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  1. mistaphuck

    The Force!

    well I think gene Roddenberry was even more right and we ought to be on the lookout for those shiesty klingons and romulans.. you think pi is all we are sure of? ha! soooo millions of hopeful, faithful creationists, and millions of critical thinking believers in the sciences are wrong.. but...
  2. mistaphuck

    Whats wrong with my plant?

    nothing is wrong with it...
  3. mistaphuck

    Creationists Are Dumb.

    many people asked his wife if he had converted before his death and she said no, and that it was a kinda sad thought.. that they both knew they would never see each other again..
  4. mistaphuck

    Creationists Are Dumb.

    carl is my god... lol I have seen every episode of cosmos... it never fails to just blow your mind.. through the wormhole with morgan freeman is pretty good too, like a modern cosmos, but with morgan freeman. I didn't know that carl sagan wrote the novel "contact" and that they made that...
  5. mistaphuck

    Correct Use of The Word Energy

    I dub this: "Heisenberg's Principal"
  6. mistaphuck

    its not all that expensive, at least its not 65 bucks an eighth like in some states..

    its not all that expensive, at least its not 65 bucks an eighth like in some states..
  7. mistaphuck

    North Korea bombs South Korean island - just less than two hours ago

    I don't think our soldiers would "shit their pants" north Korea is still north Korea, we whooped their ass before a million Chinese drove us back, we are America and as fucked as it is war is OUR game, they can try to shell us all they want but the skies are ours.. those howitzers and mortars...
  8. mistaphuck

    does anyone else like oblivion? best fucking stoner game ever.

    im just waiting for elder scrolls five man...
  9. mistaphuck

    does anyone else like oblivion? best fucking stoner game ever.

    oblivion is best on the pc, soo many bad ass mods, there is even a mod named zeb shack that adds weed, shrooms and alcohol inebriation to the game, theres mods that make it so you can smoke skooma and tobacco through pipes, a mod the lets you summon groups of marauders, bandits, goblins, or...
  10. mistaphuck

    does anyone else like oblivion? best fucking stoner game ever.

    black ops is cool but over rated, so is ff7, ff8 was better, clouds small stature and large unwieldy sword pissed me off.
  11. mistaphuck

    funny shit thread
  12. mistaphuck

    North Korea bombs South Korean island - just less than two hours ago

    one of my best friends is stationed at the base closest to the dmz... he seems pretty excited.. something along the lines of " I cant wait to slit some chink ass throats" I always knew he would be good in the army... or jail
  13. mistaphuck

    Question For People!

    to the original poster: why do you feel you need to be validated or given the "right" to smoke weed?
  14. mistaphuck

    What is "True Christianity"?

    study hard to be a sheep..
  15. mistaphuck

    Pot protects against diabetes by 66% !!!

    that's pretty cool, I assumed smoking weed could have lead to diabetes even faster... I for one know I eat a lot more junk when I am high..
  16. mistaphuck

    In Defense of Science, Reason and Logic

    I do not think they are holding us back... we have made great scientific strides in the presence or religion, they aren't out trying to stifle scientific progress anymore, now they just desperately try to prove what they believe, and be taken seriously. I think that if they ARE wrong it will one...
  17. mistaphuck

  18. mistaphuck

    In Defense of Science, Reason and Logic

    watch those flat-earthers be right... lol I can see your point, I have just always been a live and let live person, I see no benefit to myself for questioning something that give others happiness. especially when most of those people are like children when it comes to change, stubborn and...
  19. mistaphuck


    you can do gay stuff, as long as you yell SLAYER!! when you do it, cancels out the gay!