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  1. Humple

    DIY with Quantum Boards

    Looks great! Yeah, those kinds of set-backs are fucking maddening. I had a "timer issue" (i.e., I made a careless mistake) in my other tent and it took me more than a week to discover that the lights had been on 24/7. By that point the plants had begun to reveg. Lots of new green leaves poking...
  2. Humple

    DIY with Quantum Boards

    Very interesting! How was the yield at 160w?
  3. Humple

    DIY with Quantum Boards

    I think that the "secret" to (comparatively) low-light/high-yield is in uniformity. It makes sense that being able to distribute photons evenly across the canopy, using multiple points of light, would require less power. So it isn't just LED's efficiency that makes it so compelling, it's the...
  4. Humple

    When QBs are cheaper than strips?

    As I stated, I would have to buy the aluminum for a frame, and running two at 75w means more aluminum for heatsinking. So no, I don't want to pay a little more for the brain-dead easy solution, I want to pay a little less.
  5. Humple

    DIY with Quantum Boards

    I'm currently experimenting with lower light myself. I've got one of my 2.5'x2.5' tents at 150w in flower (at 5 weeks), and so far it's looking damn good. In the same space I've tried both 250w and 200w. I'd say that 250w (40w/sq ft) is definitely too much for the strains I'm growing right now...
  6. Humple

    Fluence LED's shorten flower cycle

    I'm hovering around 1g/w for the time being. Better growers than I are consistently pulling considerably more. And if by cheap you mean Mars Hydro, Viparspectra, Kind, Platinum, Advanced, or any of the other Chinese blurples, don't think you can make any kind of accurate judgement about the...
  7. Humple

    When QBs are cheaper than strips?

    Yeah, I've seen dudes fit them end-to-end, side-by-side, but I spaced mine out enough to give me airflow between the boards. Seems to work just fine!
  8. Humple

    When QBs are cheaper than strips?

    Ah yes, the eBay strips. Seems like a good deal, for sure, but after the frame and hardware, I don't know that I'd be saving enough to make it worthwhile. The QB132 is still the front-runner!
  9. Humple

    Pigs grow

    I've got three distinct phenos of HSO Blue Dream myself. One of them definitely has the twisting leaves trait. That pheno also smells remarkably and overwhelmingly like Welch's grape juice, and after a long cure it picks up a creamy scent. It's also the most sativa-leaning of the three. Trying...
  10. Humple

    When QBs are cheaper than strips?

    With my no-heatsink requirement, I'm pretty sure the EB Gen 2s are actually a little more expensive. I'd need 6 of the 2 footers, which comes out to around $50, and the HLG-80H-20A is around $35. Granted, this would give me an extra 10 watts or so to play with, without worrying about going over...
  11. Humple

    When QBs are cheaper than strips?

    Yes, I considered that, but my 2.5'x2.5' tents are both running 480 diodes at up to 250w (4xQB120), and I've been happy with the performance there, so I'm not fully convinced it's going to make enough of a difference. Especially in such a small space. I'm open to being convinced though!
  12. Humple

    ChilLed New Cob Replacement

    Yes, everything I've seen from ChilLED looks like quality to me. I just doubt the value of their enhanced spectrum. Hopefully more of them will start to show up on the forums so we can really see what they're capable of. I'll be more than happy to find out that my skepticism is misguided!
  13. Humple

    ChilLed New Cob Replacement

    Well, for that matter, I'm not so sure about ChilLED's boards either. When a number of growers using those lights demonstrate consistent, measurable improvements in quality and/or yield, then I'll be convinced. Until then, I'm a skeptic.
  14. Humple

    When QBs are cheaper than strips?

    So I've been planning for a while now to redo the lighting in my cab. The cab has three chambers: the top is approximately 19"x48"x23" (D/W/H), and is where I keep seedlings and clones; the two bottom chambers are both 19"x23"x48" (D/W/H). This post concerns the two bottom chambers. Currently...
  15. Humple

    ChilLed New Cob Replacement

    I'm still not convinced that these custom, targeted spectrums even make an appreciable difference unless you're growing in a lab. I know that some horticultural scientists have done testing which supports this assertion, but there are so many factors involved that it seems like we're on the edge...
  16. Humple

    Reflective vs white room for quantum boards

    What size cab, and what lights were you running? Love hearing about old grow setups!
  17. Humple

    Fluence LED's shorten flower cycle

    Wanna bet?
  18. Humple

    Sun light still better then led?

    Check out for the different kits and boards available. If you don't mind a little extra work (it really isn't much more difficult), I can do you one better than a kit and suggest a from-scratch build using QB132s - the 132 is a 75 watt QB that doesn't need a...
  19. Humple

    Sun light still better then led?

    Start with a QB kit and you don't have to know anything but "plug this wire into that hole". Then the bug bites you and you're up to your ears in research...
  20. Humple

    Sun light still better then led?

    It isn't that difficult, bro. Especially if you use Quantum Boards - strips may be the new king of the hardcore DIY scene (understandably so), but you can't beat QBs for affordable, easy entry into LED. Worth every penny!