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  1. Humple

    DIY with Quantum Boards

    Damn, I feel bad for you guys. Never had any problems with my wife. Seventeen years, and it just gets better.
  2. Humple

    DIY with Quantum Boards

    Hell hath no fury...
  3. Humple

    Sativa madness

    Still flowering at 50w/sq ft, eh? You're a braver man than I. But it definitely seems to be working for you, so blaze on! I am curious if you could get similar results at lower wattage, though. Do you think there's any possibility that you're past the point of diminishing returns?
  4. Humple

    White Rhino cabinet experiment

    Nice. Is that 80cm wide, or 80cm tall? What HPS/LED are you thinking of using to replace the CFL?
  5. Humple

    DIY with Quantum Boards

    Dude. What the fuck! I don't want to trash talk anyone's woman, but that shit... What the actual fucking fuck!?
  6. Humple

    DIY with Quantum Boards

    Dude. That fucking sucks. My condolences!
  7. Humple

    DIY with Quantum Boards

    Pardon?? Spray paint?
  8. Humple

    2001-2018 a DIY led Odyssey

    Thanks for sharing the pics of the proto-board. Good stuff!
  9. Humple

    New quantum board QB324!

    I'm no lighting pro, but my guess would be no, two 324s wouldn't penetrate better than three 288s. You'd have more points of light and a better spread with 864 diodes across three boards than 648 diodes across two boards. The light would be hitting the canopy from more angles, which - according...
  10. Humple

    Grandmaster Level - HLG Quantum Boards vs 1000w HPS side by side (youtube)

    Just curious - was there some drama over lighting for the Solo cup comp? Were people actually insisting that only LED be used? If so, that's straight bullshit in my opinion.
  11. Humple

    Grandmaster Level - HLG Quantum Boards vs 1000w HPS side by side (youtube)

    How big would the op have to be to persuade? You don't think it could be scaled up from a large room to a warehouse?
  12. Humple

    Grandmaster Level - HLG Quantum Boards vs 1000w HPS side by side (youtube)

    If he were using DEs against the HLG550s, I don't think anyone in their right mind would consider that a fair competition.
  13. Humple

    Grandmaster Level - HLG Quantum Boards vs 1000w HPS side by side (youtube)

    Honestly, I don't have any interest in the Solo cup comp. But I do think anyone should be able to use any light they please. That includes LED, HID, fluoros, whatever floats your boat.
  14. Humple

    Grandmaster Level - HLG Quantum Boards vs 1000w HPS side by side (youtube)

    We'll have to wait for the dry weight before we pop any corks, but to be fair, it isn't like we haven't already seen LED outperform HPS like this. But if the LED wins, it will be nice to have another reference we can offer the unbelievers - though based on past experience, I do fully expect a...
  15. Humple

    Considering throwing my hat in the DIY LED ring.

    The one space in the market that seems to have the most room for growth (and I'm no expert, so this is just a layman's opinion) is in pre-built, strip-based, retail fixtures. Fluence and Suncloak are the only ones I know of that offer those (if anyone knows of any others, please do tell), and...
  16. Humple

    DIY with Quantum Boards

    What strain was that?
  17. Humple

    HLG550 vs Gavita? Anyone with experience with either/both?

    I'm with you on the ridiculous claims, and relying on datasheets over experience is certainly not the way to go, but what do you have against strip lights?
  18. Humple

    Lukios Secret Garden

    Honestly, I think he got what he deserved. The way he treated people was downright shitty. That's something you can get away with when you're just another nameless schmoe on the internet, but if you're running a business, that bullshit catches up eventually.
  19. Humple

    3500k vs 4000k vs 5000k ?

    Couldn't agree more. I think all the to-do over spectrum is just a bit much. Seems like chasing the tail.