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  1. GrowinDad

    running into big problem need some advice

    What strain you running? I am having some similar issues with some Barney's Blue Cheese right now. Having a hard time dialing in her needs.
  2. GrowinDad

    qwizo's qwiso

    Curious on something. I do 100% ethanol for my extraction. Would there be any reason why I couldn't do a quick wash of one ball jar of material (approx. 1 oz), strain it, put the ethanol back in the freezer, and then use the same ethanol to extract from a second oz, essentially using the same...
  3. GrowinDad

    Just want easy to make vape liquid

    First of all, read the ISO tutorial here at RIU ( Going back a couple of your posts, what they are describing is winterizing where you take the oil, redo it into ethanol (everclear), "freeze", filter again, dry again, and then mix into your...
  4. GrowinDad

    Just want easy to make vape liquid

    Sorry oilthatworks, I am done. I've got my advanced degree as well from one of the top private universities in the country - yippee. I have attempted to share as clearly as possible what I am doing, what works for me, and what I have found from my pursuit of the perfect e-juice. I've played...
  5. GrowinDad

    Just want easy to make vape liquid

    As the atomizers age, the hit becomes harder. You can use longer, but why bother when they are so cheap? I do change mine out more than others. Any variable watt battery will work. You can get a fairly cheap e-cig go battery and it will work fine. Those generally only go up to about 4-5W. I...
  6. GrowinDad

    very new very poor

    Looks fine. They pop, grow roots, and then start to grow up.
  7. GrowinDad

    I need some with my plant

    For starters,get it into a larger pot?
  8. GrowinDad

    Solvents for making hash oil

    I think the point is that if you don't want to consume a ton of it to get the impact, then you would need to boil it down and doing so would remove the cannabinoids. I don't think Limonene is like an alcohol base that evaporates with air...
  9. GrowinDad

    Just want easy to make vape liquid

    Google it all :-) But quickly: 1.) Dry your bud bone dry 2.) Freeze it and your ISO for a couple days 3.) Pour ISO over weed, mix for about a minute 4.) Strain liquid quickly and filter it (I use a couple coffee filters) 5.) Put it into a pyrex dish with a fan until it dries completely 6.)...
  10. GrowinDad

    Solvents for making hash oil

    Not sure what you mean by green hash. I use it to make an oil, same as QWISO. I just prefer to use something that is safe to consume in case I don't get it all out....
  11. GrowinDad

    Just want easy to make vape liquid

    There are plenty of other posts, threads and tutorials on how to make ISO. Also visit the skumpharm research site and you will get more info than you want. You keep asking about the pens and whatnot but you keep getting answers. My battery is a Sigelei Zmax and I love it. Tanks - anything...
  12. GrowinDad

    Solvents for making hash oil

    I do a quick wash (30-45 seconds) and do so under dry ice so very cold! Second run I use for RSO and go about a minute.
  13. GrowinDad

    Solvents for making hash oil

    Thanks. I can handle the expense. Actually runs me about $10/pint for 100%, not 190 proof. I just wanted to make sure I am not ending up with inferior end result.
  14. GrowinDad

    Bad Seeds - Hermie?

    thexwhorror, any tips appreciated. I have been having a hard time figuring them out. Got a Cal/Mag def in one which is weird for me though wondering if I messed up mixing nutes once. IN any case, first grow with new strain is always the toughest. Plus for me, plants from seed seem to be more...
  15. GrowinDad

    Bad Seeds - Hermie?

    That would make me very happy :-)
  16. GrowinDad

    whats wrong with my plants?

    Look okay to me. Babies have funny leaves early on sometimes.
  17. GrowinDad

    Just want easy to make vape liquid

    If you are looking for consensus on anything, you have come to the wrong place. Snaps, who posts I appreciate, like EJ Mix. I think it tastes like crap though am getting used to the small amounts I am using. I like RSO oil mixed with straight PG. Grow Goddess, whose info I also love...
  18. GrowinDad

    Solvents for making hash oil

    Can you explain why you think ethanol is no bueno for making oils. I'm not being defensive but it is what I use (100% organic ethanol) and seems to work well for me. Very non-scientifically, seems to be on par with ISO from when I ran with it. But I don't claim to be expert. "Ethanol Pros...
  19. GrowinDad

    Bad Seeds - Hermie?

    Here is better pic..
  20. GrowinDad

    Bad Seeds - Hermie?

    Yes, they look more pronounced in real life. Interesting. So you are saying that you didn't end up with seed filled buds? And by "attempted to crack those", I assume you mean try to grow one of them out vs popped or cut the pod off the plant. I'm going to grow them out as I have nothing to...