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  1. Z

    1700cfm 4.1 amp 12" online fan speed controller?

    why not try a 15A variac? This should solve the fuse blow issue, not sure about the overload protection though. Check out the used Staco variacs on ebay.
  2. Z

    LA OG Affie

    Nice grow, but I am not a fan of this smoke report format and rating system; it blows imo.
  3. Z

    one light one plant one pound....

    Just call me Pavlov's dog...
  4. Z

    Show off your glass!

    I really like the Bombay Gin glass bottles.
  5. Z

    Greenpoint Seeds The Deputy #1 Greenleaf Nutrients MegaCrop VS MaxiBloom Showdown

    Sounds like a nice strain, will have to try down the line.
  6. Z

    Question: making glass bongs

    I've drilled flat glass, not a bottle, but I would drill with Dremel and water with ceramic/Aluminum Oxide/diamond bits. You have to go very slow toward as the bit just break through the back, or it will cut chipped and jagged. Better to start with a small diameter bit and work your way up...
  7. Z

    Greenpoint Seeds The Deputy #1 Greenleaf Nutrients MegaCrop VS MaxiBloom Showdown

    Great, thanks for running this test, helps a lot. Smoke report?
  8. Z

    Boom Brew

    maybe dissolve some decarbed shatter in a small amount of alcohol, and add a measured dose to your beer bottles when you cap? If I were going to do this, I would take a typical dab amount, multiply it by 12, dissolve in 12 or 24 ccs of alcohol, and add 1 or 2 ccs to your bottles before you...
  9. Z

    mixing coconut oil and olive oil

    haven't used coconut oil yet, just pure ol oil, and that works fine w/o decarb first. I sometimes take a couple of tbsp of oil straight, and follow it up with hot tea, and can feel the onset in less than 15 mins.
  10. Z


    As an option to using a blunt or cigarillo wrapper, you can buy a 1/4 lb of Connecticut wrapper from leafonly, hydrate it between some moist paper towels overnight in a plastic bag or small tote, gently spread the leaf out, and cut between the veins. In the dry state, it cracks easily, and you...
  11. Z

    Heyyas from San Diego!

    welcome bro.
  12. Z

    Cold$moke's Frost heave

    I may borrow this quote in the future...
  13. Z

    Outdoor Roof Grow in the Tropics

    And the show begins...
  14. Z

    Cold$moke's Frost heave

  15. Z

    Cold$moke's Frost heave

    Many thanks.
  16. Z

    Ace Genetics Thread

    Nice to see all these sats. Thermal, how long did you flower them and how much did they stretch? Looking forward to smoke reports.
  17. Z

    Outdoor Roof Grow in the Tropics

    subbed, looking forward to your Cambodian bag weed was the high of the mother bud?
  18. Z

    Ace Genetics Thread

    Sounds like a good plan, looking forward to how this pans out, and the smoke report. I can't recall if any previous M growers in this thread talked about the M stretch, but I am curious how much it reaches.
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    Ace Genetics Thread

    I reckon I have to add Panama to the list then. I have to order some giberrelic acid for some left over late 80's seeds I have...I think they are sats, so if i can get one to pop, I'll also pop panama and queen mother to do some crosses. Time goes by too slow when you want to grow/smoke another...
  20. Z

    Ventilation help required! Ducting

    Honestly, I pulled 30% from my arse, I have no idea whether 30% would represent a good reduction percent from the bends, curves and flex length once you get it set up. But even it it was 50%, that still would be close to 40 changes per hour on your medium setting, which I imagine would be fine...