Search results

  1. dudeoflife

    Ammonium Nitrate? + reputation points

    OK, if you have a digital scale and MG is also a dry(powder) nutrient, you will be able to come up with the correct proportions: Say you mix 1 part Mg and 1 part ammonium N, 1 part, meaning equal weights of each, your N-P-K will be : N = 22 = (34+10)/2 P = 5 = (0+10)/2...
  2. dudeoflife

    my computer hydroponics software needs a name

    Ab-so-lute-lee My project is on my development server rt now, and will be live hopefully within the next two weeks. I have a few growers on here testing my product rt as we speak in the meantime. Keep in touch!
  3. dudeoflife

    Ammonium Nitrate? + reputation points

    But for you reference: an N-P-K of 34-15-15 would be O.K. for veg. Just ok. An N-P-K of like 34-15-30 , with like 15% Ca, 7% MG, 4% S, 1% Fe, .5% Zn,I, B, Mb,Mn would be much better, in terms of proportion. Just working off the top of my head with the numbers. Not to be taken as gospel.
  4. dudeoflife

    Ammonium Nitrate? + reputation points

    "so is 34-0-0 not a good NPK for a weed plant? Would i need something like 34-15-15? also im growing in soil, so can I just add it to my water then water my plants?" No. It supplies only one element of the necessary 17+ elements to meet all nutritional needs. By the way, you CAN add it in...
  5. dudeoflife

    Ammonium Nitrate? + reputation points

    "Does anybody else find it funny that a guy with the name IKILLPEOPLE is experimenting with Ammonium Nitrate" Umm. Just noticed that one.... yikes!
  6. dudeoflife

    Ammonium Nitrate? + reputation points

    Ok. This is totally my territory. Ammonium nitrate is the bomb. Pun intended. It's a shame it has the stigma it does, because it is a boon to the commercial farming industry. There is no other shippable solid that carries such a high % useful N. It has a strong concentration of N, chemical...
  7. dudeoflife

    my computer hydroponics software needs a name

    smoke n' grow LOL. Found this thread using a google search. That's the name of my new line of nutrients, and I have owned the domain name, since 2009. I have a multibrand nutrient calc on there right now. Turns out I'm a member of RIU, too. Whoa! Heavy. Talk about...
  8. dudeoflife

    What Did I dO wrong

    Are they rooted? Leaves yellow up a lot most genetics, since the plant uses the nutrient reserves in the leaves in order to sprout new legs. If they are already rooted, wait until the rockwool dries up a bit. you want it damp-- not wet. Once it get damp, and light in mass, add a weak...
  9. dudeoflife

    help! bare bulb 4000w

    Evenly spaced. How else? Make it so the distance from the wall to each bulb is the same for two closest adjacent walls.
  10. dudeoflife

    2nd grow indoor in house speaker box

    Stealthy! Can't even see the pictures!
  11. dudeoflife

    Help with Yield

    "also stop using CO2 after the 4th week in flower." Are you serious? If there's ever a time the plant could use C02 supplementation, it's the 4th week.
  12. dudeoflife

    Help with Yield

    +1 for C02 as well. The best nutrient additive on the market.
  13. dudeoflife

    Help with Yield

    Oh- and the best advice I can give to increase your yield: Pick 2-4 of the biggest shoots early in veg. Wait til about the third node or so. Cut off everything else, and keep just these shoots. Any new growth, remove it, up until the first week of flowering or so. You will never see another...
  14. dudeoflife

    Help with Yield

    Genetics and lumens play a huge role in yield. Your nute regimen appears reasonable, and your setup looks nice. Best of luck!
  15. dudeoflife

    I like it

    This might just be the default template for VBulletin, the software that's running this site. There have been a few error messages at the top of RUI the past few days. The error might be in the template engine. I develop sites with open source software such as this, as whenever something...
  16. dudeoflife

    Plant Problem (pics)

    If its correcting itself, then mg. It moves with N in the creation of chlorophyll. Ca def looks similar-- dead & flaky tissue typically rotting from the center near the veins out-- but CA is immobile and the damage is irreparable.
  17. dudeoflife

    Another curled leaf problem

    Really, they look ok for a rescue. However, after taking a closer look, the older growth is also developing purplish stems, indicating a minor phosphorus lockout or deficiency. Since you have added no nutrients, You most likelyhave a defiency of some kind, unless you are using the soil from...
  18. dudeoflife

    keeping plants small?

    +1 for supercropping. You can keep it really small if you stop watering it. JK.
  19. dudeoflife

    Controlled Experiment: AN Voodoo Juice

    You mean a dollar's worth of microbes & fungi. lol. I've once fell for the marketing, too. Don't get me wrong-- VJ is good stuff, just absurdly overpriced. Brew your concoction for a week with a little unsulphured molasses. You'll have your own voodoo juice.