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  1. dux

    C99 and Pure Gooey DWC SCROG

    Flo- Very nice thread! I havn't been here In a bit but happy I checked In again...I'm getting ready for another grow cycle(still very green! but having alot of fun with It) your explanation on the pvc netting was awesome! It just never "clicked" until I tread your post!!! happy gardening.....!
  2. dux

    Too Dry!

    ...Wow!! thank you !!!!!! that was more than enough help...thanks again !! Dux.
  3. dux

    Too Dry!

    So I had my babies hanging In my area, It usually takes a little over a week til i go to jars. yesterday i decide to give em a check,CRUNCHY and DRY !!! low humidity or what? I dont know!! Its been 5 days...Is there a trick to get some moisture to them? I have em all In jars now but I think most...
  4. dux

    MN Outdoor 2010

    I have 2 seven foot tall momma's that are happier than anything else In the the garden....and both are exploding with alot of soon to be masive soon as the digital Is fixed i will post some pics,I think these are some Impressive plants for MN.I did start Indoors and then moved out....
  5. dux

    My New Grow Room What You Fellas Think ? With Pics.

    Great use of space!Better to grow than hang clothes ... I'm no pro but when I built my room I re:did my ducting and took out as many bends and hard turns as I could and the air flows much better! Just an FYI.. happy gardening..
  6. dux

    when to....

    Thank you Tamjam!!!
  7. dux

    Getting busted?!?!?!?!

    For what It Is worth as a rookie,I only used MH for my first run (indoors DWC) and after stretching and just being an impatient rookie I still harvested some great smoke! (unknown strain from a close gardening friend) The only thing that I would change If I could was,the buds were big and...
  8. dux

    when to....

    I have some seeds that I started in soil,they are about 1"-2" tall and only showing the cotyledons.My question is should I move them under the flouro's now or wait a little? as I type this they are sitting in the kitchen window getiing some sun.I have noticed the last 2 days when i look at them...
  9. dux

    Pics of homemade aeroponics ??

    Boomer Bloomer, Nice !!! I have a couple rootballs like the first couple pics that will be getting chopped In a day or 2(DWC, It was fun but too much work with 8 buckets) I love your "lab" pic sure looks clean! Wish the wife would give me the ok to use up a 1/4 of my basement space,she thinks...
  10. dux

    Pics of homemade aeroponics ??

    Thanks..that cracked me up! I Do understand how google works:shock: I am a little slow when It comes to computers and especially when searching for a certain subject..that Is why I was looking for the past post somebody had once posted with DIY tutorial on a system that used pvc fence post and...
  11. dux

    Pics of homemade aeroponics ??

    Hello all, I'm looking Into building a aeroponic system,i have seen some homemade beauties here before but now I cannot find any pics or links..Anybody have any they could share? I'm looking To build a system with the pvc fence post and pvc pipe(If you have seen these you know what i'm talking...
  12. dux

    Got spotted at my grow spot.. Should I abandon the grow?

    Go out with some bino's or a camera at first light and act like a nature nut.I would give them a temporary move atleast the guy wont be able to take them himself.I have a hard time believing cops would stake out a grow(assuming It isnt a giant crop..)
  13. dux

    What should I do!!!

    Can you move them and replace with a Tomatoe plant or anything else? I would think that If he said something a cop might come by and take a look and see A different plant and just think that the Tax man was a moron.. Just my .02
  14. dux

    Ripped roots = trouble?

    Thanks Carl, That Is what neede to hear!
  15. dux

    Ripped roots = trouble?

    She Is In veg now,I have propably another month or so til the sun/night combo triggers her.she Is a solid 5 1/2feet tall.maybe i should keep her off the ground a little so the air stops the root growth or should i soak the ground and let her try and re:root?
  16. dux

    Ripped roots = trouble?

    I had a beautiful girl on the front side of my house,after getting a little paranoid (this thing has gotten massive)I decided to move her to the back with her sister.It Is In a 5 gal pot,when I picked her up some roots had made there way through the hole's I had for drainage and rooted into the...
  17. dux

    Old shrooms?

    I have a boys getaway weeend coming up at the cabin(no wives no kids,beer,.cards,fishing,eating and smoking) so my question Is ... my friend found a small bag of shrooms that he thinks must be 5-10 years old,Do you think they will be any good? they look like all shrooms I have ever found and...
  18. dux

    Exaust fan

    I have a 4' x 9' x 8'H grow room and I have been using one of those duct booster fans and It worked fine, ran duct work to a vent on the roof. The only problem was I needed another booster once the humidity started to rise with the size of my plants.I have a fan pushing and the other fan Is...
  19. dux

    noob with some questions..

    Might want to wrap the aquarium with aluminum foil to prevent light from getting In.I had to do this with my orange Home Depot buckets to prevent algae from growing. just my .02 good luck-have fun!
  20. dux

    Growers Against Miracle Grow

    Maybe try and use the shower to fill a bucket?With the extra spray vs solidstream, A shower spray will help evaporate alot of the chlorine. ...Just an idea I was told about