lol im not even black and I find that offensive has hell

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Remember when you called George Orwell a Marxist?
yep. and he still is, even if you refuse to accept it.

POUM: Trotskyite organization for which Orwell fought and was wounded twice.
Workers Party for Marxist Unification. (Partido Obrero de Unificacion Marxista)
thats not a popular front for capitalist reform and liberty...

Orwell called himself a Socialist, which is in fact a subset of Marxist. (though at the time it had additional meaning, which lacked the stench of Bolshevism)


Well-Known Member
yep. and he still is, even if you refuse to accept it.

POUM: Trotskyite organization for which Orwell fought and was wounded twice.
Workers Party for Marxist Unification.
thats not a popular front for capitalist reform and liberty...

Orwell called himself a Socialist, which is in fact a subset of Marxist. (though at the time it had additional meaning, which lacked the stench of Bolshevism)

Do you know what the definition of insanity is KKKeynes?


New Member
You're a douchebag.
The only douchebag is the person with a murdering radicals words featured in his sig.

I'm not saying he is not, but come on, why's it OK for Ali to change his name and not mumia? You do realize that tons of immigrants who came into this country changed their names at one point or another right?
About his name from wiki;

According to Abu-Jamal, 'Mumia' means "Prince" and was the name of Kenyan anti-colonial African nationalists who fought against the British before Kenyan independence
So AC uses his adopted name [Mumia] as an implication this bloke was some sort of "prince fighting colonialism" with the black panther party. The reality is he's just a radical fuck knuckle [cook] that should've been put down by the state. A couple of posts ago you mention some folks who really fought the fight against colonialism - Washington and Jefferson.


Well-Known Member
imma build this radical terrorist organization, lead it for nearly a decade, and then when i get arrested and thrown in prison imma "move away from it"...

yeah. he was a Glorious Hero.
Again your "whitewashing" the steaming pile of shit that was apartheid south Africa (not to mention the guerrilla roots)
and Winnie was his Noble Consort and Beloved Lady of the People.
Winnie ​is not Nelson her actions while he was imprisoned do not reflect on him (not to mention their divorce over a decade ago or the apartheid states wish to discredit)


Well-Known Member
The only douchebag is the person with a murdering radicals words featured in his sig.

About his name from wiki;

So AC uses his adopted name [Mumia] as an implication this bloke was some sort of "prince fighting colonialism" with the black panther party. The reality is he's just a radical fuck knuckle [cook] that should've been put down by the state. A couple of posts ago you mention some folks who really fought the fight against colonialism - Washington and Jefferson.
Washington was a murderer. Fuck the police.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Oh look kkkynes is trying to redefine words again.

noun \ˈsō-shə-ˌli-zəm\ : a way of organizing a society in which major industries are owned and controlled by the government rather than by individual people and companies

Full Definition of SOCIALISM

: any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods

a : a system of society or group living in which there is no private property
b : a system or condition of society in which the means of production are owned and controlled by the state

: a stage of society in Marxist theory transitional between capitalism and communism and distinguished by unequal distribution of goods and pay according to work done

seems like the DEFINITION is pretty well established.

no re-definition required.

except by YOU.
