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  1. MrMoores

    Have i got this set up right lads

    you grow with out carbon cans? wtf. you live on the moon or someshit
  2. MrMoores

    Have i got this set up right lads

    you guys not think smell might be an issue? using same size intake and outake, outake would actualy be weaker then intake considering theres a can on there?? outake should always be more then intake your tryin to create a vacuum so no smell esapes, if it gets too smelly turn ur intake off but...
  3. MrMoores

    question about brands of 4" inline fans - cyclone, ipower, hydrofarm active air

    i do wot tachnomage does, great advice, i also wrap all my fans up in blankets old cloths curtians cusions anything material AWAYS
  4. MrMoores

    Upside down grow

    is they any benefits to upside down growing?
  5. MrMoores

    Upside down grow

    how would u avoid gettin water on the bulb or light ?
  6. MrMoores

    Garage grow problems before we start! Construction help needed!

    TRIVIAL, put plastic sheeting up and get your grow on ima builder [before i was a grower] and thats no a leak otherwise it all be swollen fast, its a tiny amount of wind driven rain or moisture dont turn a mole hill in to a mountain that will last years, the amount of times iv sed to customers...
  7. MrMoores

    Thoughts on design?

    are you talking in feet or meters? wrap that fan up in blankets old cloths anything then tape round it all insulated ducting defo helps dw about "will the fan get to hot with all the shit round it" iv done it a millions times one thing i like to do is buy a biger fan than i need then buy a fan...
  8. MrMoores

    48 blue cheese in 20 litre pots with 12, 600w lights... yeild ??

    [in coco] iv changed my regime alot here so just wondering wot i shud be expecting in terms of yeild per plant, using canna range all thru works out at a bout a fuking grand on feed ;[, so its 4 plants to a light, 600 watt lights wot should i be getting?
  9. MrMoores

    100 plants (white widow , ak48, white rhino, ice)

    sellin 80 grands worth of weed is criminal enough stealin electric is petty in comparison
  10. MrMoores

    100 plants (white widow , ak48, white rhino, ice)

    steal your electric! you kno it makes sence, presuming your a greedy bastard like me you want maximum value, if so, i would split your trailer in to 3 sections, 2 large flowering rooms and a middle area for making your res and for cloning n shit, the 2 flowering rooms should be rotated so that...
  11. MrMoores

    Can someone please tell me what the hell this is .. ? (Rusty Brown spots on leaves)

    i get them spts from a bug called thrip that attack the root and then develop in to small white flys try using thrip killer or "knat off" just a possibility, plus u sed it was outside or u used rainwater from outside so more chance f bugs gettn to it
  12. MrMoores

    leaves curling upward

    leaves curl upwards to collect water?, lol @ nature always got triks up its sleave, is it 78 on ur hygrometer or is that wot you guess it is
  13. MrMoores

    leaves curling upward

    i think its because the air is dryer then the plant would like, wots your temp and humdity ? its in vedge i take it ?
  14. MrMoores

    Water source

    your a lucky guy to have a spring near you so are your plants you couldnt ask for anything more
  15. MrMoores

    slow flowering (cheesy dick, strawberry cheesecake)

    they look stretchy, use an oscilating fan or mulpiple oscilating fans to stop that stretching, with oscilating fans u can get the lights closer with out burning the tops of plants [you probably kno this?] i use advanced nutrients "budblood" to quiken the bud formation and it definatly works so...
  16. MrMoores

    ventilation question

    one in and one out
  17. MrMoores

    flowering question

    keep it the way it is or it will slow down AND lighten ur harvest its coming in to summer now ans ways so its hot during the day i just switched 12 blue cheese to lights on at 10pm and lights off at 10am witch can be a pain but worth it
  18. MrMoores

    Gettin Rid Of Salts

    cheers guys, is there a prevention, coz theres probably no remedy by the sounds of things, bin readin on some of the clearin agents and this one "florakleen" by ghe sounds pretty decent/convincing says to use it once very 15 days??? wot do u guys think...
  19. MrMoores

    Leaves drooping / some yellowish crisping up please help asap!

    "ph test kit" lol i remember i had about 40 blue cheese in 1 litre air pots gettin a nice mass on em, but they were yellow and feeble for weeks even after i sprayd the leafs with "plant vitality plus" and fed the soil with "knat off" soil was preferted i just added tiny bits of feed couldnt...
  20. MrMoores

    Gettin Rid Of Salts

    rly? il look that up thnxs mate