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  1. GrowinDad

    First Time Grow, Questions

    The little holes may indicate you have spider mites or some bug eating them. Look at the underside of the leaves closely. i have never had them so can't say more. Looks good other than that. Maybe lower the nute level a bit.
  2. GrowinDad

    Why didn´t i get any bud development?

    Give more details on what you have been doing, light cycle, etc.
  3. GrowinDad

    Air Circulation

    No it won't, and your house will smell. Snaps is right. Or what you need to do if close up all those holes, get an exhaust fan and then passive intake.
  4. GrowinDad

    Just want easy to make vape liquid

    Do you not understand the concept of a collaborative group of stangers working together to share their experiences and learn from one another? Isn't that what sites like this are all about? There is no bs. We all have slightly different methods that work. This is new stuff here, not like...
  5. GrowinDad

    sprout question

    I would raise the light. You can fry the cot for sure!
  6. GrowinDad

    Just want easy to make vape liquid

    Interesting. Not at all what I have seen when trying VG. Mine just separated big time after sitting. Will post pic when I can...
  7. GrowinDad

    Seedling help

    Uh oh. Seed gets buried about 1/3-1/2" under the soil, tap root facing down.
  8. GrowinDad

    Seedling help

    Pic please.. You did bury the whole seed when you planted it, didn't you?
  9. GrowinDad

    CA Deficiency with DynaGro

    I have only been growing two years, but most of it under LED.
  10. GrowinDad

    Just want easy to make vape liquid

    The EJ Mix vs straight PG IMHO is about it not separating. It still works when separated in a tank, but better when not. Capiche? Not sure why the double boiler but it should work. A coffee warmer works fine and easier to look at. You will have oil with that technique. It only turns to...
  11. GrowinDad

    Humidity and it's importance in the grow room.

    I bought a small personal dehumidifier once on Amazon and it did not work for shit. I have a big one in my room now and works awesome. I empty it every other day or so, no biggee.
  12. GrowinDad

    LED lighting questions.

    Go into the LED subforum in Indoor Growing.
  13. GrowinDad

    Things are starting to change since I started

    Plus the plants smells different than smoke and smell is there 24-7. Carbon filter. Plus, always good to be discreet anyway.
  14. GrowinDad

    Quick germinating question

    I put the damp paper towel in a small tupperware container which I leave sealed except for one corner. Not sure what you mean by soaked.
  15. GrowinDad

    LED lighting questions.

    They work great. I use almost all Creebulbs in my veg cab. 5000 is fine for veg. But, you will need more, you are fine for a couple weeks. And you will need something taller to grow in the whole way through.
  16. GrowinDad

    Just want easy to make vape liquid

    RSO is just QWET/QWISO/etc that is cooked (in a rice cooker usually) to get rid of the solvent used. I have stated my views on what works and what doesn't and differences between PG, PEG, EJ Mix, and VG. Obviously pictures don't prove it out and you have decided for whatever reason that my...
  17. GrowinDad

    Humidity and it's importance in the grow room.

    I would be concerned to flower at that high of humidity.
  18. GrowinDad

    Newbie requesting backup!

    Definitely no good on the soil. Straight compost will be burn up your plants (I would guess). I would either get a MG one like Fox Farms or plan out a neutral soil (pro-mix type, I mix my own) and plan to provide the nutes yourself. I would also use perlite over those rocks. Those seem to be...
  19. GrowinDad

    I need help ASAP!!!

    My "simple" method. I am not an expert, but I cut 7-8 to eight at a time and at most one dies. So I must be doing something right: 1.) Solo Cups with holes cut at bottom 2.) Soil - MG Seed Starter with 30-40% PLAIN (not MG with nutes) Perlite added in. Make it moist, not wet, with PH 6.5 water...
  20. GrowinDad

    I need help ASAP!!!

    They do not look well. Is that 99% humidity? Wish I had good advice at this point.