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  1. somebody1701

    First time taking flowering clones. Need some advice.

    Feed, feed, feed!!! They'll be fine if you give them some nutes. If they have roots, don't put a humidity dome on them, no need. I take flowering clones all the time. Once they have roots they need food.
  2. somebody1701

    Still yellowing?!?!

    I wouldn't flush. You need to feed. They are definitely N deficient and possibly Cal deficient too. Bump up the feeding.
  3. somebody1701

    2 week old plants. Leaves showing signs of pics...need help

    I haven't used any fan at all on my last 3 grows. I think fans are a complete waste. I always got windburn when I tried to squeeze one in. If your space has adequate ventilation, I think fans are bogus.
  4. somebody1701

    3X3 tent what size pots?? simple question

    Unless you can fit 9 3 gallon pots, I would go with 4 5 gallon. With six pots in a square tent, not sure it would make sense. However, I do think 3g smart pots would be fine for your tent. I've grown in both 3 and 5g smart pots and haven't seen any different in yield. That being said, I do...
  5. somebody1701

    250w indoor grow....carbon scrubber question

    After having a buddy of mine tell me I smelled like pot even though I just sat in my house all day, hadn't smoked, and had some black pearl flowering in my grow room, I would say, yes, you should get a carbon filter if you really want to keep your grow stealthy.
  6. somebody1701

    Things You found Out on your own

    I just browsed google images for something I liked. I wish I knew her personally, regardless of what the rest of her body looks like. :)
  7. somebody1701


    I tried to clone a male and he never stopped producing bananas and pollen (which turned out useful). Now I did take the cutting 4 weeks into "flower" and all I had left to cut were top branches.
  8. somebody1701


    I'm sure they'll be fine as long as they are healthy and have been under at least 16 hours of light a day.
  9. somebody1701

    Not as many trich's as I think I should have

    Assuming you're not doing anything crazy, it's either lights or strain or a combination of the two. Now that I've got two strains under my belt, I can say that in identical conditions one was much frostier than the other.
  10. somebody1701

    To Reveg or not to Reveg...

    No, this is the black pearl. Unfortunately, the two blueberry plants didn't make it. It looks like I might have gotten lucky with that though, the one blueberry plant I have left is looking mighty fine two weeks into flower. Time will tell... I would definitely try it again to save good...
  11. somebody1701

    To Reveg or not to Reveg...

    Well, here she is. I'll be taking clones soon and putting her out of her misery. Reveg can work.
  12. somebody1701

    Best LED's for 2013

    The coverage claims for flowering under LEDs are usually grossly exaggerated. Now I bought my LEDs last year, and I have to say that factoring in all the costs and considering the fact that LEDs put out quite a bit of heat that can't easily be vented like an HID's heat, LEDs in 2012 just...
  13. somebody1701

    Growing indoors without the parents finding out

    You'd be surprised. I have a black pearl (sative dom, skunky) plant that I revegged. Just that one plant with about 6 inches of growth puts off a bunch of smell. I just got through putting in a DIY odor filter that used about $80 worth of activated carbon. We'll see how it goes. When I was...
  14. somebody1701

    reusing root pots

    I've actually washed mine in the washing machine at home. They do come out looking like new. But I haven't remembered to do that each grow and the coco makes a mess in the washing machine!
  15. somebody1701

    Things You found Out on your own

    Once you start getting decent results, who wants to play super-strict scientist? The hobby is time consuming enough as it is. I try to experiment with one thing each grow. My results are good enough for me but certainly not formal, with statistical analysis, etc. You just need to try things...
  16. somebody1701

    reusing root pots

    I leave root remnants in my smart pots and coco after every grow and have never had any negative consequences. If your plants were healthy last grow, go ahead and re-use the pots.
  17. somebody1701

    Growing indoors without the parents finding out

    If either of your parents have a decent sense of smell, you have no chance of not getting caught. This is coming from a dad that grows and his wife doesn't know (she and my daughter have no sense of smell, not kidding). My son is in cahoots with me and he's off at school now anyway. Just to...
  18. somebody1701

    Silica gel?

    I tried it based on a post on RIU using the cheap stuff available as cat litter. They claimed it would help keep your humidity at 65% without burping. I didn't find it helped or hurt. Just an unnecessary extra step. Here's the link to the thread. It sounded good but didn't really seem to...
  19. somebody1701

    Things You found Out on your own

    1) Proper ventilation with adequate odor control in all seasons is very hard. 2) The best looking lady in veg can have the worst bud in flower - LABEL those clones! 3) Keep a male and create your own seeds, you won't have the opportunity again. 4) There's a ton of variation between strains, so...
  20. somebody1701

    clone help... ( turbo clone )

    The swelling and nodules are good but the rotten looking parts aren't. Not sure those are going to take. One thing I've learned is that some strains clone easier than others. I had a mostly indica (blueberry) and sativa dom (black pearl) mix on this last grow. The BP had roots in a little...