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    Papaya & mysterious plant

    Thanks dude but I think thats the papaya your referring too It used to be a compost pile thats how they grew they might be avacado.

    Some Carnivorous Plant Pics.

    Super Cool man I didn't even know some of those existed. good to see the venus fly trap in such great condition everytime I grew one of those they died.See if you can get some insects in those traps and take some pics man.Your son must be a natural greenthumb

    Window sill?

    I am currently growing under an aerogarden light I plan on trasplanting later in season once they are strong enough

    Aerogarden Grow

    Hey guys I know you might think I'm in the wrong section but I have a few questions.I have started growing two plants here they are after a day of sprouting The one on the right seems taller it's closer to a white wall. Should I move them closer together or more towards the wall?I don't know...

    Anyone ever used Miraical grow

    I used miracle grow when I guerilla grew I used the kind that you would mix a tbls with a gallon of water it looked like pink/red salt.It worked good for me,my plants grew bigger too you just have to make sure you flush before you harvest and you should be good

    Starting Inside then taking outside

    Well Mastwang I plan on doin the same what kinda of lights are you using?Im growing under an aerogarden light, my babies just sprouted yesterday.I would post a pic but I dunno the url. I suggest growing a Satori and are you thinking of growing in your backyard? I'm thinking of doing the same but...

    Growing under aerogarden light but in soil

    no one has too know

    Papaya & mysterious plant

    So I have a papya plant that originally started out to be my compost pile there are two males and one female. I took a pic of one, the first few fruits didn't have any seeds but these upcoming ones might.Do you think I should pick the ones on the bottom?Last but not least the mystery plant...

    White widows male or female?

    That doesn't look like a greenhouse at all more like a shelf with plastic on top. I suggest chylln outside on a sunny day and seeing what part of the yard gets the most sun and reposition your plants there and dont put anything on the shelf above or it might block the suns rays. You have to wait...

    STirring Up the SOil

    Well , So good news I took a pic today so you can see for yourselfs.Just a couple of questions, when should I move the lights up & how long should I leave the lights on I have white walls in my closet and the one on the right is closer to it does this have anything to...

    STirring Up the SOil

    Well I did some reasearching and I read something about the roots need oxegen do you think when I mixed it I removed oxegen from the soil but do you think it would be a good idea to use the aero garden light just to warm them up

    STirring Up the SOil

    Thanks for letting me know about them liking warm temp im thinking if putting th em under an aero garden light

    STirring Up the SOil

    Do you think it would be bad if before I planted a bag seed to stir the soil in the med size plastic pot to get it wet so when I plant the seed it can germinate in the dirt. Good idea or not.the weather is perfect for germinating cool and wet outside

    Yellow and curling leaves

    You should probally not use as much nutes to much nitrogen I think it should be around 6 I couldn't see how big your plant is so just make sure you just water it for awhile you should use unsulfered molasses and crush up some egg shells

    Holy Smoke Malawi Gold Outdoor Grow

    Extrodinary grow I love outdoor threads like these great updates and the excellent photos were wonderful .Try growing some Satori or gran daddy purple Those would be some dank strains keep up the great growing

    fragrant plants that can mask MJ smell outdoors

    I love the smell of gardinia the bush with white flowers reminds me of my great grandma

    Starting first grow ever, tryin to make it good

    Sativa I would say I would put some rich ssoil in that pot looks sandy and clay Like dirt

    is she ready?

    Dude best way to tell get a magnify glass a good one and if a majority of the trichomes are cloudy you should harvest you want to harvest before they turn amber

    2013 mn outdoor grow

    Definatly try grrowin on higher ground once that rainy season came my girls drowned and use some manure in your soil as well and make sure they get plenty of sun

    Yellow and curling leaves

    Could be a number of things but it sounds like the pH is too high do you use any nutrients or too low one of the two