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  1. M

    What would you grow? 2 choices (quality and yield). Looking for a good kush hybrid

    I'm going to grow 1 of these 2 strains. 1) Las Vegas Purple Kush x Oregon Snow. OR 2) G13 x Ghost OG what would you recommend? I'm looking for a high yielder that would have a kush quality to it. i've been told that the ghost og would be the kush aspect of the g13x ghost og og buying...
  2. M

    Is Ghost OG a Kush or does it have to be Ghost OG Kush?

    Interesting info, I have a friend who has shown me some Kush that smells and looks killer. He said it is og kush, so stinky and crystallized, I have only seen it on kush.
  3. M

    Is Ghost OG a Kush or does it have to be Ghost OG Kush?

    Getting some clones in Toronto,Ghost OG strain, is it a kush? Or non Kush strain? Thanks for the help
  4. M

    g13(nevs cut )x ghost og clones

    Did you get the clones? I'm picking up the G13 x Ghost OG, how was the result? Yield and smoke? Thanks Mon
  5. M

    CO2 opinions

    Dr. Who, thanks for posting this info, I am exactly 2 weeks away. Co2 going down to 600 ppm,
  6. M

    Water cooled heat exchanger in a sealed room, help??

    Thanks for the info. I'll keep you posted - bless
  7. M

    Water cooled heat exchanger in a sealed room, help??

    That's how I have it now but the water Doesn't seem to be getting cold
  8. M

    Water cooled heat exchanger in a sealed room, help??

    I have a 3 fan (30,000 btu) water cooled heat exchanger. My set up is : Rez (pumped) to chiller to fan and water goes back to rez. Is this right or should I have: rez pumped to chiller back to rez and then another pump from rez to fan and back to rez
  9. M

    Water cooled heat exchanger in a sealed room, help??

    I have a 3 fan (30,000 btu) water cooled heat exchanger. My set up is : Rez (pumped) to chiller to fan and water goes back to rez. Is this right or should I have: rez pumped to chiller back to rez and then another pump from rez to fan and back to rez
  10. M

    Help with 12" dia. Tube System and Root Rot

    1) I would say your Rez is to warm 2) make sure you have air stones in your rez 3) I would add grozyme and hydro sparkle 4) make sure no light can penetrate the Rez or any place else 5) change water and add new nutes and grozyme and hydro sparkle every week good luck
  11. M

    RDWC - don't want root rot ! Can I just use DNF Sparkle or should I make Tea?

    Never again - and I won't ask. With the 4 main stems (2 are bigger) can you tie them down without a screen , like tie them to the bucket or bend them? What would this technique be called (topping & ?). Respect for all the advice
  12. M

    What training method for multi plant set up(80 5 gallon buckets)

    That is amazing info, time to tweak the setup
  13. M

    RDWC - don't want root rot ! Can I just use DNF Sparkle or should I make Tea?

    It makes sense 100%. The tying down can only be done with a screen or can I tie the two long stems down to the buckets? This is like uncle Bens topping technique with the training added?
  14. M

    What training method for multi plant set up(80 5 gallon buckets)

    Thank you, my last grow I did 36 buckets under 6 1000, I achieved 7 lbs dry, could I have done better? The plants were about 3.5 feet tall when completed
  15. M

    RDWC - don't want root rot ! Can I just use DNF Sparkle or should I make Tea?

    Amazing info, question? When you cut the top to have 4 main stems, and you tie down the tallest one could you just tie down all 4 stems at one time?
  16. M

    RDWC - don't want root rot ! Can I just use DNF Sparkle or should I make Tea?

    @legallyflying, looks really nice man. I have to ask, with the screen do you keep tucking the plant underneath or do you just let it grow? Is the screen used for scrog or only for support, I also noticed you raised the screen as the plant grew, what type of style of training is this?
  17. M

    What training method for multi plant set up(80 5 gallon buckets)

    Kinddiesel - I will do the wire thing for sure