South Africa's Nelson Mandela dies in Johannesburg

desert dude

Well-Known Member
You're not a libertarian though. You're a Republican racist capitalist who thinks that the constitution is holy writ. This makes you a statist. Capitalism is wealth redistribution upward. Private hereditary ownership of the means of production and natural resources used for personal profit doesn't reconcile with your vaunted nonaggression principal. The reasons are two fold. First because the original acquisition of them was achieved through genocide and second because they become a goad by which those who require the sustenance they provide to toil for the enrichment of the "owners".

There are no libertarians in the GOP. You're not a libertarian. You're a teabagger.
I am not a Republican. I am also not a libertarian in the purest sense, though I think if I have to choose a label then Libertarian comes as close as any. I am a social liberal, i.e., "do as you please with your own life, as long as you don't harm others", and a fiscal conservative, i.e. "you made it, you keep it". I am a capitalist because I think the most efficient way to prosperity is to allow everybody to make their own decisions as to how to use their own resources; some will fail, others will succeed. The least efficient way to prosperity, actually the best way to poverty, is to allow some politburo to plan and guide an economy. Note that I am not a crony-capitalist, that is just a system to pick the pockets of the sheep and fill the pockets of the wolves. Democrats and Republicans are crony-capitalists, though each side tries to pretend there is a vast philosophical difference between them.

I think the TEA party revolt was the best thing to happen in American politics in my lifetime. It has been co-opted by self serving politicians, unfortunately.

Socialism is foolish because it is contradictory to human nature. Nobody is going to put any effort into an enterprise only to give away all the gains to the anonymous masses. Witness Unclebuck, for example. UB cries about his great regard for the down trodden and trumpets the generosity of the state while slyly avoiding paying any taxes. UB is a capitalist. The only form of socialism that works is within the nuclear family. I always think of a quote from an anonymous Russian that I read years ago, "They pretend to pay us and we pretend to work". That sums up socialism better than any text book rant on RIU.

The only interest I have in race is that it is used as a weapon to divide and conquer by our masters in DC. Your implication that capitalism and racism are joined at the hip just makes you look dumb, AC.

As far as the constitution goes, I like the idea that we "are a nation of laws and not men". The constitution is not perfect but I have seen no better way to implement a nation of laws.


Well-Known Member
I am not a Republican. I am also not a libertarian in the purest sense, though I think if I have to choose a label then Libertarian comes as close as any. I am a social liberal, i.e., "do as you please with your own life, as long as you don't harm others", and a fiscal conservative, i.e. "you made it, you keep it". I am a capitalist because I think the most efficient way to prosperity is to allow everybody to make their own decisions as to how to use their own resources; some will fail, others will succeed. The least efficient way to prosperity, actually the best way to poverty, is to allow some politburo to plan and guide an economy. Note that I am not a crony-capitalist, that is just a system to pick the pockets of the sheep and fill the pockets of the wolves. Democrats and Republicans are crony-capitalists, though each side tries to pretend there is a vast philosophical difference between them.

I think the TEA party revolt was the best thing to happen in American politics in my lifetime. It has been co-opted by self serving politicians, unfortunately.

Socialism is foolish because it is contradictory to human nature. Nobody is going to put any effort into an enterprise only to give away all the gains to the anonymous masses. Witness Unclebuck, for example. UB cries about his great regard for the down trodden and trumpets the generosity of the state while slyly avoiding paying any taxes. UB is a capitalist. The only form of socialism that works is within the nuclear family. I always think of a quote from an anonymous Russian that I read years ago, "They pretend to pay us and we pretend to work". That sums up socialism better than any text book rant on RIU.

The only interest I have in race is that it is used as a weapon to divide and conquer by our masters in DC. Your implication that capitalism and racism are joined at the hip just makes you look dumb, AC.

