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  1. silusbotwin

    do oi need to add some cal mag?

    It could be the soil and ph. I'm no expert like I said, but MG and Tiger Bloom are pretty damn hot feeds. Usually when someone is asking what their problem is and they mention miracle grow, I tend to err to the side of burn. Someone else would probably be better to help you. I'm pretty sure it...
  2. silusbotwin

    do oi need to add some cal mag?

    Usually mag deficiency looks pretty uniformly. It tends to stick between the veins of your leaves. Same coloration, just a different pattern. I don't think mag deficiency affects leaf edges like in your photo. Looks more like nute burn to me but then again, I'm no expert on diagnosing plant...
  3. silusbotwin

    Help please. Why do my leaves look like this?

    Fed them with a 1/2 strength calmag+ along with the usual Fox Farms feed. Could I have went stronger than 50% strength with the calmag+? Thanks alot for the help guys! After researching into what mag def looks like, I think you guys hit the nail on the head! What would I do without RIU?
  4. silusbotwin

    confirm my fears

    I just don't see what you're talking about. Looking at the images on a 37 inch screen in HD and it looks pretty clearly NON-hermie to me.
  5. silusbotwin

    confirm my fears

    Doesn't look hermie to me. Are you talking about the two ball shaped masses at the node spot? Those are just swelling calyxes. You look fine to me. A hermie plant will produce THC just fine but it will pollinate itself making your precious buds fill up with unwanted seed. Where there are seeds...
  6. silusbotwin

    Look what the hydro store gave me for free

    You have inadvertently made my whole summer man! Turns out the Maximum Yield Indoor Garden Expo is coming June 2nd and 3rd just 30 minutes away from me. I will hitchhike or take a bus there if I have to lol. Thanks man!
  7. silusbotwin

    Please HELP, large spread of brown, orange, yellowish patches overnight!!! (pics)

    lol I feel ya man. I'm not going to insult him for trying to help but yea, that was ignorant to say you can't flush soil.
  8. silusbotwin

    Please HELP, large spread of brown, orange, yellowish patches overnight!!! (pics)

    I'd have to agree with the general consensus. Flushing is exactly what needs to be done here. Just my opinion so take it or leave it. Telling someone that flushing does no good is just incorrect. Also, hydro growing should be at 5.5-5.8 ph and soil at 6.5-6.8. a ph of 7 is not what cannabis...
  9. silusbotwin

    Help please. Why do my leaves look like this?

    I'll be adding some CalMag+ to my next feed to see if it helps. Thanks for the advice! Anybody else have any input?
  10. silusbotwin

    Best Emerald Triangle Seeds strain?

    ET's Grapefruit Krush was hands down THE dopest dope I've ever had. I'm really big on taste though. My friend grows Emerald Jack and he says it's his favorite of all time after a decade+ of growing. Photos are Grapefruit Krush that was my last grow. It's the fruitiest tasting bud I've ever had...
  11. silusbotwin

    Help please. Why do my leaves look like this?

    These pictures do no justice. I'm going to take a better photo. brb. EDIT: Added a photo under better lighting.
  12. silusbotwin

    Help please. Why do my leaves look like this?

    Details of the grow are in my sig. Had this same problem when they were younger and I chocked it up as ph problems. Any idea why they have these rust looking spots in between the veins? inb4 overwatering. It can't be overwatering. I let them dry plenty between waterings.
  13. silusbotwin

    Laserbrn - DP White Widow

    Wow, our grows are pretty much identical aside from genetics. I'll be following closely!
  14. silusbotwin

    SG15's 2kw Flood & Drain Perpetual - PE, NLxS, Sour Kush, PPP

    You've got a freakin jungle there man! Much respect!
  15. silusbotwin

    Look what the hydro store gave me for free

    I make sure to ask them if they have any freebies every time I go and I have never left without some sort of freebie. I have lots more freebies than just this. This is just what I had photos of uploaded.
  16. silusbotwin

    SilusBotwin's Medical Tent

    Thats really all I did was wipe them with iso alcohol. I figured I have it, I might as well use it.
  17. silusbotwin

    SilusBotwin's Medical Tent

    Well, we'll see how it goes. How long should it take to see roots?
  18. silusbotwin

    SilusBotwin's Medical Tent

    Took a few photos of my cloning :) Wore sterile rubber gloves and all! Also pictured are the ladies after being impaled. Also, my ph meter is off by about a point, thats why I measured 5.59 instead of 5.5 on the nose.
  19. silusbotwin

    SilusBotwin's Medical Tent

    Here we go! Looks like I have something to keep me busy this evening :) I can't take too many clones anyway. Gotta stay within my state regulated legal limit. Failure to do so in Michigan causes a grower to forfeit his/her rights to a "for medical use" defense in court. Here we go. Time to wash...
  20. silusbotwin

    SilusBotwin's Medical Tent

    So it wouldn't be too bad of an idea to snip off the few growth tips I have now? I guess it's more important to get going perpetually than it is to get a huge first harvest. Did you lose a considerable amount of yield on any of the mothers you snipped tips from? I'll go snip those whores right...