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  1. lio lacidem

    Hash and Oil Picture Thread

    This is 3g of iso shatter made from sour grapes.
  2. lio lacidem

    Hash and Oil Picture Thread

    Three pentane extractions. Two are earwax the small ball is budder
  3. lio lacidem

    Hash and Oil Picture Thread

    Well almost there got picture to load in avatar still not on page yet tho damn it!
  4. lio lacidem

    BHO vs Rick Simpson Oils

    Ill chime in too lol. Most of the folks i know making concentrates in legal states are not originally from there so imho the we do it better argument is null and void
  5. lio lacidem

    avg return per oz?

    Glad you said it twitch 22% on trim seems superhuman. Read title too quick missed the bho lol.dont run enough bho to answer
  6. lio lacidem

    Hash and Oil Picture Thread

    Well cant get picture to load in text but my profile pic is juicey fruit earwax extracted with pentane
  7. lio lacidem

    avg return per oz?

    Your getting 22% on just trim? Thats pretty impressive.
  8. lio lacidem

    avg return per oz?

    Popcorn buds and trim 12-15% dank 20_25% this is with a pentane extraction.
  9. lio lacidem

    my extraction attempt.

    I would redissolve it in 99.9% iso in a mason jar. Freeze the mixture for 36 hours strain thru a coffee filter and then evap.
  10. lio lacidem

    WOW. My first BHO/shatter attempt.

    Sick looking shatter man!
  11. lio lacidem

    Will this work ?

    That will definately work. I use 99.9% medical iso
  12. lio lacidem

    Opium based Hashish - Myth...?

    I have heard this rumored too but feel people said it cause hash was too good lol it had to be laced
  13. lio lacidem

    My experience with PUREZHO extraction solvent

    I cant get link to post but id be willing to bet zho is 1,3,3,3 tetreflouropropene (hfo 1234ze). Im waiting for msds to be released to say 100% but this is my guess
  14. lio lacidem

    Q on heat purge time. firsrt qwiso ever made

    I thought i did post fact 3yrs ago i made two samples of hard sap iso oil one with heat one without had both tested residual was higher in unheated. This being said i am gonna try your way to see difference in my tech if any
  15. lio lacidem

    Q on heat purge time. firsrt qwiso ever made

    I didnt feel as though i was preaching simply stating the opinion i formed over years of trial and error. sorry if you took my post the wrong way.
  16. lio lacidem

    Q on heat purge time. firsrt qwiso ever made

    First i have to say qwisoking ive read alot of your posts and they are usually spot on with my thinking but here ill have to disagree. The viscosity of oil will not let the iso fully purge. I have ran same product and low heat purged 1 and no heat evap'd one. Had both samples tested unheated had...
  17. lio lacidem

    hello all

    I have only done small batches of bho in smaller tubes so i can not answer tube size ?. I have not noticed any loss of potency with low temps but that is definately not conclusive proof.
  18. lio lacidem

    Q on heat purge time. firsrt qwiso ever made

    95F hot plate for 24hrs. Put in oven set to warm. Do not preheat put in for 5 minutes oil should reach 140f.Remove parchment and freeze for 8 more hours. Flip frozen oil over and return to parchment. Place back in hotplate for 16hrs. Left with clear yellow semi-pliable shatter
  19. lio lacidem

    Q on heat purge time. firsrt qwiso ever made

    The way i do my evaps/purges is 1st i use a double boiler on an electric skillet set to 150f using electricgun thermometer making sure liquid doesnt come above 135f. Once liquid is evapped i scrape and place on parchment. Next i freeze for 8hrs. After i place parchment in pyrex pan and sit oN
  20. lio lacidem

    Iso Extractions by _oakley_

    Probably been said but i do not agree with using plastic at all. This tech is a very good starting point for sure. What idid was have a tube blown open both ends 18in long on top stretched to 1/4 inch wide back up to full tube. 12Inches on bottom. I pack top and pour thru catching runofff and...