As far as the constitution goes, I like the idea that we "are a nation of laws and not men". The constitution is not perfect but I have seen no better way to implement a nation of laws.
1. You clearly do not know how to define socialism. The word simply means opposition to privatization. In this way it is antonymous with capitalism. This ranges from nationalization to syndication to collectivization to nobody fucking owns anything because it simply is not property. It doesn't mean that you have to share your underwear.

2. I wasn't associating capitalism with racism. I was just using both words to describe you.

3. Lol @ the Tea Party is the best thing that ever happened to merica.


Well-Known Member
he was a marxist, a muderous thug, his wife ran the show while he was in lock-lock, and killed more blacks than they every did whitey, his "struggle" was about power and control, not freedom or liberation, unless you wish to use the "liberation" of marxism, which most would call dictatorship.

prison mellowed him, but he never can be anything but what he was, a left wing murderer with blood all over his hands.


desert dude

Well-Known Member
1. You clearly do not know how to define socialism. The word simply means opposition to privatization. In this way it is antonymous with capitalism. This ranges from nationalization to syndication to collectivization to nobody fucking owns anything because it simply is not property. It doesn't mean that you have to share your underwear.

2. I wasn't associating capitalism with racism. I was just using both words to describe you.

3. Lol @ the Tea Party is the best thing that ever happened to merica.
If privatization is outlawed, then one can't own anything. It is all up for grabs. "They pretend to pay us and we pretend to work" is the result and the very equal distribution of poverty.

Smearing me might give you a boner, and if that makes your little socialist heart glad then I am happy for you.


bud bootlegger
he was a marxist, a muderous thug, his wife ran the show while he was in lock-lock, and killed more blacks than they every did whitey, his "struggle" was about power and control, not freedom or liberation, unless you wish to use the "liberation" of marxism, which most would call dictatorship.

prison mellowed him, but ?he never can be anything but what he was, a left wing murderer with blood all over his hands.
I love how people throw around the word Marxist, communist and socialist like it's some sort of god awful term..
Idk about anyone else, but I'd rather be called a Marxist than a homophobe racist, or god forbid, a a right winger..

Am I a commie or Marxist, EFF no, but why are Americans so afriad of people who live in another country believing what ever the fuck they want ? We all see how well our current system is working for us. Again, not saying I believe in Marxism, just saying who gives a flying fuck if some dude in south Africa does? And also how is being a Marxist exactly a bad thing like being filled with hatred and racist and a homophobe?
That is all..

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Keynes is a Nazi, that's why he thinks everything and everyone is a Marxist. I just wanted to put his comments in context for anyone reading.

Mandela was not a Marxist or a communist, he was a democratic socialist, I.E. a parliamentary socialist. KKKeynes is unable to process important details and context, so naturally Mandela like every other person is labeled a Marxist by KKKeynes.
First line of the ANC's 1970 platform.

The struggle of the oppressed people of South Africa is taking place within an international context of transition to the Socialist system, of the breakdown of the colonial system as a result of national liberation and socialist revolutions, and the fight for social and economic progress by the people of the whole world.

heres the whole thing dumbass.

ohh who was the head of the ANC in 1970?

Nelson Mandela. Marxist.



Well-Known Member
[racerboy71;9909604]I love how people throw around the word Marxist, communist and socialist like it's some sort of god awful term..
Idk about anyone else, but I'd rather be called a Marxist than a homophobe racist, or god forbid, a a right winger..

Am I a commie or Marxist, EFF no, but why are Americans so afriad of people who live in another country believing what ever the fuck they want ? We all see how well our current system is working for us. Again, not saying I believe in Marxism, just saying who gives a flying fuck if some dude in south Africa does? And also how is being a Marxist exactly a bad thing like being filled with hatred and racist and a homophobe?
That is all..[/QUOTE]

I agree. However, he wasn't a Marxist. He was whole 'nother sort of socialist. So of course when someone uses it as a slippery slope dog whistle I seem defensive as if I acknowledge the term as pejorative. Some idiots are just so obsessed with Marx that they read all the dog whistle buzzwords as the same word.


