Search results

  1. Humple

    Best LEDs for under 200$

    Is it a full 2x3, or is that an approximation? (It looks a wee bit smaller than that.) If it's really 6 square feet of space, one QB288 would be a little on the low side. Generally, with QBs, you want at least 30w sq/ft. Atreum lighting sells 60w 2" strips with added 660nm red diodes - three of...
  2. Humple

    Cree XPE Photo Red 660nm mA?

    I thought Rapid only made the puck in far red? OP, if you're looking to use the 660nm throughout the light cycle, I would think a couple of strips would give you better spread. HLG has 2 foot strips in 660nm; perhaps two of those, one on either side of the 288? Overkill for a 2x2, I would...
  3. Humple

    THC, CBD, Terpene test results – UVA vs UVB vs none

    I'll attempt to clarify my position. I am not saying that red light doesn't matter, or that it isn't the most photosynthetically efficient part of the spectrum. And I understand why one would assume that if more far red increases stem and leaf mass, it would also increase flower mass, but...
  4. Humple

    2000 watt grow replacing 1 light with LED newbie

    Just trying to get you to expound, man. You keep claiming a more balanced spectrum, but have yet to explain how it's more "balanced" for growing weed.
  5. Humple

    DIY with Quantum Boards

    Nice catch. I liked the Klytus avatar more though. Flash!!
  6. Humple

    THC, CBD, Terpene test results – UVA vs UVB vs none

    Haha, poor Prawn has two skeptics on his case today. Prawn, buddy, don't take it personally! You're a good dude and you and your peeps at GLA have undoubtedly put out a very interesting and worthy product in the High Light boards. I give this same shit to Hybridway/Amare when he's talking...
  7. Humple

    THC, CBD, Terpene test results – UVA vs UVB vs none

    Maybe I need to look more? As in quickly Google for studies? (Your snark aside, I do appreciate the effort.) That second link you provided shows precisely why this subject needs far, far more study before growers or light manufacturers start making definitive claims. Though they state (and...
  8. Humple

    THC, CBD, Terpene test results – UVA vs UVB vs none

    I've been waiting for someone to provide the hard data which proves that increased far red has any effect on flower mass (I'm talking about data that's based on properly scientific studies, i.e., repeated, consistent results). So far, what I've seen are references to studies which show that far...
  9. Humple

    Anyone heard of mammoth lights?

    Pretty sure this dude is trolling hard. This sudden attachment to and adulation of Hybrid seems like it has to be a joke?
  10. Humple

    2000 watt grow replacing 1 light with LED newbie

    Early days of what? Surely you don't mean the early days of LED grow lighting. And again I ask you, how did Spider Farmer arrive at the correct ratios to get this so-called "balanced spectrum"? And you do know that 3000k and 4000k both contain a wide band of wavelengths, and are not a single...
  11. Humple

    Help me choose a 4x4flowertent light

    Specs are specs, and Black Dog isn't forthcoming with them, so buyer beware. Also the claims on their very poorly put-together website are ridiculous. A 21"x21" fixture can flower a 6.5'x6.5' space? Get the fuck out of here.
  12. Humple

    Optimizing light configuration: Should I add or upgrade?

    Are you open to DIY, or are you only looking for plug-and-play?
  13. Humple

    Best LEDs for under 200$

    You definitely shouldn't be paying more than $50 for an HLG-120H-54A! But you may still be right about the cost/value of a kit over full DIY - haven't done the math myself. But no one should be spending that kind of money on that driver! (At least not in the US; I don't know what kind of prices...
  14. Humple

    2000 watt grow replacing 1 light with LED newbie

    But what makes SF's spectrum balanced? How have they determined the correct ratios for "balance"? And you must know that a 3000k LED is more than just a single wavelength.
  15. Humple

    Possible better lighting option....

    I agree with the rest that if you can swing more than $100, and you don't mind putting a kit together, you will absolutely love the HLG light. I have a few myself, and they're excellent. But at under $100, I can't see you properly lighting a 2x2 with worthwhile LEDs.
  16. Humple

    Possible better lighting option....

    To be completely frank with you, at under $100 you'd be better off forgetting LED altogether. Go with a cheap HPS.
  17. Humple

    LED help

    It's not a big space, so a 4" should handle it just fine. AC Infinity has been a big hit lately, so maybe check into their lineup.
  18. Humple

    Possible better lighting option....

    What's your max budget?
  19. Humple

    Sp250 or hlg260v1?

    HLG, for sure. As other posters have pointed out, you'll get higher quality components and more power, as well as great customer service from a respected company. If you're concerned about form-factor and light spread, you could piece together your own build on HLG's site, using the Slate 2...
  20. Humple

    2000 watt grow replacing 1 light with LED newbie

    Holy shit. That's a proper photon blanket right there!