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  1. Kidbruv

    Are you in BLOOM Yet? Tis the month!

    Pics from Tuesday...
  2. Kidbruv

    If Nitrogen makes your plants green, then what color is Nitrogen?

    Oxygen needs to be mated up to another oxygen atom if there is nothing else to mate to. They will take what they can get but refuse to be alone. They're just needy like that. One oxygen is perfectly happy hanging out on its own with a couple hydrogens. Makes for a pretty sexy water threesome...
  3. Kidbruv

    If Nitrogen makes your plants green, then what color is Nitrogen?

    Robin's-egg blue to be exact. I believe Benjamin Moore is releasing "nitro blue" this year which will be perfect for our bathroom reno.
  4. Kidbruv

    If Nitrogen makes your plants green, then what color is Nitrogen?

    Close... Diatomic elements like oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen etc (there are 7 of them) exist as both molecules and elements. The oxygen you breathe is O2. This is because oxygen and its diatomic friends get very lonely very easily and always need a buddy. That means that because it has two atoms...
  5. Kidbruv

    If Nitrogen makes your plants green, then what color is Nitrogen?

    Diatomic means that it has two atoms and cannot exist on its own... just like oxygen. Nitrogen doesnt exist in your fertilizer as just the element N floating around all lonely. It's part of a compound usually either NH4 or NO3. Hydrogen is a diatomic gas too, but H2O that little guy and OH my...
  6. Kidbruv

    If Nitrogen makes your plants green, then what color is Nitrogen?

    Yup. Leave that one alone. Nitrogen is a colourless, odourless, tasteless, diatomic and generally inert gas at standard temperature and pressure. At atmospheric pressure, nitrogen is liquid between 63 K and 77 K.
  7. Kidbruv

    Canada grow log 2016

    Yeah man... late Oct is where I'm resigning myself to at this point. Ive been telling myself mid-oct, thanksgivingish... but I think I'd be in for some immature bud at that point. Maybe some cold weather will speed it along? Long term forecast for the northeast is for a warm, dry autumn so...
  8. Kidbruv

    Canada grow log 2016

    That looks like a great setup there, Mister Spider. I'll be drying out in a detached unheated garage. I will have dehumidifier and fan running but should I be concerned about the low temperature at that time of year? I'm thinking that it will be fine as long as the humidity is low enough with...
  9. Kidbruv

    Canada grow log 2016

    ThNks Groerr. I'm on the same page. I also cleaned out the lower most branches about a month back. Took off another couple insignificant branches this week. And you confirmed what I was thinking about support. Cheers. Here's a couple pics from today. She's starting to get frosty!
  10. Kidbruv

    How do i get solid heavy buds ?

    I guess I just still havent heard why you need more light to get to the buds by taking off the part of the plant that can actually utilize and convert that light energy. It's the plant that supplies the buds using nutrients and energy gathered by the roots and leaves. The buds aren't, to my...
  11. Kidbruv

    How do i get solid heavy buds ?

    I don't know about how potassium is stored in the leaves so I couldn't comment on that part. And its not clear on how cutting them off would give that stored K back to the plant or buds (if thats what you meant). My thinking is that the leaves are the solar panels powering the plant and the...
  12. Kidbruv

    Introduction from Canada

    I live at almost exact same latitude as jrgower (hi and welcome btw - I'm in Toronto) and we are still getting well over 13 hours now on Sept 1. But jrgrowin is right. 12-12 is just the accepted standard for indoor growers to be guaranteed enough dark time. It's strain dependant and though I...
  13. Kidbruv

    Cubs - this is the year!

    Love this Cubs team. Scared of this Cubs team. Looking forward to a great World Series against y'all. I loosely plan to hop in the car and drive past a couple great lakes to see a game at Wrigley for my first time. In the meantime, I should focus on getting past Boston and Rangers. Another...
  14. Kidbruv

    Canada grow log 2016

    Here are a couple more from this morning. I am of the "more leaves, the better" school of thinking so even though mine doesn't have a lot of light getting to the centre, I'm going to leave it as is. I still haven't put up any support. Do ylllou figure I'll need it? I have a bunch of 6' bamboo...
  15. Kidbruv

    Canada grow log 2016

    Here's some pics from Sunday the 28th. I'm really proud of how well this has gone for a first grow (because I don't count the one other time that I grew many years ago when both of my 6-plant plots got ripped down to 3"stumps second week in October. Didn't even leave behind a "hey thanks" nugg...
  16. Kidbruv

    Outdoor plants yellowing

    Luke 16:27? "And he said, 'Then I beg you father, to send him to my father's house"
  17. Kidbruv

    How does she look? first time growing outside

    Well if you are in Hawaii then you ain't got any cares about having enough time. I'm in Canada and fingers are crossed for a warm dry fall 'cause I figure I have at least 6 more weeks to go
  18. Kidbruv

    How We LookiN

    I would consider the start of flowering to be when the plant started producing florigen thanks to the phytochromes getting more darkness. That means that you wouldnt be able to tell visually until for at least about what, a week?
  19. Kidbruv

    How We LookiN

    Curious how you know that they are on "day 18 of flower" since it's outdoor? I ask because that's a really specific number and I've been trying to guesstimate when mine switched but not sure beyond a guess.