Well-Known Member
First line of the ANC's 1970 platform.

The struggle of the oppressed people of South Africa is taking place within an international context of transition to the Socialist system, of the breakdown of the colonial system as a result of national liberation and socialist revolutions, and the fight for social and economic progress by the people of the whole world.

heres the whole thing dumbass.

ohh who was the head of the ANC in 1970?

Nelson Mandela. Marxist.

[h=3]Presidents of the ANC[edit][/h]

Nelson Mandela prison time

Kkkeynes frothy racism at its frothiest

desert dude

Well-Known Member
I love how people throw around the word Marxist, communist and socialist like it's some sort of god awful term..
Idk about anyone else, but I'd rather be called a Marxist than a homophobe racist, or god forbid, a a right winger..

Am I a commie or Marxist, EFF no, but why are Americans so afriad of people who live in another country believing what ever the fuck they want ? We all see how well our current system is working for us. Again, not saying I believe in Marxism, just saying who gives a flying fuck if some dude in south Africa does? And also how is being a Marxist exactly a bad thing like being filled with hatred and racist and a homophobe?
That is all..
Take a look at the 20th century history of communism and Marxism. It is a god awful term. That so many people are ignorant of the bloody history of Marxism is troubling. But, hey, maybe it will be different this time? :-)

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member

Nelson Mandela prison time

Kkkeynes frothy racism at its frothiest
ha ha ha ha ha h ah ah ha he has to be the "president" or "secretary general to be the leader!" ha h aha ha ha ha ha h ah ha ha

ohh thats rich!

and since Wikipedia is now The Official Source, form your own citation...

Inspired by Fidel Castro's 26th of July Movement in the Cuban Revolution, in 1961 Mandela co-founded Umkhonto we Sizwe ("Spear of the Nation", abbreviated MK) with Sisulu and the communist Joe Slovo. Becoming chairman of the militant group, he gained ideas from illegal literature on guerilla warfare by Mao and Che Guevara. Officially separate from the ANC, in later years MK became the group's armed wing.[SUP][100][/SUP] Most early MK members were white communists; after hiding in communist Wolfie Kodesh's flat in Berea, Mandela moved to the communist-owned Liliesleaf Farm in Rivonia, there joined by Raymond Mhlaba, Slovo and Bernstein, who put together the MK constitution.[SUP][101][/SUP] Although Mandela himself denied ever being a Communist Party member, historical research has suggested that he might have been for a short period, starting from the late 1950s or early 1960s.[SUP][102][/SUP] Operating through a cell structure, the MK agreed to acts of sabotage to exert maximum pressure on the government with minimum casualties, bombing military installations, power plants, telephone lines and transport links at night, when civilians were not present. Mandela noted that should these tactics fail, MK would resort to "guerilla warfare and terrorism."[SUP][103][/SUP] Soon after ANC leader Luthuli was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, the MK publicly announced its existence with 57 bombings on Dingane's Day (16 December) 1961, followed by further attacks on New Year's Eve.[SUP][104][/SUP]

not marxist at all... nope.

ohh man you clowns are just digging that hole deeper and deeper.

Mandela was a Militant Marxist. you just cant accept the fact because it would reflect poorly on your own ideologies.


Well-Known Member
ha ha ha ha ha h ah ah ha he has to be the "president" or "secretary general to be the leader!" ha h aha ha ha ha ha h ah ha ha

ohh thats rich!
Yeah it would help some what in pretty much all definitions of leadership

That and not being in prison for a number of years......

I'm guessing all this coverage of a black man in the news has rankled you more than usual as your frothing all over the place

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Yeah it would help some what in pretty much all definitions of leadership

That and not being in prison for a number of years......

I'm guessing all this coverage of a black man in the news has rankled you more than usual as your frothing all over the place
actually i LIKE New Nelson.

Nelson Classic was a real piece of shit though.

pretending his shit dont stink may make for an excellent Legendary Hero or assist in his future deification, but it aint reality, and reality is what counts.